Hollow Knight

Hollow Knight

39 ratings
Killing the Radiance (Easy Mode)
By Crowley42
How to beat the end boss without having fun.
What you should know
Using this method you will probably be able to kill the radiance on the first try if you know her moveset, so you should refrain from this unless you are very desperate or wan't to kill her in Steel Soul mode as it banishes all challenge the fight has to offer.
What you should wear
The point of this build will be focusing on your DPS. Now there is another guide using Abyss shriek, but to cast spells you need to gather soul, and as in this guide we will only use the nail, the fight will be a lot faster.

The charms you need:

Joni's Blessing helps you survive the fight even if you have no idea what you are doing. If you think you can dodge her attacks, use anything you like, Long nail and Grimmchild are okay, but they don't do much.

Unbreakable Strenght is very important, but Fragile Strenght does the job too as you will survive the fight.

Quick Slash is vital, as it allows us to hit The Radiance like my uncle used to hit me from behind.

The spiky bois we get from Thorns of Agony will increase our DPS even further.

With this, you have Stamina, Health, Endurance, everything you could ever need.
What you should do
After challengeing The Radiance, quickly start spamming her face, keep jumping and hitting. You can pretty much ignore her attacks due to our large health pool, but don't get too greedy, if something is easy to dodge, don't waste your health.

We deal so much damage that she will skip the second half of Phase 1 and the platforming will begin immediately. Jump onto the lowest platform and the moment she appears, start spamming her again. By the time she disappears, she will be nearly dead, just follow her to the second spot and hit her a few times. The final platforming part will begin, which is hard to mess up. The fight will be trivial and she won't last a minute. (Actually it does, took me 1 minute and 26 seconds to kill her)

Good luck and don't forget to actually fight her before slaying her with this tactic.

Also, this build easily takes out every enemy in the game, except the Nightmare King, so if you are having trouble, use it anytime.
MinecraftedMario Sep 30, 2023 @ 6:35pm 
i tried a different more spell-based guide which helped me but didnt immediately obliterate the boss (and won!) this guide still helped though, as it releiably got me to phase 3 (when the [void?] starts to exist at the bottom)
Crowley42  [author] Sep 30, 2023 @ 9:19am 
Nightmare King doesn't stand still at all so you can't trade health like with the radiance. You can however spam Abyss Shriek while he is doing his phase transition for massive damage, which should skip most of the fight. You'll have to fight his first phase fair and square though, and he'll have some HP left over.

Also, if you died, try again, maybe you got very unlucky with the positioning, she should go down pretty easy on average if you can get on top of her.
MinecraftedMario Sep 30, 2023 @ 4:24am 
nahhh this guide is traaaashhh i died during this fight with these charms (jk although i did die)
MinecraftedMario Sep 30, 2023 @ 4:21am 
did you make a guide like this but for the Nightmare King? or do i actually have to get good at this game?
Crowley42  [author] May 5, 2023 @ 11:16am 
Gotta git gud for that one unfortunately. Shaman stone, quick heal, quick slash are key imo.
Reality Warper May 4, 2023 @ 7:08pm 
Okay, but what about Radiant Radiance?
crazy pyume pyume shooter thingy Feb 24, 2023 @ 3:41pm 
░░░███████ ]▄▄▄▄▄▄▄▄ - - - FIGHT AGAINST BOB AND DOGE AND SAVE STEAM!
Repost for 99 years of fortune Dec 30, 2021 @ 6:11pm 
ubadlol Dec 30, 2021 @ 4:07am 
fun fact::zote:
Crowley42  [author] Jul 21, 2021 @ 11:25pm 
Try looking into the sun for an extended period, when everything becomes white, that's when the boss fight should start.