ASCII Game Series: Pinball

ASCII Game Series: Pinball

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Tip to save time autokey
Tekijältä Adam Jensen 007
Autokey is allowed in repeptitive mundane tasks
How to use a simple autokey
Edit: This guide was really for myself for future use. However, I figured other people may need it. Therefore, I made it
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Please see screenshot below

any autokey that allows you to repeteadly press space bar will work!

8 kommenttia
CCCP ☭ ZOV 24.3.2020 klo 5.02 
i make this script with AHK

sleep 2000


Send {a down}
Send {space}
sleep 8000
Send {a up}
Adam Jensen 007  [tekijä] 13.4.2018 klo 14.57 
any autokey that allows you to repeteadly press space bar will work!
Adam Jensen 007  [tekijä] 11.4.2018 klo 15.01 
no problem it will save so much time just go afk
opl ❍_❍ veccy 11.4.2018 klo 14.29 
infinitely thank you^^ xD
Adam Jensen 007  [tekijä] 3.4.2018 klo 12.19 
The vintage feeling 3.4.2018 klo 12.14 
Keep up the quality uploads, Jensen!

Adam Jensen 007  [tekijä] 3.4.2018 klo 9.39 
you can just idle the the game this way for 1 hour and get 100% achievments
OG Big NoyZ 3.4.2018 klo 9.33 
Nice one mate