

87 ratings
Planet Specialising Edicts (2.0/2.1)
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1.426 KB
Mar 5, 2018 @ 12:00pm
May 25, 2018 @ 10:30am
3 Change Notes ( view )

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Planet Specialising Edicts (2.0/2.1)

Because I like planet edicts and specialising planets.

I've no idea why planet edicts were removed and changed into empire edicts either. So I did some new ones for planets.

Each edict has a base cost of 100 influence and base duration of 50 years.

Each provides a boost to the appropriate production, and a penalty to other production.

I'll update the following blurb when I have a moment to check localisation:
Industrial Focus requires a Mineral Processing Plant (I or II) or Hab Mining thingy on the planet.
Energy Focus requires an Energy Hub/Nexus thingy or Hab Solar Power Plant thingy.
Agricultural Focus requires a Hydroponics Farm or Hab Agri thingy.
Research Focus requires level 2 specialised research facility or Hab Science thingy.

All the edicts are mutually exclusive. Once you pick a specialisation, you are stuck with it for 50 years. No backsies. Click the right one.

The AI does use these intelligently.

Built against Stellaris v2.0.1. Works fine with v2.1.
Does not modify any vanilla files.
Should be fine with a current save-game.
Does not need AlphaMod. Will work with AlphaMod. Not included in AlphaMod.
Not Ironman achievement compatible.

Want to say thanks for the mods I make? Clicky one and cheers for your consideration!
Team4star Dec 27, 2018 @ 9:18pm 
awesome thanks for the quick reply. Love your mods
AlphaAsh  [author] Dec 27, 2018 @ 2:54am 
They're dead. Wiz.
Team4star Dec 26, 2018 @ 10:20pm 
Hey Ash are these 3 mods planned to be updated to 2.2 or they dead? Just wondering cuz I have em in a pack and want to know if it's worth keeping them in the pack or just pull em out?
Khaosius Aug 31, 2018 @ 2:40pm 
Rip. Would it be possible to create one easily? I've found that I passionately hate sectors but don't want to micromanage 20+ planets. Any suggestions?
AlphaAsh  [author] Aug 31, 2018 @ 1:47am 
Sorry, nope.
Khaosius Aug 30, 2018 @ 10:54pm 
@alphaash Hey mate, just found your mod collection. Do you have anything that would make planets auto build without being in a sector?
AlphaAsh  [author] May 31, 2018 @ 11:41pm 
I'm aware. Already done.
TechSY730 May 31, 2018 @ 5:18pm 
I know you have updated the version number to 2.1, but I just want to make sure you are aware of a breaking scripting change in 2.1 the developers didn't do a good job letting modders about:

Your scripts may be doing the wrong thing silently if you need to update them.
Velaroz May 17, 2018 @ 3:05pm 

Yeah, fanatic spiritualist is why it got me there. Didn't know that was a limiter. XD Good to know, and makes a bit of sense.
AlphaAsh  [author] May 17, 2018 @ 2:56pm 
Or you're playing Fan Spiritualist.

potential = {
not = { has_edict = industrial_focus }
not = { has_edict = agricultural_focus }
not = { has_edict = energy_focus }
or = {
has_building = building_engineering_facility_2
has_building = building_engineering_facility_3
has_building = building_engineering_facility_4
has_building = building_physics_lab_2
has_building = building_physics_lab_3
has_building = building_physics_lab_4
has_building = building_biolab_2
has_building = building_biolab_3
has_building = building_biolab_4
has_building = building_hab_laboratory_module
owner = {
NOT = { has_ethic = ethic_fanatic_spiritualist }