The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Lunasa "Home is where Chew Toy is" (v 2.0)
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Mar 1, 2013 @ 1:12am
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Lunasa "Home is where Chew Toy is" (v 2.0)

(There is an update of "Lunasa, home is where Chew Toy is" to avoid possible conflicts, I uploaded a new file. To the few who subscribed to the old one, before installing the new one: dismiss Lunasa, and go to another cell, to be safe, then save. Disable the old plugin and the subscribe to the new mod. Lunasa and her chew toy will be near where you first found her, just behind the Windhelm Stables. Nothing new has been added, just some tweaks to get rid of glithes. )

Lunasa is a Vale Sabrecat that can be found just behind the Windhelm Stables. Near her, you will also find what looks like a badly gnawed Horker Tusk. This is actually Lunasa's Chew Toy. Lunasa is very attached to her Chew Toy. In fact, she will return to wherever you drop her toy, and consider it home. Oh, she also doesn't yap constantly, and glows in the dark when angry. What more could you want in a pet?


For a valinna-compatible mod based on the same idea, with a wolf, sabrecat and crab available as companions, see "Pet Vendor Gorob":


Details: A Vale Sabrecat, with very slightly tweaked stats (a bit smaller, quicker recovery time between attacks, slightly upped damage, and slightly faster movement speed.)

Assuming you don't have an animal companion, she starts following you as soon as you "activate" her, meaning the first dialogue options you will get will be "Lunasa, Stay" and "Lunasa, Home."

When you tell her to go home, she will return to wherever you have left her Chew Toy. Want her to guard your custom-made keep, or Hjerim or some random patch of ground, or....? Just drop her chew toy where you want her to sleep, and she'll return there when not following you.

As a side note, she sometimes takes a little bit of time to figure out how to open a door (Skyrim AI) but will figure it out if you leave her to her own devices.
DawnGuard required.
Ambugaton  [author] Mar 10, 2013 @ 7:42pm 
Figured the animation issues might have the same type of cause: thought even some tiny lag in applying race qualities to the individual actor might cause hiccups, so I did the same with the default sabrecat package, and made sure she had it as an individual. I had also over-ridden some of the stuff (attack data, etc) from her custom race in making the individual actor. To prevent any issues arising from a possible gap, I did kind of the opposite there: I made the changes I wanted to the data of the race itself instead of to her as an individual. Hopefully the improvements hold... I'm still fumblig through playing with the CK
Ambugaton  [author] Mar 10, 2013 @ 7:42pm 
@Stratajan: Excellent, glad things cleared up :) Thanks for letting me know. I wish I had been patient enough to try some things out one-by-one to narrow the root(s) of the problem(s) but I was impatient so I did a shotgun approach. I figured the disappearing act was likely due to some issue with her skin, so instead of relying solely on the race I made for her having the right skin, I also made sure she had it.
Stratajan Mar 10, 2013 @ 10:06am 
Followed your instructions and picked up Lunasa again, then went running around in and out of doors. No disappearing, flying, or random paw waving--just the slight bobbing up and down (which does appear to be a feature of her wild cousins, too). One fully-functional glowing sabercat! Thanks for sticking with this despite the frustration. :) If it's not too nosy, what did the problem turn out to be?
Ambugaton  [author] Mar 10, 2013 @ 1:56am 
I *think* I've fixed a couple of the issues. Re-did some things, and she hasn't disappeared in a couple hours of following me around, and the twitchy animations and some of the oddities with her feet are gone. I uploaded it as a new mod to avoid possible conflicts... if you decide to download the new mod, follow the instructions in the description
Ambugaton  [author] Mar 9, 2013 @ 9:47pm 
@StrataJan thanks! I was thinking of doing the same. In the mean time I made a couple adjustments and am playing with Lunasa now. If that clears it up, I'll update.
Stratajan Mar 9, 2013 @ 9:07pm 
I just downloaded it yesterday; the disappearing has been present from the start...
Maybe there's been an update to the base Dawnguard files recently? I know very little about how those work, but I do know that the expansion is pretty buggy in general. When I get to the quest that involves free-range vale cats, I'll try to pay attention to how they move.
Ambugaton  [author] Mar 9, 2013 @ 7:52pm 
@Stratajan If you don't mind me asking, have you had the mod downloaded long, and if so, is the disappearing act recent? I ask because I've just had the same thing start happening the last few game loads the last couple days, and it's coinciding with the other issue you mention, with her not moving at all from point A then ending up at point B in some strange fashion. Didn't have either issue at all until recently and I can't for the life of me figure out the source.... Especially considering that I don't have either issue with other custom animal companions I've made in the exact same way.

Sad to say, getting to the root of it may be beyond my very limited abilities, but I'm a bit attached to Lunasa so I'll try to figure it out.

Glad you're enjoying her though!
Stratajan Mar 9, 2013 @ 7:06pm 
Hi Phreejazz,
I've got a mild case of the paw flapping/clipping issue, which is kind of odd but not problematic. (Once, Lunasa came hurtling around a corner so fast that she ended up swimming in the air above my character's body-in-a-door thrashing, though.)
Also, Lunasa sometimes turns invisible when she enters a building or cave; it's not every time, & doesn't hurt anything--she's still there, though I can only locate her by running into her--but I thought I should mention it in case it's somehow connected.
There doesn't seem to be any pattern to which buildings/dungeons will trigger the glitch & which won't, but Lunasa sometimes rematerializes after going in & out of a few areas in succession, & if not, fast-traveling always makes her visible again.
Neither of these is a fatal problem, so I'm still happily subscribed. The chew-toy is a fantastic idea, and the fact that it's attached to a glow-in-the-dark cat makes it even better. Thank you for uploading this!!
Ambugaton  [author] Mar 5, 2013 @ 10:38pm 
@Wolf and Adele, I have an issue with Lunasa's feet doing odd things when walking on some surfaces, was particularly bad in Lakeview Manor, for example. I've never had the thrashing issue though... The only physical change made from a "stock" Vale SabreCat was her size (she's a bit smaller) I'll see if changing it back affects the foot issue, and if it does I'll hope it fixes the other issue as well. I'll report back before too long... other than that I wish I could be more help. I'm not comfortable enough with things yet to start changing basic behaviors, so everything is just stock Skyrim AI.

@Crusader Glad you like, and thanks for letting me know!
Morrighan Mar 5, 2013 @ 3:39pm 
I'm having the same kind of issue as wolf153793. Lunasa looks of like she's swimming when we're stopped, and when we're moving her paws clip into the ground. I'm uploading a screenshot of her when we're stopped. I really like the idea and the mod. Maybe after I re-load the game a few times it will work better?