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No Elements 13: Amalgam
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2013年2月24日 15時40分
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No Elements 13: Amalgam

An intermediate level in the "No Elements" collection.
45 件のコメント
OrlandoTiquim 7月20日 11時29分 
Agreeing with a comment down here, it was also hard for me to perform 💀
bullfrog 2023年1月20日 2時38分 
:steamthumbsup: 13/22
我爱你 2023年1月18日 14時06分 
this map is quite easy puzzle solving wise. but is it only me who's having a hard time with executing it? maybe i'm just too old for map like this
S.O.L. 2023年1月14日 23時26分 
This one is really easy compared the most of the previous tests. I just don't get the little part up there. is it just to confuse test subjects? IDK I had to problems solving this one.
bullfrog 2022年12月7日 22時37分 
hub 2022年2月3日 6時29分 
Muzozavr 2020年10月2日 15時04分 
Same concept as the previous map's ending, so this is fairly easy. Harder if you haven't solved the previous map.

One small part of the chamber (the one with the grate and a roof up top) isn't needed.
MmmmmmhHHHhhhhhhmmmm 2017年4月27日 8時22分 
Might wanna add grates around the surfaces.
qrioso 2017年1月8日 11時28分 
Took me about 15 times to do it. It was just an exercise for improving flinging. Concept already learned in a previous map of this collection which i gave up. Now i learned. Had fun. Good work. You make good maps Gigopler. Keep on. Thanks.
zigzagtenniscoe 2016年8月28日 16時43分 
Quite clever, like how at least I think you have to jump from the grating way up at the top so you don't undershoot the platform later. I'm saying "at least I think" because I did this without doing that and I undershot it. May just be me though, but there has to be a reason for it... Either way, good work. Thanks for this.