Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

141 évaluations
Loadout Ideas
Par Saloon Samual et 3 collaborateur(s)
Just a bunch of Loadout Ideas me and some others came up with in our spare time
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Scout Loadouts
Summer Boyee
"Be the fastest mann on the sand with this hot set"

Items: Lucky No. 42, Summer Shades, Aloha Apparel

"Just because the battlegrounds are filthy does not mean I have to be"

Items: Bacteria Blocker(Without Headphones), Crock Combatant (Australium Yellow), Flunkyware

Bad Elf
"Merry Simissmas kiddo, I'm going to bash your frickin' teeth in"

Items: Big Elfin' Deal (South Pole), Courtier's Collar (After Eight), Harlequin's Hooves (After Eight)

Air Control
"Soaring the (not so friendly) Skies"

Items: Bombing Run (Balaclavas Are Forever) Flapjack (Balaclavas Are Forever) Planeswalker Goggles

MC Scouty
"You Already know who it is! MC Scouty in the hiz-ouse!"

Items: Baseball Bill's Sports Shine, Triad Trinket (Style does not matter), Champ Stamp


Items: Greased Lightning, Jungle Jersey, Brooklyn Booties (Painted A Distinctive Lack Of Hue)

The Mail Mann
"I gotta package ere for a uhh...Seymore Asses?"

Items: Messenger's Mail Bag, Well-Rounded Rifleman (Painted Team Spirit), Fast Learner

Kiddie Slope Conqueror
"Only barely made it"

Items: Thermal Tracker, Snowwing, Antarctic Eyewear

"Sadly does not come with talking map or backpack"

Items: Bootenkhamuns, Aloha Apparel, Pithy Professional

Scout from The Legion (By Slamm)
"Kill every Titan you see...or Heavys.You know what just kill people that seem to be taller then usual"

Items: Antarctic Eyewear (Painted Radigan Conagher Brown), Airborne Attire, Orion's Belt

High Master Scout
"Flow like water, be as swift as the wind, cry like a baby"

Items: Legendary Lid, Southie Shinobi, Sole Saviors

Joscoute Joestar

"Australium is Unbreakable"

Items: Punk's Pomp, Blizzard Britches (Painted Zepheniah's Greed), Flapjack (Painted Australium Gold)

Professor Scoutington

"He may not have gone to collage, but he'll still school you reguardless"

Items: Ticket Boy (Painted Radigan Conagher Brown) Reader's Choice, Pomade Prince

Cool Kid
"Give me your lunch money, nerd"

Items: Cool Cat Cardigan, Punk's Pomp, Graybanns (Style 1)

Breakdancer from Boston
"I could do this for money. I don't, but I could"

Items: Brotherhood of Arms, Wipe Out Wraps, Blizzard Britches


Items: Spooktacles, Spooky Sleeves, Spooky Shoes

ScouterMan: Homerunning (By Plushy)
"ScouterMan, ScouterMan, Does whatever a scout main can"

Items: Frickin' Sweet Ninja Hood, Pyrovision Goggles, Weight Room Warmer (Painted Team Spirit)

Magic Boyee
"Scootdo, Scootday, your ma has the ultra gay!"

Items: B'aaarrgh-n-Britches, Champ Stamp, Void Monk Hair

Strike Commander Jeremy
"I've got you in my sights"

Items: Cadet Visor, Punk's Pomp (Painted Australium Gold), Dead of Night Dead of Night (Light, Painted Team Spirit)

Scoutline Miami
"Gotta get a grip"

Items: Horrific Head of Hare (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Jungle Jersey (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Blizzard Britches (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)

Pink Scout
"Ey b0ss, can I hab de b0nk pls?"

Items: Bacteria Blocker (Without Headphones, Painted Pink as Hell), Thermal Tracker (Painted Pink as Hell), Breakneck Baggies (Painted Pink as Hell)

The Magician
"Hocus Pocus, you have no Focus"

Items: Frenchman's Formals (Dashing, Painted Cream Spirit), Mustachioed Mann (Style 2), A Well Wrapped Hat (Style does not matter)

Jeremy Belmont
"It is said that every 100 years the wizard Merasmus comes back from the dead and a member of the Mann Co. Company must step forward to oppose him. Unfortunatly he killed most of them so this is what we have to work with"

Items: Flapjack (Painted Muskelmannbraun), Front Runner (Indifferent, painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Teufort Tooth Kicker (Painted Radigan Conagher Brown)

Green Plumb Dumb
"Always second best"

Items: Dictator, Ye Olde Baker Boy (Painted Indubitably Green), Thermal Tracker (Painted Indubitably Green)

Space Jeremy
"Pew, Pew"

Items: Punk's Pomp, Track Terrorizer, Forest Footwear (Painted Radigan Conagher Brown)

Skinny Weapons Guy
"Yo, I'm the freakin' Skinny Weapons Guy and uh, this is my gun, pretty sweet I know"

Items: Flak Jack, Troublemaker's Tossle Cap (New School, Painted Dark Salmon Injustice), Digit Divulger (Leather Open)

"Back in my day, we would have had this point capped already!"

Items: Fed Fightin' Fedora, Reader's Choice, Juvenile's Jumper (Plain)

Level 100 Boss
"This how TF2 Work"

Items: Cool Cat Cardigan (Painted Team Spirit), Mustachioed Mann (Style 1, Painted Radigan Conagher Brown, Millennial Mercenary (Playing 2Fort)

High Octane
"Gotta Chug Fast"

Items: Bottle Cap (Crit-a-Cola Style, Painted The Bitter Taste of Lime and Defeat), Caffeine Cooler (Sharing is for Wusses Style, painted The Bitter Taste of Lime and Defeat), Fuel Injector (Running on Fumes or Side-Valve Styles)

Bumble Brat

Items: Flight of the Monarch, Bumble Beenie (Painted Die Job), Wild Whip (Painted A Distinctive Lack of Hue)
Soldier Loadouts
The Real Soldier
"Alright Ladies, Hoist up your skirts and put on your big girl panties cause we're going in!"

Items: Shellmet, Flakcatcher, Coldfront Curbstompers

Dark Wizard
"Crits for all...At a price"

Items: Crit Cloak, Supernatural Stalker, Horn Blower

Judge Soldier
All rise for the 'Honerable' Judge Soldier

Items: Dead Of Night (Dark - Hide Grenades), Powdered Practitioner (Classical, Painted an Extra Abundance of Tinge), Marshall's Mutton Chops

Janetero Doestar
"Flare Platnium! Za Mapo!"

Items: Rebel Rouser (A Distinct Lack Of Hue), Dead Of Night (Dark - Hide Grenades, Painted A Deep Commitment To Purple), Man In Slacks

Dynasty Soldier
"Crouching Jump, Screaming Eagle"

Items: Legendary Lid, Gift Bringer (Distinct Lack of Hue), Man In Slacks

Slope Slayer
"The Hill Hog"

Items: Soldier's Slope Scopers (Pro, Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Bruiser's Bandanna (Clean, painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Antarctic Parka (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)

"Merry Smismiss, I got you bullets this year!"

Items: Ornament Armament, Kringle Collection, War on Smissmas Battle Hood (No Helmet)

"You call this a war? I've been in games of chess more intense than this!"

Items: Lumbricus Lid, Lord Clockswain's Novelty Mutton Chops and Pipe (Style does not matter), Diplomat

Elderly Ace
"I used to be one hell of a pilot, but every pilot needs to be grounded eventually"

Items: Ground Control, Mistaken Movember (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance Of Tinge), Veterans Attire

Soldier from Down Under

Items: Hellmet, Bonedolier, Brimstone (No Hat)

"First he shoots a Crocket, then he steals your Pocket"

Items: Classified Coif, Man in Slacks, Ebenezer (painted After Eight)

Wasteland Mann

Items: Hero's Hachimaki, Merc's Mohawk, Flakcatcher

InJane Doevid

"Which one of you brainless maggots is ready for an ass whoppin'!?"

Items: Stainless Pot, Captain's Cocktails, Mistaken Movember (Painted Mann Co. Orange)


"He commands things"

Items: Honcho's Headgear, Veterans Attire, Man in Slacks

Baron Soldier
"Strike The Earth"

Items: Hornblower, Coldfront Curbstompers (Painted Team Spirit), Warsworn Helmet (Painted Team Spirit)

Salty Dog
"You'll have a whale of a good time with him"

Items: Condor Cap, Mistaken Movember (Painted Aged Moustache Grey), Veterans Attire

Liberity Prime
"Crush, Kill, Destroy, Freedom!"

Items: Founding Father, Colonial Clogs, Battle Bird (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)

Bold and Brass
"More like: I'll kicks your ass "

Items: Diplomat, Dumb Bell (Painted Cream Spirit), Ornament Armament (Painted Cream Spirit)

"Brains, Haircuts, Hippies, BRAAAINS!"

Items: Lieutenant Bites the Dust, Voodoo-Cursed Soldier Soul, Crack Pot

Vampire Slayer
"This is my world, you are not wanted IN MY WORLD!"

Items: Vampire Vanquisher, Exorcizor, Hornblower

Sky High
"HE IS APOLLO 11!!!"

Items: Battle Bob (Without Helmet, Painted A Deep Commitment to Purple), Dead of Night Dead of Night (Light - Hide Grenades, painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Breakneck Baggies

Souped Up Spotter
"If he sees you he'll make sure to let everyone know"

Items: Public Speaker, Cross-Comm Crash Helmet, Coldfront Curbstompers
Pyro Loadouts
Mister(?) 101 (UPDATED)
"I'm Too much!"

Items: Torcher's Tabard, Nose Candy (Happy), Burning Beanie

Santa's Little Helper (UPDATED)
"Spreading Christmas Cheer, One Housefire at a Time"

Items: Pyro The Flamedeer, Flammable Favor, Sweet Smissmas Sweater

Deep Sea Scavanger
"I wonder if it's ever seen the titenic"

Items: Death Support Pack, Neptune's Nightmare, Space Diver


Items: Nabler, Pyrobotics Pack, Charred Chainmail


Items: Lunatic's Leathers, Merc's Mohawk, Face of Mercy

The 'Stay At Home' Pyro
"It cooks, cleans, and removes sappers from unwanted nest invaders"

Items: Pampered Pyro, North Polar Fleece (Painted Team Spirit), Hot Huaraches (Painted Radigan Conagher Brown)

Mad God
"At least, we think it's mad. We can't really tell to be honest"

Items: Pop-eyes, Aztec Warrior, Deity's Dress

Dead Set
"On solving any mystery, and without a talking dog"

Items: Last Breath, Hot Case (Painted A Distinctive Lack of Hue), Burning Question (Painted A Distinctive Lack of Hue)

"Veri Skeeri"

Items: Apparition's Aspect (Painted any color, but I prefer Cream Spirit), Arkham Cowl, and Pretty much any Pyro Jacket you can think of, go nuts with this one

Flaming Future Fighter
"Super Fighting Robot...Mega Mann!"

Items: Triclops (Roasting), Crusader's Getup, Rugged Respirator

Number 13
"die, Die, DIE"

Items: Last Breath, Wraith Wrap, Exorcizor

Chuckles The Creep
"Hey kids, want some c a n d y ?"

Items: Nose Candy (Horrific), Ghastlierest Gibus (Ghastlierest), Lunatic's Leathers

Mr. Normal Man Guy
"Nothing to see here folks, just another normal human just like you doing human things"

Items: Marxman (Yes, Cigar), Federal Casemaker, Soot Suit (Painted After Eight)

Nature God

"It grows on ya"

Items: Jungle Wreath, Mr. Juice (Painted Indubitably Green), Deity's Dress (Painted Indubitably Green)

Wait, What?
"Who's this? Who let him into this guide!?"

Items: Foster's Facade, Summer Shades, Stately Steel Toe


Items: Person in the Iron Mask, Pop-eyes, Space Diver

Smissmas Kid
"Merry Smismass to all, and to all a good fight"

Items: Napper's Respite, Sweet Smissmas Sweater, Robin Walkers (Painted Cream Spirit)

Spiritful Skippy
"He cleans vomit off the deck"

Items: Apparition's Aspect, Little Buddy, Trickster's Turnout Gear (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)


Items: Exorcizor, Brotherhood of Arms, Breakneck Baggies

New Year Dragon
"He has a bright future"

Items: Pyrotechnic Tote, Sengoku Scorcher, Aztec Warrior

Sushi Chef
"Slice n' Dice"

Items: Sengoku Scorcher (Painted After Eight), Employee of the Mmmph (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Hot Huaraches (Painted Muskelmannbraun)


Items: Steel Sixpack, Black Knight's Bascinet, Charred Chainmail

Grandma Snuffet
"Sit down kiddies as I spin you a web"

Items: Madame Dixie (Painted A Deep Commitment to Purple), Exorcizor (Painted A Deep Commitment to Purple), Arachno-Arsonist (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge, Radigan Conagher Brown, or No paint)

"Nuttin' personal kid, it's just business"

Items: Burning Question (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Soot Suit (Painted After Eight), Breakneck Baggies (A Distinctive Lack of Hue)

"Pumping those Funky Fresh Beats"

Items: Dead Beats (Style does not matter), Cute Suit (Style does not matter), Pyro In Chinatown (compact)

Under da S e a
"Glub Glub Bub"

Items: Bubble Pipe, Vicious Visage, Space Diver

"Consider this payback"

Items: Wanderer's Wear, Pyr'o Lantern, Horrific Headsplitter
Demo Loadouts
Loched and Loaded
"It may LOOK like he knows what he's doing, but he probably doesn't"

Items: Shin Shredders, Blast Blocker, Blast Defense

"He's pretty chill"

Items: Breakneck Baggies, Weighroom Warmer, Stylish Degroot

Ye Olde Bomber
"Ay, who needs some fancy grenade launcher when you can just lob a few ol' bombs, eh?"

Items: A Whiff Of The Old Brimstone, Spirit of Bombing Past, Toowoomba Tunic (Peasent)

Valhalla's Mightiest Warrior
"With the horns of a ram and the stance of a drunktard, he's the single most lethal thing with a single eye"

Items: Gaelic Garb, Cool Breeze, Warsworn Helmet

The Explosion Man
"He likes to make the Big Splosion"

Items: Bomber Knight, Double Dog Dare Demo Pants, Double Dynamite

"It's High Boom"

Items: Hat With No Name, Demo's Dustcatcher, Teufort Tooth Kicker, Teufort Tooth Kicker (Painted Radigan Conagher Brown)

Dem-Snow Mann
"Anyone got any mittens?"

Items: Snow Sleeves, Double Dog Dare Demo Pants, Woolen Warmer

Suited Up
"He can take a beating, trust us"

Items: Hurt Locher, Juggernaut Jacket, Frag Proof Fragger (Painted After Eight)

Ship Captian
"No, not of a pirate ship, and the name of his boat is does not have the word 'see' in it"

Items: Patriot Peak (Style does not matter, Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Dictator (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Mann of the Seven Sees (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)

Officer Demo
"Lethal Force Authorized"

Items: Blind Justice, Law, Dead of Night (Dark - Hide Grenades)

Early Bird
"You know what they say: The Early Bird get's the Crit"

Items: Robin Walkers, Weight Room Warmer, Reggaelator (Original, Painted Team Spirit)

The One True King

Items: King of Scotland Cape, Tartantaloons, Bruce's Bonnet

"Hand off me Lucky Bombs!"

Items: Whiskey Bib, Carouser's Capotain (Painted Indubitably Green), All-Father (Thunderstruck, Painted Radigan Conagher Brown)


Items: Dangeresque, Too?, Treasure Hat (Treasure Hat), All-Father (Classic), Frying Pan

"Ah, they grow up so fast.."

Items: Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head, Horsemann's Hand-Me-Down, Voodoo-Cursed Demoman Soul

Buzzed Lightyear (By Alleged)

Items: MK 50, Juggernaut Jacket (painted Indubitably Green), Hurt Locher (Painted Indubitably Green)

Freelance Demo
"Light em' up"

Items: Breakneck Baggies, Juggernaut Jacket, Hunter in Darkness

War Monger
"He eats fear and ♥♥♥♥♥ nightmares"

Items: Tartantaloons, Dark Age Defender, Hood of Sorrows

Calimari Captian
"Watch it squidhead!"

Items: Hat of Undeniable Wealth And Respect (H.O.U.W.A.R.), Cap'n Calamari, Mann of the Seven Sees

Demolition Man
"If you were huntin' trouble lad, you found it!"

Items: Tough Stuff Muffs (Montreal Style (No Earmuffs), Painted After Eight), Bearded Bombardier (Style does not matter), Blast Blocker

Dignified Demo
"A consumer of fine wines and explosives"

Items: Whiskey Bib, Gaelic Glutton, Scotsman's Stove Pipe (Tasteful and Refined, Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)
Heavy Loadouts
Ye Olde Mayor
"Howdy Howdy, Let's get Rowdy"

Items: Sinner's Shade, Yuri's Revenge, Commissar's Coat

The (Russian) Winter Soldier
"Soviet Killing Machine"

Items: All Father (Thunderstuck), Polar Bear, Sleeveless in Siberia

Jet Set Heavy
"Place your bets now Ladies and Gentlemen"

Items: Audio File, Deus Specs, Triad Trinket (Bear)

PUBG Heavy
"Winner, Winner, Sandvich Dinner, Lunch, Breakfast, pretty much every meal really."

Items: Eliminators Safeguard (Visor Down), Siberian Sophisticate, Mann Of The House

Evil Heavy
"He vill svash you leik Boog"

Items: Eye-catcher, Purity Fist, Die Regime-Panzerung

Sans Undertale
"It's Time....FOR THE ANTI-FUN!"

Items: Pugilist's Protector (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Spooktacles, Weight Room Warmer (Painted The Value of Teamwork)

Hipster Heavy
"Why can't more people be like ME?"

Items: Tyurtlenek, Graybanns (Style 3), Mo'Horn (Painted Pink As Hell)

Ocean Mann
"He'll take you by the hand then throw you into the sea"

Items: Commissar's Coat, Cuban Bristle Crisis (Painted Extraordinary Abundance Of Tinge), Starboard Crusader (Professional, Painted Extraordinary Abundance Of Tinge)

Duk Knuckim

Items: Heavy Lifter, Nuke, Jungle Booty

Mann of War
"It is unfair to use gun on such a tiny baby man...but I do not care and will use it anyways"

Items: Gone Commando, Siberian Tigerstripe, Fat Man's Field Cap (Painted Zepheniah's Greed)

Loan Shark
"Either you pay in Ruble or in blood, heavy will get something out of you either way"

Items: Tuxxy, Minnesota Slick (Painted After Eight), Mustachioed Mann (Style 1, Painted After Eight)

『Heavy Metal』
"Insert JoJoke Here"

Items: War Head, Bolshevik Biker, Mad Mask

Hol Horse
"The gun is mightier than the sword"

Items: Mann Of The House, Saxton, Heavy's Hockey Hair (Painted Australium Gold)

Heavy Of War

Items: Combat Slacks, Heavy Lifter, Unshaved Bear (Painted Radigan Conagher Brown)

Faton Hale
"You just interrupted my breakfast steak, a crime that you will pay WITH YOUR LIVES!"

Items: Saxton, Dictator, Heavy Lifter

Mhad Doktor's Creation
"It's as terrifying as it is orignal"

Items: Big Steel Jaw of Summer Fun, Bolshevik Biker, Robot Chicken Hat (Beakless)

Misha Rose
"From the hit band 'Big Guns and Steel Roses' "

Items: Voodoo Juju, Triad Trinket (Bear), Heavy's Hockey Hair

Skater Bro
"Skate free or die, man"

Items: Summer Shades, Weight Room Warmer, Trash Man

"I will suck out tiny baby man's blood! Is nothing personal."

Items: Tsar Platinum, White Russian (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Yuri's Revenge (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)

Hell-vy Weapons Boy
"What makes a Mann a Mann? Is it the size of his gun? The way he makes itty bitty team fear him? Yes."

Items: Steel-Toed Stompers, Horned Honcho, Hunter Heavy


Items: Tipped Lid (Painted After Eight), Airborne Attire, Wild West Whiskers

The Aged Merc (by Winter Schnee ♥先輩)
"I'm getting too old and giant for this"

Items: Siberian Sweater, Yuri's Revenge (Painted Aged Moustache Grey), Heavy's Hockey Hair (Painted Aged Moustache Grey)

Bad Cop
"I'm afraid you're under arrest for smuggling 50 pounds of crack~"

Items: Macho Mann, Heavy Artillery Officer's Cap, Bolshevik Biker
Engineer Loadouts
"Biple Baple"

Items: Tin-1000, Iron Lung, Dead'er Alive

"He'll erect you an ass whoppin' if you're out past 10pm"

Items: Dad Duds, Big Country (Nelson, Painted Radigan Conagher Brown), Cuban Bristle Crisis (Painted Radigan Conagher Brown)


Items: Teacher's Tunic, Engineer's Cap, Flash Dance Footies

"He's not fat, he's just big boned! (At least, that's what he payed us to tell you)"

Items: Level 3 Chin, Egghead's Overalls, Trucker's Topper

He fixes things

Items: Trash Toter, Tools of the Trade, Winter Backup

Plumb Dumb

"He helps you clean your pipes ;)"

Items: Plumber's Cap, Trencher's Tunic, Mutton Mann

Unquestioned Insanity

Items: Brainiac Goggles, Insulated Inventor (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance Of Tinge), Flash of Inspiration


"It's not easy hitting a pile of metal with a wrench and shooting sneaky french men, so how about you take a break. You've earned it."

Items: Lonesome Loafers, Aloha Apparel, Texas Slim's Dome Shine

IndiaNOPE Jones
"Something something, giant boulder chase, something something"

Items: Hat With No Name, Egghead's Overalls, Conaghers' Utility Idol

"He just wants to cut you open and explore your insides...for research"

Items: Cute Suit (Style does not matter), Phononaut, Virtual Viewfinder (Painted Cream Spirit)

Uncle Max

Items: Professor's Peculiarity (Manic), Aloha Apparel, Dry Gulch Gulp

The New Old Fastioned Way
"Mann's Not Bot"

Items: Head Mounted Double Observatory (Painted A Distinctive Lack of Hue), Timeless Topper (Painted Cream Spirit), Iron Lung

"Hey look buddy, I'm a privet eye, which means I solve problems"

Items: Dead of Night (Dark), Cuban Bristle Crisis, Federal Casemaker (Painted After Eight)

"Back in my day..."

Items: Dad Duds, Buckaroos Hat, Grizzled Growth (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)

"Say Hello to my little friends!"

Items: Pocket Pyro, Aim Assistant (Style does not matter), Mini-Engy

Mobster Grunt
"Anythin' for da boss"

Items: Tough Stuff Muffs (Montreal Style (No Earmuffs)), Trencher's Tunic, Flared Frontiersman (Painted Operator's Overalls)

"He's been to every corner of the globe from Dustbowl to Banana Bay"

Items: Pencil Pusher, Builder's Blueprints (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Globetrotter (Style does not matter)

" B a n d i s c o o t s "

Items: Rocket Operator, Googly Gazer (Mad Science, painted Operator's Overalls), Master Mind (Painted Mann Co. Orange)

Medic Loadouts

Items: Das Hazmattenhatten, Coldfront Carapace, Voodoo-Cursed Medic Soul

Mystery Solver
"I deduce my dear boy, that ribs, do indeed, grow back"

Items: Private Eye, Nine-Pipe Problem (Afternoon), Medical Mystery

Hoodoo Voodo
"He's got friends on the other side"

Items: Voodoo Juju, Exorcizor, Grim Tweeter

Mhad Doktor
"I am of two minds about this, both are...STUPID!"

Items: Platinum Pickelhaube, Fashionable Megalomaniac, Smock Surgeon

Calling In Sick (UPDATED)
"All I wanted to do was take a day off but nooo, I had to come in because these idiots can't stop getting shot"

Items: Doctor's Sack, Doc's Holiday (Style Does Not Matter, Painted A Mann's Mint), Robin Walkers (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance Of Tinge)

Natural Healing
"Got the Flu? Small Pox? Rash? Just rub some mud over it and call me in the morning"

Items: Planeswalker Helm, Antlers (Style Does Not Matter), Burly Beast

Thunder God
"Master of all things Crits Based"

Items: Weather Master, Burly Beast, All-Father (Thunderstruck)

Himmel Hoch
"always had his head in the clouds"

Items: Dictator, Field Practice, Scourge of the Sky

War Doctor
"He has a degree in dismemberment"

Items: Warsworn Helmet, Das Metalmeatencasen, A Brush with Death

White Wizard


Items: Ruffled Ruprecht, Angel of Death, Crone's Dome (Painted Waterlogged Lab Coat)

Saxton Heal


Items: Saxton, Burly Beast, Ze Übermensch (Painted Radigan Conagher Brown)

Mann of the Hour
"Good Evening"

Items: Das Blutliebhaber, A Brush with Death, Das Fantzipantzen (Painted Operator's Overalls)

Spacial Surgeon
"Get out of my personal space"

Items: Lo-Grav Loafers, Surgeon's Space Suit, MK 50


Items: Gaiter Guards, Scourge of the Sky (Painted After Eight), Physician's Protector (Painted After Eight)

Legally Insane (By 45▲)
"Come out, I will heal you I sware!"

Items: Das Maddendoktor, Ward, Medi-Mask

"I wonder what this does.."

Items: Scrap Pack, Quadwrangler, Das Maddendoktor

Captian Meemlious III
"Here we go, off the rails, don't you know it's time to raise the sails? Well now you do so GET IT DONE DUMMKOPF!"

Items: Ruffled Ruprecht, Dough Puncher (Painted After Eight), Salty Dog (Smoky, Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)

Low Down Drac (By IAmZeMedic)
"Blood Sucker Below your nose"

Items: Foppish Physician (Epaulettes, Painted Team Spirit), Das Gutenkutteharen, Tomb Readers

Rebell von Dampf
"Because why fix something when you can just lop it off and replace it with a cool robotic one?"

Items: Full Head of Steam, Foppish Physician (Epaulettes, Painted Radigan Conagher Brown), Blighted Beak (Vibrio Cholerae)

Canibalistic Cook
"Finally, some good ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ f o o d"

Items: Smock Surgeon, Madmann's Muzzle, Tuetonic Toque (Painted Operator's Overalls)

Archaic Accommodations
"Medical Master for Medieval Mercenaries"

Items: Point and Shoot, Emerald Jarate, Medical Monarch (Style 1)
Sniper Loadouts
"Nimble and as free flowing as the wind. Accurate as a cross eyed baby"

Items: Head Prize (Muskelmannbraun), Marksman's Mohair, Birdman of Australiacatraz (Muskelmannbraun)

Grandpappy Snip Snipe
"Always Disapointed"

Items: Professional's Panama, Outback Intellectual, Bushman's Bristles


Items: Bounty Hat, Eye-Catcher, Down Under Duster

"Long Live The King"

Items: Class Crown, Five-Month Shadow (Style 1), Scoped Spartan

Game Hunter (UPDATED)

Items: Shooter's Sola Top (Team Spirit), Most Dangerous Mane, Poacher's Safari Jacket

Dark Knight

"No, not the one you're thinking of"

Items: Dark Falkirk Helm (Closed), Archers Groundings, Toowoomba Tunic (Peasant)

Hitman Of The Future
"One Shot, Probably going to miss but hey, even in the future highly trained gunmen are not perfect, but they're close"

Items: Chronomancer, Hawk-Eyed Hunter, Hunter in Darkness

"WARNING! People can still see you"

Items: Head Hedge (Painted Zepheniah's Greed), Marksman's Mohair (Painted Zepheniah's Greed), Bruiser's Bandanna (Clean, Painted Zepheniah's Greed)

Thermal Threat

"Cold as Ice"

Items: Puffy Polar Cap, Scoper's Smoke, Extra Layer

Moon Mann
"It does not hunger for burgers, it hungers for asses to probe and heads to shoot"

Items: Potassium Bonnett (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Dead of Night (Light - Hide Grenades, Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), HazMat Headcase (A Serious Absence of Fear, Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)

『Invisible Man』
"Incredable how he can see right through you"

Items: Arkham Cowl, Final Frontiersman, Villain's Veil (Trained Killer, Painted After Eight)

Trained Gunn
"I'm going to plant one right between your eyes..."

Items: Professional's Ushanka, Snow Sleeves, Most Dangerous Mane (Painted Aged Moustache Grey)


Items: Hat With No Name, Down Under Duster, Teufort Tooth Kicker

Holy Archer

"Now, picture this arrow as God. I am going to put God into whoever I see fit"

Items: Anger (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance Of Tinge), Guilden Guardian (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance Of Tinge), Huntsman's Essentials (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance Of Tinge)

Atreus (By ♡Smol Ella♡)
"The Boi"

Items: Poacher's Safari Jacket, Triggerman's Tacticals, Merc's Mohawk (Painted Radigan Conagher Brown)

"The TRUE Aimbot"

Items: Final Frontiersman, Teufort Knight, Airborne Attire

Headshooting Horseman
"Heads Up"

Items: Horseless Headless Horsemann's Head, Voodoo-Cursed Sniper Soul, Scoped Spartan

Flamboyant Flamingo
"Now only available in 3 designer colors: Red and Blu, we lied about the third color"

Items: Marksman's Mohair, Doublecross-Comm, Flamingo Kid

The Professional Oversmoker
"Got a light?"

Items: Outback Intellectual, Marxman (Yes, Cigar), Scoper's Smoke

The Formal Gunmann
"Be Polite, Be Efficient, Have a plan to kill everyone you meet"

Items: Handsome Hitman, Rifleman's Regalia, Breakneck Baggies (Painted A Distinctive Lack of Hue)

Officer Mundee
"Ready to shoot and be the underappreciated side-kick"

Items: Law, Triggerman's Tacticals, Airborne Attire

Mass Murdering Mundee
"Nothin' personal mate, but I'm just better"

Items: Hallowed Headcase, Triggerman's Tacticales, Marksman's Mohair (Painted A Distinctive Lack of Hue)

Old Seadog
"His days of sailing and sharp shooting are well behind him but he still insists on going out there"

Items: Salty Dog (Smokey, Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Mislaid Sweater, Most Dangerous Mane (Painted Aged Mustache Grey)
Spy Loadouts
"Straight from the year 20XX"

Items: Nanobalaclava, Rogue's Robe, Upgrade

"Hoodoo Your Voodoo"

Items: Scarecrow, Frenchman's Formals (Dashing), Shadowman's Shade

Pappa Spy
"That's My Boy!"

Items: Reader's Choice, Belgian Detective, Business Casual

PayDay 2
"DOSH! (I don't play PD2, please don't kill me)"

Item: Dead Head, Sneaky Spats of Sneaking, Lurker's Leathers (Wall Street)

Payed Vacay
"Because if anyone needs it, It's me"

Items: Aloha Apparel, A Hat to Kill For, Tomb Readers

"At last, more than usual"

Items: Ebenezer (Painted A Distinctive Lack of Hue), Frenchman's Formals (Dastardly), Sneaky Spats of Sneaking

"Heard you like vanishing acts"

Items: Point and Shoot, Distinguished Rogue (Epaulettes, Painted Team Spirit), Spectre's Spectacles

Secret Agent
"Tell No one"

Items: Assassin's Attire, Tomb Readers (Painted After Eight), Fancy Fedora (Painted After Eight)


"Let them eat cake"

Items: Dictator, Class Crown, Distinguished Rogue (Tie)

『Lonely Road』
"I bet some people can't STAND how many of these I'm putting in"

Items: Exorcizor, Janissary Ketche, Noh Mercy

Mann of Sin
"Only seen upon the day of Judgement"

Items: Grim Tweeter, Voodoo Cursed Spy Soul, Aristotle

"There's your ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Dark Souls Refrence, are you happy now!?"

Items: Rogue's Robe (Painted An Air of Debonair), Foul Cowl, Dark Helm


Items: Reader's Choice, L'Inspecteur, Blood Banker (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)

Ninja Spy
"aka, the loadout for spys mains who are both edgy AND weeaboos, A 2 for 1 deal!"

Items: Ninja Cowl (Painted After Eight), Rogue's Robe (Painted After Eight), Breakneck Baggies (Painted After Eight)

Hidden Horsemann
"They'll never see it coming"

Items: Fowl Cowl, Voodoo Cursed Spy Soul, Headless Horseless horsemann's Head

Snake Mann

Items: Executioner (Painted Drably Olive), Backstabber's Boomslang (Painted The Bitter Taste of Defeat and Lime), Slithering Scarf

Hardened Criminal
"Anything is legal as long as no one sees so keep your eyes off of me if you want to still use them after"

Items: Merc's Mohawk, Eye-Catcher, Escapist (Style 2)

The Spy-Crow
"I'll take a Corn on the Cob, shucked not stirred"

Items: Scarecrow, After Dark, Nightmare Hunter (Painted Operator's Overalls)


Items: Lacking Moral Fiber Mask, Lurker's Leathers (Wasteland, Painted A Distinctive Lack of Hue), Eye-Catcher (Painted Aged Moustache Grey)

I don't need a clever title, I'll let the video speak for itself

Items: Charmer's Chapeau, Made Man, Dressperado

The Full Time Funny Mann
"Now preforming year round!"

Items: Rogue's Brogues (Painted Cream Spirit), Frenchman's Formals (Dastardly, Painted Cream Spirit), Tipped Lid (Painted Cream Spirit)

The Elmstreet Slasher

Items: Nightmare Hunter (Painted Radigan Conagher Brown), Escapist (Style 1, Painted Team Spirit), Breakneck Baggies (Painted After Eight)

The Faithful Dead
"He has come back from the dead to give the living hope, just give him around three days to respawn if he perishes though"

Items: Spectre's Spectacles (Painted Australium Gold), Exorcizor (Painted A Distinctive Lack of Hue), Voodoo-Cursed Spy Soul

Worldtraveler's Wedding Wear
"Spin the wheel, take a chance, every journey starts a new romance"

Items: Something Special For Someone Special, Frenchman's Formals (Dashing, Painted Team Spirit), Citizen Cane (No Glasses, Painted an Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)
Mult/All Class
"Toataly 90's brah"

Items: Summer Shades (A Bitter Taste Of Lime And Defeat), Weightroom Warmer (Australium Gold OR A Bitter Taste Of Lime and Defeat), Rotation Session (Style 1, Pink as Hell)

Bone Zone

Items: Skull Island Topper, Bonedolier, Spooktacles

Contruction Boyee
"Bob The Fix It"

Items: Aperture Labs Hard Hat ([classified], Australium Gold), Pyrovision Goggles, Prinny Pouch

Budget Prom Tux
"What? It was not even 10 bucks"

Items: Tuxxy, Reader's Choice, Ghastlierest Gibus (Ghastly)

Balloonicorn Fan

Items: Dead of Night (Light - Hide Grenades, Painted Pink As Hell), Flashdance Footies (Painted Pink As Hell), Balloonihoodie (Painted Pink As Hell)


Items: Breakneck Baggies, Weight Room Warmer, Tundra Top

Ice Cream Mann
"The King of Frozen Dairy"

Items: Tuxxy, Mustachioed Mann (Style does not matter, painted After Eight), Tough Stuff Muffs (Montreal Style (No Earmuffs) Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)

Holiday Spirit
"A good set to wear when filling your 'friends' with ho-ho-holes"

Items: B.M.O.C., Flashdance Footies (Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Dead of Night (Light - Hide Grenades, Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge)

Retardimus Maximus
"Fortnite > TF2"

Items: Pyrovision Goggles, Military Grade JACK Hat, Bruiser's Bandanna (Clean, Painted Aged Moustache Grey)

"That Demopan is a spy!"

Items: Bounty Hat, Graybanns (Style 3, Painted An Extraordinary Abundance of Tinge), Frying Pan

"Rock and Stone!"

Items: All-Father (Style does not matter), Nasty Norsemann, Dead of Night (Dark - Hide Grenades)
Contributors and how to become a contributor

Thomas (Myself)

Nurse Doki Chara


♡Smol Ella♡



Winter Schnee ♥先輩


How to Become A Contributor

write a comment down below about a loadout idea that you have and it might be added to the guide. If your idea get accepted, you'll be added as a contributor with the loadout of whatever class you choose

52 commentaires
Saloon Samual  [créateur] 22 mai 2023 à 20h57 
No way
Crimson 22 mai 2023 à 19h18 
Loxin 13 mai 2022 à 5h51 
Class: Engineer
Loxin 13 mai 2022 à 5h50 
Name: Fat Officer

Items: Lugermorph, The Level Three Chin, Law, License to Miam.
John Doe 31 mars 2022 à 18h45 
Thief Sniper: Chronomancer, Final Frontiersman, and That '70s Chapeau
cave scoutson
greased lightning (aged moustache grey)
mutton mann (aged moustache grey)
dead of night (dark hide grenades)
Mega456Pikachu 30 sept. 2021 à 18h19 
King Dedede Heavy:

Magnificent Mongolian
Chicken Kiev
Gift Bringer
Necro Smasher
Šime Josip 30 juil. 2021 à 10h10 
Grimm hatte
Miser's Muttonchops(paint:Ye olde rustic colour)

Name: Amish Medicine
Dr Kritz and Shitz 27 mars 2021 à 18h40 
Scout forgot to sa y that
Dr Kritz and Shitz 27 mars 2021 à 18h40 
Spitfire (Named after the WW2 aircraft)

Airdog, Fuel Injector running on fumes with Balaclavas Are Forever, and Thrilling Tracksuit