Portal 2

Portal 2

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Queen's Co-Op Tests
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All of yours truly's Cooperative Testing Courses. Some of these will have bugs that I cant fix
Luomukset (20)
Button Testing 2P
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
Same as Button Testing. But this time its quicker to solve as you have a SINGLE PLAYER EDITION: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1312190521...
Buttons, Traps, Gels (Everything) 2P
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
"Greetings Test Subject. If you are hearing this that means you are taking the Scientist's path to the test. Not the elevator. Please take the elevator." -Cave Johnson SINGLE-PLAYER VERISON http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1311069455...
Everything Connects 2p
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
Hello everyone! I really hope you enjoy this test chamber. Autosaves included! The only test Chamber that doesnt have them is the hardest one with... the most... traps... Yeah thats gonna be updated... Anyways! Enjoy! NOTICE: The reason the Crusher has no ...
Extra Gel Experiments 2P
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
*VOLUME WARNING. CRUSHERS ARE LOUD* A simple collection of Gel Tests that are more difficult variations of ones in Portal 2. For example the Blue Gel test is a harder version of the first appearance of Wall Bouncing with Repulsion Gel! Co-op is a big help ...
Miniture appearances of ALMOST everything. 2P
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
Everything has some small appearance. In a generallized sense. So instead of "Conversion Gel" or "Repulsion Gel" its just "Gel" Please go find the Single-Player version yourself. I explained this in more detail there....
Seperate by Touch
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
*MUST SEPERATE AT START IN ORDER TO PLAY, DO NOT DIE OR YOU MUST RESTART MAP* You can see eachother. But you cannot interact with eachother physically until the end. You must work together to reach eachother in the end. *REQUIRES ACTUAL TEAMWORK* ...
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
Even the entrance wants to kill you....
Invert Colors
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
A bunch of simple tests, that all involve one main concept. One room is non-portalble. The other room is completely portalble. Please let me be aware of exploits and/or glitches if you encounter them! Also let me know what you think of the unique way Auto-...
Special Fizzlers Part 8: Absolute Fizzler
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
REASON FOR CO-OP: Co-op unlocks it's full potential. Absolute Fizzlers are the same as normal fizzlers. But it also destroys your partners portals in Co-Op. This one is NOT on par with the others due to the fact that Im not good with Co-Op maps....
We Were Here
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
We Were Here This Co-op map is mainly a reference to some of the easier to make in PeTI puzzles in We Were Here (A free game on Steam) and the ending, with a twist so the map can actually end. Difficulty: Varies on which side you choose Hazards: Laser Fiel...
Track Aether Bravo Co-Op - A Drop-Down Tube Ride
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
A Drop-Down Tube Ride After the Art Therapy testing course, ATLAS and P-body took a ride down a tube and ended up outside the normal testing track. Difficulty: Simple Hazards: High Energy Pellet, Falling...
Track Aether Bravo Co-Op: Sending a Signal
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
Sending a Signal ATLAS and P-body enter the very first two subject Sendificator test chamber, which is located in Shaft 16 of the old facility. Difficulty: Simple Hazards: Laser Beams, Goo ...
Wheatley's Failure Part 19: Two Little Robots and a Test of Checkpoints
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
"I found two little robots back here, Built specifically for testing!" -Wheatley What if we got to see what the test he made for them was?...
Track Aether Bravo Co-op: Overdoing It
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
This next test involves a large amount of laserfields and fizzlers. Good luck, killing machines...
Track Aether Bravo Co-Op FINALE -Something Borrowed, Something New
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
Hey guys. I know some of you will be disappointed in me for this part. But i didnt care for this series. This map was my goodbye to the series. And I'm only going to make Co-op maps when i want to. They dont have to be a part of a series I never wanted to ...
Cooperative Era Testing Initiative - 1950's Era
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
In this new and short series. We'll be looking at the Co-op modes of every single Era! 50's - 80's then P1, Overgrown, P2, then possible BTS!...
Cooperative Era Testing Initiative - 1970's Era
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
This next test has an odd Cave Johnson recording. Dont mind it...
Cooperative Era Testing Initiative - 1960's Era
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
In this next test. You are in a 1960's Era Sphere. meaning Flamethrowers...
Cooperative Era Testing Initiative - 1980's Era
Tekijä: Cubie Judy
In this test chamber. The Testing Sphere is broken open...