Red Faction: Armageddon

Red Faction: Armageddon

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Slew Mode | Spawning NPCS/Vehicles
Por Scruffygamer e 1 colaborador(es)
This guide will show how to use the hidden Slew Mode.

This guide isn't done. Feel free to leave any fun commands I left out down below!
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Required Version
First thing off, you need to opt into the public beta.

Here is how to do it:

Your game will do a short update. If it worked, there will be "[publicbeta]" at the end of your game's name in the library.

Just launch the game and you are done with the first step.
Accessing Slew Mode
To go into Slew Mode, go into a single player campaign. Next, press the ` key on your keyboard. Above the tab button.

Or just do ` + S on your keyboard.

Then, type these words into the console: slew_mode

Get out of console and move around. You can now go anywhere in the map, so have fun and fly around a bit and go to areas you normally couldn't on-foot.

Things you can do with Slew Mode
If you press q on your keyboard while looking at a building, you may notice that it will select the building.

However, to delete it, you will need to have an Xbox 360 controller connected to your PC, and then pressing B on it. Note that you are unable to delete the ground, or OBJ zones like the terraformer.

Some of you may be asking, "How do you spawn stuff like NPCs or vehicles or something?"

Well, I will show you after the next section.
Secret Keyboard combinations
Credits to my friend, Dominic, for discovering these.

Reload the level - ` + R

Toggle between camera inverting - ` + Y

I think it goes to different entities each time and creates a green sphere above it - ` + T

Give a random loadout - ` + I

Toggles between Slew Mode and player view - ` + S

Goes into Slew Mode, but you can fire rockets and charges - ` + D

When in Slew Mode, teleports the player to the camera - ` + J

Kills all NPCs currently alive - ` + K

Opens a visualization menu (Pause the game to use it) - ` + X

Seems to freeze your view - ` + C

Freezes time around you when in Slew Mode - Numpad 1
Spawning NPCs/Vehicles
Now here may be the most interesting section.

Many might wanna go around in a walker on a level that you normally wouldn't be able to,

or flood the map with aliens at the very beginning of the game!

There are some commands you need to input.


To spawn a creeper, do these two commands:

load_spawn_resource creeper

That will load the NPC in the map, allowing you to do this second command.

drop_squad creeper

That will spawn a creeper. Spam that as many times as you wish.

If you want to spawn a different NPC, then ask which NPC you want to spawn in the comments below.


To spawn a heavy walker, do these two commands:

load_spawn_resource heavy_walker

That will load the walker in the map, allowing you to do this second command.

drop_car Walker_Marauder_Heavy

A walker will spawn above you. But wait, why can't I enter it? Please help!

Don't worry. I got the solution. Just enter this command in the console:


It will now say "press E to enter". Your character might glitch out a bit while walking, it may take a few tries, but I garuntee it will work.

Here is how to leave. It's kind of a bug. I've only tested this on the walker.

go into slew_mode, fly very far away while facing away from the walker, leave slew mode and the camera will go back to ur player, and you will be out of the walker. this works on walker missions, too. Your player model will be invisible, but that is a simple fix. Just do player_visible in console. If it doesn't work, do it again, and your player will be visible. :)

If you want to spawn an Exo, then do this.

load_spawn_resource exo



There ya go. Have fun!

If you have any questions in the comments, I will try my best and answer them.
Other Fun Console Commands
Press ` to access the console.

I know this doesn't have much to do with this guide, I suppose I might aswell tell you these commands.

Creates an unused explosion, may be invisible. - lightning_strike

Disables gravity for your character, so have fun flying! - test_disable_gravity

To disable the above command, do test_enable_gravity

Unlimited ammo - unlimited_ammo

No reloading and cooldown - unlimited_magazine_ammo

Use things like impact, shockwave, or berserk infinitely - unlimited_nanoforge_usage

Unlimited Salvage! - unlimited_salvage

Unlimited Sprint/Stamina - unlimited_sprint

Be Godmodded - invulverable

Suicide - suicide

NPCs don't attack anything or anyone - passive_ai
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.1]
Achievements_debug - Toggles Achievements_debug
action_button_hold - Toggles Action_button_hold
action_button_hold_time - Sets Action_button_hold_time
add_passenger - Adds a passenger to the player's car
add_update_message - Displays a HUD update message.
ai_allow_only_monotonic_plans - Toggles Ai_allow_only_monotonic_plans
ai_continuous_attack_tweak - View and set various paramters for continuous attack
ai_creeper_zig_zag_amount - Sets ZIG_ZAG_AMOUNT
AI_force_alt_fire - Toggles AI_force_alt_fire
AI_force_weapon_choice - Sets AI_force_weapon_choice
ai_ignore_player - Force all AI to ignore the player, regardless of what s/he does.
ai_max_melee_regroup_dist - Sets MAX_MELEE_REGROUP_DIST
ai_melee_regroup_delay - Sets MELEE_REGROUP_DELAY
ai_use_grenades - Toggles Ai_use_grenades
aim_debug - Toggles Aim_debug
aim_reticle_elevation - Sets Aim_reticle_elevation
allow_blood - Toggles Allow_blood
allow_damage_knockdown - Toggles Allow_damage_knockdown
allow_destroyable_leap_expansion - Toggles Allow_destroyable_leap_expansion
allow_env_dof - Toggles allow_env_dof
allow_flee_to_safe_building - Toggles Allow_flee_to_safe_building
Allow_flinch_glances - Toggles Allow_flinch_glances
allow_flinches - Toggles Allow_flinches
allow_player_flying_equips - Toggles Allow_player_flying_equips
allow_ragdolls - Toggles Allow_ragdolls
Allow_tank_smash - Toggles Allow_tank_smash
Allow_vi_pass_thru - Toggles Allow_vi_pass_thru
Alt_frametime_pos - Toggles Alt_frametime_pos
always_calibrate_after_press_start - Toggles Always_calibrate_after_press_start
always_show_start_screen - Toggles Always_show_start_screen
always_show_upgrades_available_popup - Toggles Always_show_upgrades_available_popup
Ambient_player_light_offset_x - Sets Ambient_player_light_offset_x
Ambient_player_light_offset_y - Sets Ambient_player_light_offset_y
Ambient_player_light_offset_z - Sets Ambient_player_light_offset_za
ammo_box_unlimited_use - Toggles Ammo_box_unlimited_use
Anim_allow_skip_transform - Toggles Anim_allow_skip_transform
Anim_rig_debug - Toggles Anim_rig_debug
Anim_rig_opt_start_ms - Sets Anim_rig_opt_start_ms
Anim_rig_optimization - Toggles Anim_rig_optimization
Anim_rig_set_pos_presim - Toggles Anim_rig_set_pos_presim
Anim_rig_use_havok - Toggles Anim_rig_use_havok
Anim_rigs_activate - Toggles Anim_rigs_activate
Anim_rigs_disabled - Toggles Anim_rigs_disabled
Animated_spinebend_turn_shuffle_angle - Sets Animated_spinebend_turn_shuffle_angle
Animlib_multi_thread - Toggles Animlib_multi_thread
anti_fall - Toggles Anti_fall_enabled
Assert_on_weapon_fail - Toggles Assert_on_weapon_fail
Async_level_load - Toggles Async_level_load
Async_level_load_test_assert - Toggles Async_level_load_test_assert
audio_buffer_debug - Toggles audio_buffer_debug
audio_cache_clear - Toggles audio_cache_clear
audio_cache_stats - Toggles audio_cache_stats
audio_callback_debug - Toggles audio_callback_debug
audio_event_debug - Toggles audio_event_debug
audio_input_debug - Toggles audio_input_debug
audio_media_ref_count - Toggles audio_media_ref_count
audio_obj_register - Toggles audio_obj_register
audio_objevt_debug - Toggles audio_objevt_debug
audio_objflg_debug - Toggles audio_objflg_debug
audio_occlusion_output - Toggles audio_occlusion_output
audio_prefetch_debug - Toggles audio_prefetch_debug
audio_show_env - Toggles audio_show_env
audio_show_errors - Toggles audio_show_errors
audio_show_streaming - Toggles audio_show_streaming
audio_slot_debug - Toggles audio_slot_debug
audio_soundbank_debug - Toggles audio_soundbank_debug
audio_stop_all - Stop all active events
audio_stream_debug - Toggles audio_stream_debug
audio_stream_peaks - Toggles audio_stream_peaks
audio_xbmovie_support - Toggles Audio_xbmovie_support
autoaim_debug - Toggles Autoaim_debug
automobile_tire_tracks - Toggles Automobile_tire_tracks
autosave_now - Trigger an autosave
background_video_random - Toggles Background_video_random
Batched_vis_count_per_job - Sets Batched_vis_count_per_job
Behemoth_debug_render - Toggles Behemoth_debug_render
big_step_debug - Toggles Big_step_debug
big_step_ignore_speed - Toggles Big_step_ignore_speed
big_step_max_height - Sets Big_step_max_height
big_step_max_height_exo - Sets Big_step_max_height_exo
big_step_min_height - Sets Big_step_min_height
big_step_min_height_exo - Sets Big_step_min_height_exo
birds_eye_cam - toggles birds eye cam
blast_decal - Apply a blast decal by using the center of the screen as a raycast
Blast_decal_min_separation - Sets Blast_decal_min_separation
Blast_decal_min_separation_time_ms - Sets Blast_decal_min_separation_time_ms
blast_decal_player - Apply a blast decal at the position of the player
Blend_tree_crossfade_enable - Toggles Blend_tree_crossfade_enable
Blend_tree_lean_speed_target - Sets Blend_tree_lean_speed_target
Blender_blend_acceleration - Sets Blender_blend_acceleration
Blender_enable_smooth_approach - Toggles Blender_enable_smooth_approach
Blender_max_blend_speed - Sets Blender_max_blend_speed
Blender_max_fade_speed - Sets Blender_max_fade_speed
blood_decal - Apply a blood splatter decal by using the center of the screen as a raycast
blood_decal_debug - Toggles Blood_decal_debug
blood_decal_player - Apply a blood splatter decal at the player's position
Bone_constraints_debug - Toggles Bone_constraints_debug
Bone_constraints_disable - Toggles Bone_constraints_disable
Bone_lod_crossfade_speed - Sets Bone_lod_crossfade_speed
boot_to_main_menu - Boot the player to the main menu, claiming a login change occurred
break_navpoint_links - break navpoint links
Break_on_old_chunk - Toggles Break_on_old_chunk
breath_effect_enable - Toggles Breath_effect_enable
bug - Opens the bug entry screen
building_invulnerability - Toggles building invulnerability
building_smoke_plumes - Sets Building_smoke_plumes
Bullet_movable_scalar - Sets Bullet_movable_scalar
cam_config - Set offset parameters for near free camera
cam_fov - Set camera fov
cam_heading_acceleration - Sets User_rot_accel
cam_heading_max_speed - Sets Max_user_rot_rate
cam_heading_stop_time - Sets User_rot_secs_to_stop
cam_pitch_max_speed - Sets Elev_vel
Camera_43_fov_modifier - Sets Camera_43_fov_modifier
camera_alpha_collision_size - Sets Camera_alpha_collision_size
camera_auto_level - Toggles Camera_auto_level
camera_auto_level_speed - Sets Camera_auto_level_speed
Camera_blur_health_pct_start - Sets Camera_blur_health_pct_start
Camera_change_focus_tolerance - Sets Camera_change_focus_tolerance
Camera_chassis_follow_max_change - Sets Camera_chassis_follow_max_change
Camera_chassis_follow_multiplier - Sets Camera_chassis_follow_multiplier
camera_collision_alpha_enable - Toggles Camera_collision_alpha_enable
Camera_collision_debug - Toggles Camera_collision_debug
camera_collision_enable - Toggles Camera_collision_enable
camera_collision_percent_rate_in - Sets Camera_collision_percent_rate_in
camera_collision_percent_rate_out - Sets Camera_collision_percent_rate_out
camera_collision_percent_snap - Sets Camera_collision_percent_snap
camera_collision_size - Sets Camera_collision_size
Camera_elevator_mode - Toggles Elevator_cam
Camera_elevator_mode_speed - Sets Elevator_cam_speed
camera_first_person - sets or unsets first person camera mode
camera_first_person_input_exponent - Sets Camera_first_person_input_exponent
camera_fixed_on_reload - Toggles Camera_fixed_on_reload
Camera_focus_everything - Toggles Camera_focus_everything
Camera_focus_move_near - Toggles Camera_focus_move_near
Camera_focus_stall - Sets Camera_focus_stall
Camera_height_ramp_speed_min - Sets Camera_height_ramp_speed_min
Camera_height_ramp_speed_scalar - Sets Camera_height_ramp_speed_scalar
camera_invert_x - Invert the camera x axis
camera_invert_y - Invert the camera y axis
Camera_max_follow_chassis_speed - Sets Camera_max_follow_chassis_speed
camera_max_pitch_angle - Sets MAX_PITCH_ANGLE
camera_motion_blur_enable - Toggles Camera_motion_blur_enable
camera_motion_blur_max_velocity - Sets Camera_motion_blur_max_velocity
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.2]
camera_motion_blur_min_velocity - Sets Camera_motion_blur_min_velocity
camera_motion_blur_scale - Sets Camera_motion_blur_scale
Camera_movement_multiplier_test - Sets Camera_movement_multiplier_test
camera_pan_multiplier - Sets Camera_pan_multiplier
camera_positioning - Toggles Camera_position_debug_mode
Camera_refocus_max_fineaim_blur - Sets Camera_refocus_max_fineaim_blur
Camera_refocus_max_scope_blur - Sets Camera_refocus_max_scope_blur
Camera_refocus_to_blur_time - Sets Camera_refocus_to_blur_time
Camera_refocus_to_focused_time - Sets Camera_refocus_to_focused_time
Camera_refocus_tolerance - Sets Camera_refocus_tolerance
Camera_render_heading_offset - Sets Camera_render_heading_offset
Camera_rotate_with_ground - Toggles Camera_rotate_with_ground
Camera_scoped_fire_blur_time - Sets Camera_scoped_fire_blur_time
Camera_scoped_fire_max_blur - Sets Camera_scoped_fire_max_blur
camera_shake - Turn camera shake on/off
Camera_shake_energy_scaler - Sets Camera_shake_energy_scaler
Camera_shake_minimum_distance - Sets Camera_shake_minimum_distance
Camera_shake_minimum_intensity - Sets Camera_shake_minimum_intensity
camera_show_collision - Toggles Camera_show_collision
camera_show_samples_dir - Toggles Camera_show_samples_dir
camera_show_samples_pos - Toggles Camera_show_samples_pos
camera_smoothing_factor - adjusts amount of camera smoothing. number between 0 and 1
camera_sprint_autocenter - Toggles Camera_sprint_autocenter_enabled
camera_sprint_autocenter_affect_pitch - Toggles Camera_sprint_autocenter_affect_pitch
camera_sprint_autocenter_delay - Sets Camera_sprint_autocenter_delay_s
camera_sprint_autocenter_elevation -
camera_sprint_autocenter_heading_deadzone -
camera_sprint_autocenter_level_with_terrain - Toggles Camera_sprint_autocenter_level_with_terrain
camera_sprint_autocenter_max_speed - Sets Camera_sprint_autocenter_max_speed
camera_sprint_autocenter_min_speed - Sets Camera_sprint_autocenter_min_speed
camera_swing_to_target - Toggles Camera_swing_to_target
camera_third_person - sets or unsets first person camera mode
camera_third_person_lock - Toggles Camera_third_person_lock
camera_turret_smooth_damp - adjusts damp factor of turret camera smoothing spring
camera_turret_smooth_strength - adjusts strength of turret camera smoothing spring
Camera_vehicle_radial_blur - Toggles Camera_vehicle_radial_blur
camera_view_fine_aim_override -
camera_view_normal_override -
Camera_zoom_fog_override_scale - Sets Camera_zoom_fog_override_scale
Catch_unknown_deaths - Toggles Catch_unknown_deaths
Char_lod - Sets Char_lod
Character_morphs_enabled - Toggles Character_morphs_enabled
Check_ragdoll_hits - Toggles Check_ragdoll_hits
clear_debris - Clears all debris
clear_player_inventory - Removes all items from the player's inventory
clear_sim_peaks - Set show_sim_info peaks to zero.
clear_test_peaks - Set rfg_show_test peaks to zero.
clip_shape_debug - Toggles Clip_shape_debug
cloak_target - Force target to cloak
Cloth_debug - Toggles Cloth_debug
Cloth_debug_colliders - Toggles Cloth_debug_colliders
Cloth_sim_disabled - Toggles Cloth_sim_disabled
Cloud_scroll_separate_clock_scale_factor - Sets Cloud_scroll_separate_clock_scale_factor
collector_cone_half_angle - Sets Collector_cone_half_angle
collector_cone_length - Sets Collector_cone_length
Collector_start_width_offset - Sets Collector_start_width_offset
Collision_energy_threshold - Sets Collision_energy_threshold
Collision_jitter_max_depth - Sets Collision_jitter_max_depth
Collision_jitter_max_link_pct - Sets Collision_jitter_max_link_pct
Collision_jitter_min_pct - Sets Collision_jitter_min_pct
combat_maneuver_do_player_line_of_fire_checks - Toggles Combat_maneuver_do_player_line_of_fire_checks
complete_mission - Complete a specific mission
complete_missions - Complete all of the missions
complete_missions_up_to - Completes missions up to (but not including) a given mission name
component_fire_chance - Sets Component_fire_chance
console_allow_debug_commands - Toggles Console_allow_debug_commands
console_close - Close the console
console_delay - Perform a console command after the specified delay
console_delay_stop - Stop all delayed commands
console_frame_delay - Perform a console command after the specified delay (specified in frames)
console_gp_enter - Run this console command on gameplay enter...
console_offset_x - Sets Console_offset_x
console_set_bg_color - Set the background color for the console
Constraint_debug - Toggles Constraint_debug
control_bounceback_protection - Toggles Control_bounceback_protection
control_crouch_hold - Toggles Control_crouch_hold
Control_debug_bind_key - binds a key to a console command
Control_debug_key_binding_enabled - Toggles Control_debug_key_binding_enabled
control_sprint_hold - Toggles Control_sprint_hold
control_stick_digital_sensitivity - Sets Control_stick_digital_sensitivity
control_zoom_hold - Toggles Control_zoom_hold
controls_delay - Set controls delay to number specified in milliseconds.
controls_mask_wheel_btns_when_mmb_down - Toggles Controls_mask_wheel_btns_when_mmb_down
controls_mouse_multiplier - Sets Controls_mouse_multiplier
Controls_mouse_sensitivity - set the mouse sensitivity
controls_mouse_square_sensitivity - Toggles Controls_mouse_square_sensitivity
Controls_show_key_bindings - show keyboard bindings
controls_swap_trigger_and_bumper -
Controls_use_vehicle_enabled - Toggles Controls_use_vehicle_enabled
conversation_debug - Toggles conversation_debug
conversation_play - Play a conversation
conversation_stop - Stop all Conversations
Coronas - Toggles Coronas
Cover_height_approach_speed - Sets Cover_height_approach_speed
Creeper_align_enable - Toggles Creeper_align_enable
Creeper_align_min_recalc_distance - Sets Creeper_align_min_recalc_distance
Creeper_align_test_offset - Sets Creeper_align_test_offset
Creeper_allow_leap_melee_turning - Toggles Creeper_allow_leap_melee_turning
Creeper_slerp_percent - Sets Creeper_slerp_percent
Creeper_turn_shuffle_threshhold - Sets Creeper_turn_shuffle_threshhold
Critical_area_no_fail - Toggles Critical_area_no_fail
critical_area_render - Toggles Crit_area_render_debug
crouch_max_analog_mag_squared - Sets Crouch_max_analog_mag_squared
Crouch_to_stand_test_time_ms - Sets Crouch_to_stand_test_time_ms
cruise_slowdown_minspeed - Sets Cruise_slow_down_min_speed
cruise_slowdown_rate - Sets Cruise_slow_down_rate
cutscene_ambient - Toggles Cutscene_ambient
cutscene_async_load - Toggles Async_cutscene_load
cutscene_debug - Toggles Cutscene_debug
Cutscene_in_realtime - Toggles Cutscene_in_realtime
cutscene_pause - Toggles Cutscene_is_paused
cutscene_play - Play a specified cutscene
cutscene_play_from_frame - Play a specified cutscene starting at a specified frame
Cutscene_prepare_test - Toggles Cutscene_prepare_test
cutscene_skip_all - Toggles Cutscene_skip_all
damage_indicators_enable - Toggles Damage_indicators_enable
Damage_region_render - Toggles Damage_region_render
Death_camera_slow_mo - Toggles Death_camera_slow_mo
debug_audio_cs - debug_audio_cs
Debug_constraints_callback - Toggles Debug_constraints_callback
debug_displays - Toggles Debug_displays
debug_displays2 - Toggles Debug_displays2
debug_filter - Enable/disable a debug spew filter
debug_filter_reset_all - Disables all debug spew filters
Debug_filtering_enable - Toggles Debug_filtering_enable
Debug_filtering_reverse_filtering_enabled - Toggles Debug_filtering_reverse_filtering_enabled
debug_position - render a pair of arrows at the given position in world space
debug_position_camera - render a pair of arrows at the current camera position
Debug_shard_index - Sets Debug_shard_index
debug_texture - Set a texture to render on the screen
Debug_time_interpolation - Toggles Debug_time_interpolation
Decal_depth_bias - Sets Decal_depth_bias
decal_info_reload - Reloads all decal infos
Default_jump_height - Sets Default_jump_height
Default_jump_height_sprint - Sets Default_jump_height_sprint
Demo - Toggles Demo
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.3]
Demolition_slew_b_button_projectile - Set which projectile the b button will fire in destruction mode
Demolition_slew_x_button_projectile - Set which projectile the x button will fire in destruction mode
desired_destroyable_peak - Sets Desired_destroyable_peak
Destruction_direct_damage_impulse_scalar - Sets Destruction_direct_damage_impulse_scalar
Destruction_explosion_impulse_scalar - Sets Destruction_explosion_impulse_scalar
Destruction_impact_impulse_scalar - Sets Destruction_impact_impulse_scalar
Destruction_packet_spew - Toggles Destruction_packet_spew
Destruction_packet_spew_detail - Toggles Destruction_packet_spew_detail
Destruction_show_num_free_frames - Toggles Destruction_show_num_free_frames
destruction_status - get destruction status
detection - Toggles Detection
difficulty_level - set difficulty level
direct_control_acel - Sets Direct_control_acel
disable_all_spawning - Toggles Disable_all_spawning
disable_allocator_logging - turn off debug logging for named allocator(s)
disable_allocator_render - turn off debug rendering for named allocator(s)
disable_cloak - Disables NPC Cloaking until reenabled
Disable_combined_stitch_mopp - Toggles Disable_combined_stitch_mopp
disable_creeper_lipsync - Toggles disable_creeper_lipsync
disable_detour_hulls - Toggles Disable_detour_hulls
disable_difficulty_selection - Toggles Disable_difficulty_selection
disable_effects - Toggles Effects_disable
Disable_foot_trigger_syncing - Toggles Disable_foot_trigger_syncing
disable_ik - Toggles Disable_ik
Disable_ik_hit_cache - Toggles Disable_ik_hit_cache
disable_intercept - Toggles Disable_intercept
disable_leap_action - Toggles Disable_leap_action
disable_leap_combat - Toggles Disable_leap_combat
disable_leap_combat_prob - Toggles Disable_leap_combat_prob
disable_leap_limiter - Toggles Disable_leap_limiter
disable_run_and_gun - Toggles Disable_run_and_gun
Disable_tentacle_stretch - Toggles Disable_tentacle_stretch
dlc_allow_on_disk_wc - Toggles Allow_on_disk_dlc_wc
dlc_bundle_num - Sets Console_dlc_override
dlc_load_level - Load the starting zone of the current SP Mission pack
dlc_player_character_override - Set the dlc player character override.
dlc_unlock_on_disk_characters - Unlock all of the on disk dlc character overrides.
dlc_unlock_on_disk_weapons - Unlock all of the on disk dlc weapons.
dlod_debug - Toggles Show_dlod_info
Do_cs_overhead_test - Toggles Do_cs_overhead_test
Do_interlock_overhead_test - Toggles Do_interlock_overhead_test
Do_job_dispatch_test - Toggles Do_job_dispatch_test
Do_lockless_q_test - Toggles Do_lockless_q_test
Do_lwsync_overhead_test - Toggles Do_lwsync_overhead_test
Do_raw_overhead_test - Toggles Do_raw_overhead_test
Do_slist_test - Toggles Do_slist_test
Driving_deadzone - Sets Driving_deadzone
driving_steer_factor - Sets Driving_steer_factor
drop_car - Drop car in front of player
drop_car_angles - Drop car in front of player with given orientation
drop_car_pos - Drop car at a given position
drop_car_pos_angles - Drop car at a given position with given orientation
drop_exo - Drops an exoskeleton.
drop_heavy_walker - drops the marauder heavy walker into game
drop_hostile_squad - Drops a hostile squad near the player (for combat / leap testing
drop_human - Drop a character in front of the camera
drop_item - Drop item in front of the player
drop_light - Drop light in front of camera
drop_ped - Drops a pedestrian.
drop_shadow_light_height - Sets Drop_shadow_light_height
drop_squad - Drop a whole squad in front of the camera
dump_allocator_list - dump list of memory allocators
dump_allocator_stats - dump stats for the named allocator(s) to the console
Dump_chunk_filenames - Toggles Dump_chunk_filenames
dump_difficulty_info - Dumps out Difficulty Information to the console
dump_lua_globals - dump lua globals
dump_mem_usage - Dump the breakdown of memory allocations to a file
dump_mouse_raw - dump_mouse_raw_values
dump_rfg_memmgr_stats - Dump current memmgr stats to the console
dump_rfg_memmgr_usage - Dump all current rfg_memmgr usage to the console
dump_spawn_wave_info - Dumps information about the currently active spawn waves to the output window
Dump_stitch_filenames - Toggles Dump_stitch_filenames
dynamic_allocators_switch - Toggles Stream2_dynamic_allocators_switch
echo_assert_log - Echoes a string out to the asserts log
echo_debug - Echoes a string out to the debug spew
Echo_voice - Toggles Echo_voice
Effect_show_update_render - Toggles Effect_show_update_render
effects_disable - Toggles Effects_disable
effects_dump - Dump the effects to a file to be inspected.
Effects_force_update_render - Toggles Effects_force_update_render
effects_list - Prints debug info to the TTY about which effects haven't streamed.
effects_play_hand - Play specified effect at player's hand
effects_set_variable - creates a variable to be updated in an expression of an effect
enable_allocator_logging - turn on debug logging for named allocator(s)
enable_allocator_render - turn on debug rendering for named allocator(s)
Enable_bink_stream - Toggles Enable_bink_stream
enable_cloak - Enables NPC Cloaking until reenabled
enable_despawn_log - Toggles Enable_despawn_log
enable_nav_cell_cache - Toggles Enable_nav_cell_cache
Enable_vsync - Toggles Enable_vsync
Enable_vsync_forced - Toggles Enable_vsync_forced
enum_ai_actions - Enumerate ai actions
env_settings_audio_debug - Toggles Env_settings_audio_debug
env_settings_debug - Toggles Env_settings_debug
equip_player_item - Equips an item for the player.
error_filter - Enable/disable a red box of doom error filter
error_filter_level - Set the minimum displayed error level
error_filtering_enable - Toggles Error_filtering_enable
exo_debug - Toggles Exo_debug
exo_electrocute - Electrocute the nearest exo!
exo_move_multiplier_zoom - Sets Exo_move_multiplier_zoom
exos_always_teleport - Toggles Exos_always_teleport
exos_always_teleport_to_enter_point - Toggles Exos_always_teleport_to_enter_point
explosion - Create an explosion where the player is standing
explosion_allow_gibs - Toggles Explosion_allow_gibs
Explosion_directional_pct - Sets Explosion_directional_pct
Explosion_ignore_orient - Toggles Explosion_ignore_orient
explosion_jitter_falloff_start - Sets Explosion_jitter_falloff_start
explosion_jitter_min_pct - Sets Explosion_jitter_min_pct
fail_all_main_menu_checks - Toggles Fail_all_main_menu_checks
fail_main_menu_option_check - Fail a specific check for testing purposes
Fb_radial_blur_distance_fade - Sets Fb_radial_blur_distance_fade
Fb_radial_blur_radius - Sets Fb_radial_blur_radius
Fb_radial_blur_strength - Sets Fb_radial_blur_strength
Fb_radial_blur_time - Sets Fb_radial_blur_time
find_all_general_movers - Renders a line to all general movers
find_chunk - find all chunks which match the specified filter. Two wildcards (*) allowed
find_chunk_texture - find all chunks which reference the specified texture
find_debug_target - Finds the debug target
find_fuel_cell - Enable activities in game (if you started in 0410)
find_subpieces_by_cm_index - Given a chunk relative collision model index, find all sub-pieces in the targeted destroyable that match
fine_aim_max_analog_mag_squared - Sets Fine_aim_max_analog_mag_squared
fine_aim_snap_recent_list_flush_delay_ms - Sets Fine_aim_snap_recent_list_flush_delay_ms
fine_aim_snap_to_explosive_movers - Toggles Fine_aim_snap_to_explosive_movers
Fire_bullets_from_camera - Toggles Fire_bullets_from_camera
firing_max_miss_angle - Sets FIRING_MAX_MISS_ANGLE
Flinch_glance_min_distance - Sets Flinch_glance_min_distance
Flyer_control_deadzone - Sets Flyer_control_deadzone
flyer_damage_forces - Toggles Flyer_damage_forces
flyer_extra_forces - Toggles Flyer_extra_forces
flyer_hover_noise - Toggles Flyer_hover_noise
flyer_wind_noise - Toggles Flyer_wind_noise
Foliage_explosion_radius_mult - Sets Foliage_explosion_radius_mult
Foliage_max_update_ms - Sets Foliage_max_update_ms
Foliage_max_wind_factor - Sets Foliage_max_wind_factor
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.4]
Foliage_max_wind_heading_offset - Sets Foliage_max_wind_heading_offset
Foliage_max_wind_sin_offset - Sets Foliage_max_wind_sin_offset
Foliage_min_update_ms - Sets Foliage_min_update_ms
Foliage_min_wind_factor - Sets Foliage_min_wind_factor
Foliage_min_wind_sin_offset - Sets Foliage_min_wind_sin_offset
Foliage_nano_fade_time - Sets Foliage_nano_fade_time
Foliage_ref_wind_mph - Sets Foliage_ref_wind_mph
Foliage_wind_sin_strength - Sets Foliage_wind_sin_strength
Follow_player_light_offset_x - Sets Follow_player_light_offset_x
Follow_player_light_offset_y - Sets Follow_player_light_offset_y
Follow_player_light_offset_z - Sets Follow_player_light_offset_z
force_cheats_menu - Toggles Force_cheats_menu
force_compact -
Force_magic_rock - Toggles Force_magic_rock
force_melee_combat_move - force player to play this combat move for every attack
force_player_belief - Toggles Force_player_belief
fptest - Enable first person view
fptest_fov - Sets FP_test_fov
fptest_hardcore - Enable hardcore first person view
fptest_y_offset - Sets FP_test_y_offset
frame_capture_rendering_mode - Toggles Frame_capture_rendering_mode
framerate_gpu_profile - If Show_framerate_stats or Show_framerate is true, enable
framerate_query_run_test - Runs a framerate query in the specified territory at the specified location.
Framerate_stats_target - Sets Framerate_stats_target
Free_fall_collision_check - Toggles Free_fall_collision_check
Free_play_time_per_turn_ms - Sets Free_play_time_per_turn_ms
freeze_camera - Toggles Freeze_camera
fsm_repulse_icons_radius_mod - Sets Fsm_repulse_icons_radius_mod
Full_nav_debug - Toggles Full_nav_debug
game_clock_display - Toggles Game_clock_debug_display
game_clock_scale_factor - Sets Game_clock.m_time_scale
game_clock_set - set the current game time
game_preload - Toggles Game_preload
game_profile - Toggles Game_profile_simple
game_profile_history - Toggles Game_profile_history
game_shutdown - Call game_shutdown from the console.
gameaudio_instance_count_debug - Toggles gameaudio_instance_count_debug
gamelog_dump_crc_maps - Create all of the CRC-to-name maps for logging
gamelog_dump_crc_maps_mp - Create all of the CRC-to-name maps for logging
gamelog_dump_crc_maps_wc - Create all of the CRC-to-name maps for logging
gamemusic_activate_trigger - Activates a game music trigger, specified by name.
gamemusic_debug - Toggle music debug display on/off
gamemusic_end_trigger_instance - Ends an activated game music trigger, specified by instance handle.
gamemusic_reset_trigger_instance - Resets an activated game music trigger, specified by instance handle.
gamemusic_tables_reload - Reload the game music table files
Gameseq_render_stack - Toggles Gameseq_render_stack
gds_clear_peaks - clear the peaks for a specific debug screen
GDS_enabled - Toggles GDS_enabled
GDS_event_tag - Get/set the current event tag string
GDS_framerate_event_ms - Sets GDS_framerate_event_ms
GDS_framerate_logging - Toggles GDS_framerate_logging
GDS_gpu_profiler_stats_frequency - Sets GDS_gpu_profiler_stats_frequency
GDS_minor_version - Set the minor version string for GDS to use.
gds_profile - turn profiling for a specific debug screen on or off
GDS_server - Set the server for GDS to use.
gds_toggle - turn a specific screen on or off
GDS_version - Display the version string GDS is using
get_my_ip - Display the IP that external tools need to connect to
gib_human - Gib's the debug target
gib_human_head - Gib's the debug target's head
gimme - Give specific or random weapon load-out to player
give_money - give salvage to player; default is 2000
give_player_ammo -
give_player_item - Gives player the specified item
glare_free_all - free all active glares
glares_off - Toggles Disable_glares
glares_toggle - toggle glares
Glass_damping - Sets Glass_damping
Glass_debug - Toggles Glass_debug
Glass_debug_full - Toggles Glass_debug_full
Glass_enabled - Toggles Glass_enabled
Glass_exp - Sets Glass_exp
Glass_gravity - Sets Glass_gravity
Glass_impact_force_dir_percent - Sets Glass_impact_force_dir_percent
Glass_impact_force_max - Sets Glass_impact_force_max
Glass_impact_force_min - Sets Glass_impact_force_min
Glass_impact_force_scale - Sets Glass_impact_force_scale
Glass_lod_capacity - Sets Glass_lod_capacity
Glass_lod_chance - Sets Glass_lod_chance
Glass_lod_circles - Sets Glass_lod_circles
Glass_lod_enable - Toggles Glass_lod_enable
Glass_max_delay - Sets Glass_max_delay
Glass_merge - Toggles Glass_merge
Glass_merge_rand - Sets Glass_merge_rand
Glass_num_debris_objects - Sets Glass_num_debris_objects
Glass_rotation_max - Sets Glass_rotation_max
Glass_rotation_min - Sets Glass_rotation_min
Glass_rotation_scale - Sets Glass_rotation_scale
Glass_rotational_damping - Sets Glass_rotational_damping
global_progression_level - Sets the progression level for everyone.
Gondolas_force_vehicle_movement - Toggles Gondolas_force_vehicle_movement
Gps_arc_enabled - Toggles Gps_arc_enabled
Gps_arc_lookahead_dist - Toggles Gps_arc_lookahead_dist
Gps_arrows_enabled - Toggles Gps_arrows_enabled
gps_arrows_on_outside - Toggles GPS_arrows_on_outside
Gps_camera_turn_enabled - Toggles Camera_turn_enabled
Gps_camera_turn_speed_max - Sets Camera_turn_speed_max
Gps_camera_turn_speed_min - Sets Camera_turn_speed_min
Gps_minimap_icon_enabled - Toggles Gps_minimap_icon_enabled
Gps_persistent_enabled - Toggles Gps_persistent_enabled
gps_set_destination_obj - Make the current debug target the destination of the GPS
gps_unset_destination - Unset the current gps destination
Ground_cover_debug - Toggles Ground_cover_debug
ground_cover_max_raycasts - Sets Base_max_raycasts_per_frame
Ground_cover_use_player_pos - Toggles Ground_cover_use_player_pos
Havok_alternate_single_step - Toggles Havok_alternate_single_step
Havok_bpi_debug - Toggles Havok_bpi_debug
havok_bpo_counts - Display havok bpo numbers
havok_bpo_debug - Toggles Havok_bpo_debug
havok_bpo_render - Toggles Havok_bpo_render
havok_bpo_scheduler_enabled - Toggles havok_bpo_scheduler_enabled
havok_clear_test_raycast - Clear the test raycast
havok_debug - Toggles Show_havok_debug_info
Havok_debug_draw_simple_shapes - Toggles Havok_debug_draw_simple_shapes
Havok_debug_enable_MOPP - Toggles Havok_debug_enable_MOPP
havok_debug_info - Display debug info about the selected object
Havok_debug_navmesh_mopp - Toggles Havok_debug_navmesh_mopp
Havok_debug_ragdolls - Toggles Havok_debug_ragdolls
Havok_debug_render_max_distance - Sets Havok_debug_render_max_distance
havok_mem -
Havok_mem_debug - Toggles Havok_mem_debug
Havok_mem_profile - Toggles Havok_mem_profile
havok_profile - Set up profiling of Havok system
havok_profile_display_entire_tree - Toggles Havok_profile_display_entire_tree
havok_profile_dump_log - Dump the real-time log to a file
Havok_show_ragdoll_collisions - Toggles Havok_show_ragdoll_collisions
havok_test_raycast - Shoot a ray at the center of the screen
Havok_use_single_step - Toggle Havok_use_single_step
heartbeat_override - Sets Heartbeat_override
Hero_system_enabled - Toggles Hero_system_enabled
Hero_system_force_active - Toggles Hero_system_force_active
Hero_system_show - Toggles Hero_system_show
hide_loading_screen - Hides the loading screen
hierarchy_verify - Verify the hierarchy data
highlight_display_list - write the highlight table to the console.
highlight_test_purpose - Test a highlight purpose by putting a highlight on the player
hill_tracking - Toggles Hill_tracking_camera
Hinge_constraints_enable - Toggles Hinge_constraints_enable
hud_fade_in - fade in in X seconds
hud_fade_out - fade out in X seconds
hud_hit_red_intensity - Sets Hit_red_intensity
hud_show_explosives - Toggles Hud_show_explosives
hudtimer_pause -
hudtimer_stop -
hudtimer_unpause -
human_auto_resurrect - Toggles Human_auto_resurrect
Human_bone_lod_override - Sets Human_bone_lod_override
Human_close_target_mag - Sets Human_close_target_mag
Human_ik_default_rate_of_change - Sets Human_ik_default_rate_of_change
Human_ik_limb_offset - Sets Human_ik_limb_offset
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.5]
Human_ik_target_distance_tolerance - Sets Human_ik_target_distance_tolerance
Human_max_ik_attempts - Sets Human_max_ik_attempts
human_process_controllers_mt - Toggles HUMAN_PROCESS_CONTROLLERS_MT
Human_pushoff_horizontal_force - Sets Human_pushoff_horizontal_force
Human_pushoff_vertical_force - Sets Human_pushoff_vertical_force
Human_scaling_disabled - Toggles Human_scaling_disabled
Human_use_bone_lods - Toggles Human_use_bone_lods
Humans_move_with_ground - Toggles Humans_move_with_ground
humans_never_die - Toggle human never-die mode. All humans will never die.
i_killed_me - i_killed_me
Ik_limb_max_ik_percent - Sets Ik_limb_max_ik_percent
Incline_blend_tree_lerp_pct - Sets Incline_blend_tree_lerp_pct
Initial_acquisition_modifier - Sets Initial_acquisition_modifier
Inline_level_load - Toggles Inline_level_load
input_deadzone_normalize - Toggles Input_deadzone_normalize
input_deadzone_square - Toggles Input_deadzone_square
invulnerable - Toggle invulnerability
IR_display_fullscreen - Toggles IR_display_fullscreen
ir_display_num - Display a specific IR or SSAO buffer
ir_dsf_depth_threshold - Sets DSF_depth_threshold
item_angular_impulse_scalar - Sets Item_angular_impulse_scalar
item_effects -
item_linear_impulse_scalar - Sets Item_linear_impulse_scalar
Item_lod - Sets Item_lod
item_render -
Item_show_update_render - Toggles Item_show_update_render
Jitter_movers_from_destruction - Toggles Jitter_movers_from_destruction
Job_prepare - Toggles Job_prepare
jump_dodge_forward_threshold - Sets Jump_dodge_forward_threshold
jump_dodge_stick_magnitude - Sets Jump_dodge_stick_magnitude
jump_to_camera - Warps the player to the camera position
Jump_y_trail - Sets Jump_y_trail
kill_all_effects - Kills all the currently playing effects
Ladder_debug - Toggles Ladder_debug
Large_explosion_radius - Sets Large_explosion_radius
Leaderboard_page_request_size - Sets PAGE_SIZE_REQUEST
level - load a zone and the zones surrounding it
level_single - load a single zone
light_debug - Toggles Light_debug
Light_debug_show_aabb - Toggles Light_debug_show_aabb
light_debug_show_scissor_rectangle - Toggles Light_debug_show_scissor_rectangle
Light_lod_fading - Toggles Light_lod_fading
Lightning_enable_random - Toggles Lightning_enable_random
Lightning_strike - Make lightning strike in front of the player.
link_area_damage_scalar - Sets Link_area_damage_scalar
Lipsync_amplitude_decrease_fast_speed - Sets Lipsync_amplitude_decrease_fast_speed
Lipsync_amplitude_increase_speed - Sets Lipsync_amplitude_increase_speed
Lipsync_amplitude_reduce_speed - Sets Lipsync_amplitude_reduce_speed
lipsync_test - Tests lipsync by playing a line with lipsync data
list_prepared_videos - Get the list of videos prepared.
load_balance_explosion_pct - Set the chance for small, medium, and large explosions
load_script - Loads a scriptx file into memory for a given zone.
load_spawn_resource - Reloads the mission resource table and reloads the resources passed in.
loading_screen_max_memory_usage - Prints the max memory usage for the loading screen images.
loading_screen_set_layout - Sets the single player loading screen to the specified layout name
Local_player_ladder_use_delay_ms - Sets Local_player_ladder_use_delay_ms
localize_1337 -
localize_custom -
localize_dot -
localize_dot_always -
localize_set_language - Reset localized language
lock_all_weapons -
Lock_framerate - Lock the framerate to a specific value
lock_vis - Lock Visibility
Lockless_test_type - Sets Lockless_test_type
logging_address - Manually set an IP address for logging to report to.
logging_enabled - Toggles Logging_enabled
Logging_port - Sets Logging_port
Logic_object_track - Allows the statemachine debugger to look at one specific logic object.
Logic_objects_enable - Toggles Logic_objects_enable
Logic_objects_show_errors - Toggles Logic_objects_show_errors
Logic_objects_show_warnings - Toggles Logic_objects_show_warnings
lowres_screenshot -
lua_continuous_garbage_collect - Toggles Lua_continuous_garbage_collect
lua_debug_jit_enable - Enable Lua remote 'just in time' debugging.
lua_force_gc - Toggles Lua_force_gc
magoo_change_banner - Changes the banner string for the magoo.
map_icon_pixel_size - Sets Map_icon_pixel_size
material_effects_reload - Reload matfx.xtbl
Max_charge_turn_rate_fast - Sets Max_charge_turn_rate_fast
Max_charge_turn_rate_slow - Sets Max_charge_turn_rate_slow
max_explosion_unique_id - Prints max_explosion_unique_id to console
max_inactive_sync_movers - Sets Max_mp_throttle_inactive_sync_movers
max_show_navpoints_dist - Sets Max_show_navpoints_dist
Max_tank_charge_cooldown_ms - Sets Max_tank_charge_cooldown_ms
max_weapon_unique_id - Prints max_weapon_unique_id to console
melee_continuous_decay_hit_count - Sets Melee_continuous_decay_hit_count
melee_continuous_decay_min_percent - Sets Melee_continuous_decay_min_percent
Melee_jitter_radius - Sets Melee_jitter_radius
mem_usage_red - Sets Mem_usage_red
mem_usage_yellow - Sets Mem_usage_yellow
Min_moving_turn_shuffle - Sets Min_moving_turn_shuffle
Min_tank_charge_cooldown_ms - Sets Min_tank_charge_cooldown_ms
mini_icon_scale - Sets Mini_icon_scale
minimap_radius - Sets Minimap_radius
minimap_render_closest_num - Sets Minimap_render_closest_num
minimap_render_humans - Toggles Minimap_render_humans
minimap_test_decal_radius - Tests the decal system by plopping a radius decal around the player
mission_lose - Instantly lose a mission.
mission_set_enabled - set a mission node to be enabled or disabled
mission_start - Start a mission
mission_status - Show locked/completed status of all missions
mission_win - Instantly win a mission.
Monster_closet_pulse_max_size - Sets Monster_closet_pulse_max_size
Monster_closet_pulse_time_ms - Sets Monster_closet_pulse_time_ms
Motion_blur_enabled - Toggles Motion_blur_enabled
Motion_blur_scale - Sets Motion_blur_scale
Mouse_invert_y - Toggles Mouse_invert_y
mouse_sensitivity - set the sensitivity of the mouse
Movement_spline_adjust_speed - Sets Movement_spline_adjust_speed
Mover_delete_subpieces_opt - Toggles Mover_delete_subpieces_opt
Mover_jitter_max_angle - Sets Mover_jitter_max_angle
Mover_jitter_max_translation - Sets Mover_jitter_max_translation
Movers_stream_activated - Toggles Movers_stream_activated
Mp_action_cam_fov_mod_max - Sets Mp_action_cam_fov_mod_max
Mp_action_cam_fov_mod_min - Sets Mp_action_cam_fov_mod_min
MP_action_cam_player_pan_camera_chance - Sets MP_action_cam_player_pan_camera_chance
mp_allow_cheat_detection - Toggles Allow_cheat_detection
mp_allow_join_in_progress - Toggles Allow_join_in_progress
Mp_allow_slice - Toggles Mp_allow_slice
mp_am_i_server - Toggles Multi_show_am_i_server
Mp_aquarium_close_score - Sets Mp_aquarium_close_score
Mp_aquarium_far_score - Sets Mp_aquarium_far_score
mp_auto_launch_override_team_disparity - Toggles Override_team_disparity
mp_auto_launch_override_team_disparity_value - Sets Override_team_disparity_value
mp_auto_load -
mp_badge_reload_table -
mp_badge_set -
mp_bandwidth_filling_time_ms - Sets Bandwidth_filling_time_ms
Mp_bandwidth_limiting_amount_bits_incoming - Sets Mp_bandwidth_limiting_amount_bits_incoming
Mp_bandwidth_limiting_amount_bits_outgoing - Sets Mp_bandwidth_limiting_amount_bits_outgoing
mp_bandwidth_reset_after_decriment - Toggles Reset_bandwidth_after_decriment
mp_bandwidth_threshold_low_percent - Sets Bandwidth_threshold_low_percent
mp_bandwidth_threshold_med_percent - Sets Bandwidth_threshold_med_percent
Mp_camera_action_enemy_near_reticule_bonus - Sets Mp_camera_action_enemy_near_reticule_bonus
Mp_camera_action_enemy_near_reticule_dot - Sets Mp_camera_action_enemy_near_reticule_dot
Mp_camera_action_max_time_ms - Sets Mp_camera_action_max_time_ms
Mp_camera_action_min_time_ms - Sets Mp_camera_action_min_time_ms
Mp_camera_action_near_enemy_reticule_bonus - Sets Mp_camera_action_near_enemy_reticule_bonus
Mp_camera_action_near_enemy_reticule_dot - Sets Mp_camera_action_near_enemy_reticule_dot
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.6]
Mp_camera_action_nearby_enemy_bonus - Sets Mp_camera_action_nearby_enemy_bonus
Mp_camera_action_nearby_enemy_max_distance_m - Sets Mp_camera_action_nearby_enemy_max_distance_m
Mp_camera_action_nearby_explosion_max_distance_m - Sets Mp_camera_action_nearby_explosion_max_distance_m
Mp_camera_action_players_on_same_team_factor - Sets Mp_camera_action_players_on_same_team_factor
Mp_camera_aquarium_max_time_ms - Sets Mp_camera_aquarium_max_time_ms
Mp_camera_aquarium_min_time_ms - Sets Mp_camera_aquarium_min_time_ms
Mp_camera_blur_time_ms - Sets Mp_camera_blur_time_ms
Mp_camera_explosion_fov_size - Sets Mp_camera_explosion_fov_size
Mp_camera_fov_adjust_factor - Sets Mp_camera_fov_adjust_factor
Mp_camera_human_fov_size - Sets Mp_camera_human_fov_size
Mp_camera_interest_blend_time_ms - Sets Mp_camera_interest_blend_time_ms
Mp_camera_interest_lifetime_explosion - Sets Mp_camera_interest_lifetime_explosion
Mp_camera_interest_weight_explosion - Sets Mp_camera_interest_weight_explosion
Mp_camera_interest_weight_player - Sets Mp_camera_interest_weight_player
Mp_camera_no_switching_time_ms - Sets Mp_camera_no_switching_time_ms
Mp_camera_noise_frequency - Sets Mp_camera_noise_frequency
Mp_camera_noise_scale - Sets Mp_camera_noise_scale
Mp_camera_orient_adjust_factor - Sets Mp_camera_orient_adjust_factor
Mp_camera_player_max_time_ms - Sets Mp_camera_player_max_time_ms
Mp_camera_player_min_time_ms - Sets Mp_camera_player_min_time_ms
Mp_camera_quick_transition - Toggles Mp_camera_quick_transition
Mp_camera_radius - Sets Mp_camera_radius
Mp_camera_stay_dead_time_ms - Sets Mp_camera_stay_dead_time_ms
mp_change_timer - Change the multiplayer timer to another value
mp_channel - View/change the MP version channel so teams and individuals can operate independently.
mp_check_messages - check for invites on PS3
mp_choose_best_host - Toggles Choose_best_host
mp_debug_timeouts - set debug disconnect timeouts
mp_disconnect_time - Sets Reliable_packet_disconnect_ms
mp_display_bandwidth_settings - Display current mp bandwidth settings
mp_display_bandwidth_stats - Toggles Display_bandwidth_stats
mp_display_bw_stats - Toggles Display_bw_stats
mp_display_qos_buckets - Toggles Display_qos_buckets
mp_display_qos_stats - Toggles Display_qos_stats
mp_display_update_bandwidth_stats - Toggles Display_update_bandwidth_stats
mp_down_me - Downs the local player
Mp_drop_every_n_packets - Sets Mp_drop_every_n_packets
Mp_enable_bandwidth_limiting - Toggles Mp_enable_bandwidth_limiting
mp_exo_move_multiplayer_zoom - Sets Mp_exo_move_multiplier_zoom
mp_extra_level_memory_used - Prints out how much extra level memory is used
mp_force_npc_mode - Toggles mp_force_npc_mode
Mp_force_round_end - Toggles Mp_force_round_end
Mp_glow_multiplier - Sets Mp_glow_multiplier
mp_ignore_remote_files - Toggles Ignore_remote_files
Mp_infestation_dump_log - Dumps the infestation log to xe:\rf4\mp_infestation_log.csv
Mp_infestation_fail_objective - Fails the first objective it finds
Mp_infestation_kill_all - Kills all NPCs and removes respawns in the current group
Mp_infestation_kill_one - Kills a random NPC
mp_infestation_list_current_weapons -
Mp_infestation_log - Toggles Mp_infestation_log
Mp_infestation_log_num_display_entries - Sets Mp_infestation_log_num_display_entries
Mp_infestation_max_troops - Sets Mp_infestation_max_troops
Mp_infestation_max_wave - Sets Mp_infestation_max_wave
Mp_infestation_pass_objective - Passed the first objective it finds
Mp_infestation_pause_spawning - Toggles Mp_infestation_pause_spawning
Mp_infestation_print_info - Outputs all wave, group, and troop info
Mp_infestation_set_wave - Resets troops and sets the wave
Mp_infestation_spawn_monolith - Spawns a monolith
Mp_infestation_spawn_record_num - Sets Mp_infestation_spawn_record_num
Mp_infestation_unlock_all_waves - Unlocks all waves on the current infestation level
Mp_infestation_unlock_dark_mode_levels - Toggles Mp_infestation_unlock_dark_mode_levels
Mp_infestation_unlock_wave - Unlocks a specified wave on the current infestation level
mp_join_request_timeout_ms - Sets Join_request_timeout
mp_lan_force_change_host - Toggles Force_lan_change_host
mp_last_man_standing - Toggles Mp_last_man_standing
mp_list_players - List the players in the game
mp_list_synced_general_movers - Prints a list of synced general mover handles
mp_list_synced_rfg_movers -
mp_lobby_set_state - Set the game lobby's state to a specific value
mp_lobby_team_assignments_per_frame - Sets Team_assignment_attempts_per_frame
mp_long_name_all - Resets all player game data display names
mp_long_name_local - Resets the local player's game data display name
Mp_max_acc - Sets Mp_max_acc
mp_max_active_sync_movers - Sets Max_mp_throttle_active_sync_movers
Mp_max_av - Sets Mp_max_av
mp_max_extrap_time_ms - Sets Max_extrap_time_ms
Mp_max_lv - Sets Mp_max_lv
Mp_max_mover_correction_distance - Sets Mp_max_mover_correction_distance
Mp_min_near_tracking_angle - Sets Mp_min_near_tracking_angle
Mp_npc_debug_show - Toggles Mp_npc_debug_show
Mp_npc_leap_debug_show - Toggles Mp_npc_leap_debug_show
Mp_npc_movement_debug_show - Toggles Mp_npc_movement_debug_show
Mp_npc_show_player_pathfinding - Toggles Mp_npc_show_player_pathfinding
Mp_npcs_aggressive_position_sync - Toggles Mp_npcs_aggressive_position_sync
Mp_npcs_enable_position_sync - Toggles Mp_npcs_enable_position_sync
Mp_num_lives_pool - Sets Mp_num_lives_pool
MP_om_move_hold_time - Sets MP_om_move_hold_time
mp_om_orient_tol - Sets Object_mover_update_orient_sleep_tolerance
mp_om_pos_tol - Sets Object_mover_update_position_sleep_tolerance
mp_om_tele_max_time - Sets Object_mover_teleport_max_time
mp_om_tele_min_time - Sets Object_mover_teleport_min_time
mp_om_tele_orient_tol - Sets Object_mover_teleport_orient_tol
mp_om_tele_pos_tol - Sets Object_mover_teleport_pos_tol
mp_om_tele_stop_ang_vel - Sets Object_mover_stopped_angular_vel_tol
mp_om_tele_stop_lin_vel - Sets Object_mover_stopped_linear_vel_tol
mp_override_stored_qos - Overrides the stored QoS upstream bandwidth
mp_player_acceleration - Sets Mp_player_acceleration
Mp_player_debug_show - Toggles Mp_player_debug_show
Mp_player_debug_show_pos_updates - Toggles Mp_player_debug_show_pos_updates
Mp_player_debug_show_vel_updates - Toggles Mp_player_debug_show_vel_updates
Mp_player_debug_state_deltas - Toggles Mp_player_debug_state_deltas
Mp_player_edge_correct - Toggles Mp_player_edge_correct
mp_player_max_vel_correction_rate - Sets Max_velocity_correction_rate
mp_player_move_multiplayer_zoom - Sets Mp_player_move_multiplier_zoom
mp_player_move_multiplier_crouch - Sets Mp_player_move_multiplier_crouch
Mp_player_state_traffic_spew - Toggles Mp_player_state_traffic_spew
Mp_player_state_traffic_spew_get_state - Toggles Mp_player_state_traffic_spew_get_state
mp_player_sync_position_threshold_client - Sets No_sync_position_threshold_client
mp_player_sync_position_threshold_server - Sets No_sync_position_threshold_server
mp_player_sync_velocity_threshold_client - Sets No_sync_velocity_threshold_client
mp_player_sync_velocity_threshold_server - Sets No_sync_velocity_threshold_server
mp_projectile_state_spew - Toggles Mp_projectile_state_spew
mp_qos_info - Get qos info
mp_qos_server_recalculate_upstream_after_dec_ms - Sets Qos_server_recalculate_upstream_after_dec_ms
mp_qos_server_recalculate_upstream_against_bad_bw_ms - Sets Qos_server_recalculate_upstream_against_bad_bw_ms
mp_qos_server_recalculate_upstream_ms - Sets Qos_server_recalculate_upstream_ms
mp_raw_vehicle_collision - Toggles Allow_mp_vehicle_mover_collision
mp_recent_hit_time - Sets Recent_hit_time_ms
mp_release_final_timeouts - set release final disconnect timeouts
mp_reliable_half_max_size_limit - Toggles Reliable_half_max_size_limit
mp_reload_rubberbanding_table - Reloads the rubberbanding table
mp_reset_recorder - mp_reset_recorder
mp_reset_upstreams - Reset Upstream Values
Mp_revive_forbidden_angle_deg - Sets Mp_revive_forbidden_angle_deg
mp_revive_me - Revives the local player
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.7]
MP_send_process_job - Toggles MP_send_process_job
mp_session_migration_enabled - Toggles Sessions_migration_enabled
mp_set_bandwidth - Set mp bandwidth in kbits
mp_set_packet_rate - Set mp packet rate per second
Mp_show_camera_debug - Toggles Mp_show_camera_debug
Mp_show_debug_scores - Toggles Mp_show_debug_scores
mp_show_gamelog_debug - Toggles Show_gamelog_debug
mp_show_lobby_debug - Toggles Show_lobby_debug
mp_show_lobby_debug_max_events - Sets Max_shown_events
Mp_show_match_state - Toggles Mp_show_match_state
Mp_show_object_counts - Toggles Mp_show_object_counts
mp_show_platform_debug - Toggles Mp_show_platform_debug
mp_show_player_health - Toggles Mp_show_player_health
mp_show_sessions - Toggles Show_sessions
mp_show_sessions_connections - Toggles Show_session_connections
mp_show_sessions_gamedatas - Toggles Show_session_gamedatas
mp_show_sessions_info - Toggles Show_session_info
Mp_show_synced_general_movers - Toggles Mp_show_synced_general_movers
Mp_show_synced_local_variable_stats - Toggles Mp_show_synced_local_variable_stats
Mp_show_synced_rfg_movers - Toggles Mp_show_synced_rfg_movers
Mp_show_unimportant_movers - Toggles Mp_show_unimportant_movers
mp_shutdown - Pops the mp gamestate
mp_simulate_n_players_online - Sets Simulate_n_players_online
mp_spectate - Debug options for the spectator cameras
mp_spectator_camera_handle - Prints the handle for the spectator camera you're using
mp_spew_packet_types_on_disconnect - Toggles Spew_packet_types_on_disconnect
mp_start_recorder - mp_start_recorder
mp_stop_recorder - mp_stop_recorder
Mp_sync_player_transmitted_state - Toggles Mp_sync_player_transmitted_state
mp_toggle_fill - Toggles auto fill packets
MP_validate_server_mover_destruction - Toggles MP_validate_server_mover_destruction
Mp_vehicle_factor - Sets Mp_vehicle_factor
mp_vehicle_walker_correction_factor - Sets Mp_vehicle_walker_correction_factor
mp_vehicle_walker_correction_max - Sets Mp_vehicle_walker_correction_max
mp_vehicle_walker_correction_threshold - Sets Mp_vehicle_walker_correction_threshold
mp_vehicle_walker_state_spew - Toggles Mp_vehicle_walker_state_spew
Mp_verify_vectors - Toggles Mp_verify_vectors
mp_version - Multi version.
mp_waker_destruction_base_look_ahead_time - Sets Mp_walker_destruction_base_look_ahead_time
Mp_walker_debug_show_pos_updates - Toggles Mp_walker_debug_show_pos_updates
mp_walker_destruction_client_extra_lookahead - Sets Mp_walker_destruction_client_extra_lookahead
mp_walker_destruction_latency_multiplier_factor - Sets Mp_veh_destruction_latency_multiplier_factor
MP_walker_sphere_destruction - Toggles MP_walker_sphere_destruction
mp_weapon_state_traffic_spew - Toggles Mp_weapon_state_traffic_spew
multi_voice_enabled - Toggles Voice_enabled
Nano_jitter_radius_mult - Sets Nano_jitter_radius_mult
nanoforge_activation_delay_ms - Sets Nanoforge_activation_delay_ms
Nanoforge_enabled - Toggles Nanoforge_enabled
Nanoforge_show_fuel - Toggles Nanoforge_show_fuel
ncd_compound_hull_combinations_per_frame - Sets Compound_hull_combinations_per_frame
ncd_compound_hull_creations_per_nav_cell_association - Sets Compound_hull_creations_per_nav_cell_association
ncd_max_detour_convex_hulls_created_per_frame - Sets Max_detour_convex_hulls_created_per_frame
ncd_max_detour_convex_hulls_destroyed_per_frame - Sets Max_detour_convex_hulls_destroyed_per_frame
ncd_max_detour_requests_processed_per_frame - Sets Max_detour_requests_processed_per_frame
never_die - Toggle player never-die mode
new_game_plus_force - Toggles Force_new_game_plus
No_weapon_overheat - Toggles No_weapon_overheat
npc_disarm_all - Removes weapons from all existing NPCs
npc_follow_in_car_test - Toggles Npc_follow_in_car_test
npc_pf_test - Toggles Npc_pf_test
Npc_pf_test_run - Toggles Npc_pf_test_run
Npc_rpm_scalar - Sets Npc_rpm_scalar
Npc_show_handles - Toggles Npc_show_handles
npc_use_enemy_vehicles - Toggles Npc_use_enemy_vehicles
Npc_walk_cooldown - Sets Npc_walk_cooldown
Npc_weapons_always_fire_at_look_at - Toggles Npc_weapons_always_fire_at_look_at
nt_add_event - Add an event (with associated string) to the timing data for this frame.
nt_dump_data - Dump the data collected during a native timing run to a file.
nt_snapshot - Take a profiling snapshot using the native timing system
nt_snapshot_frame - Take a profiling snapshot using the native timing system (time specified in frames)
nt_start - Start a native timing run
nt_stop - Stop a native timing run
Num_consumers - Sets Num_consumers
Num_producers - Sets Num_producers
Object_active_watch - Assign a handle to watch whether the object is active.
Object_light_use_new_model - Toggles Object_light_use_new_model
object_of_interest_add - Add an object of interest
object_of_interest_clear - Clear the objects of interest list
object_of_interest_remove - Add an object of interest
object_sanity_check - Toggles Object_sanity_check
Object_update_pos_orient_opt - Toggles Object_update_pos_orient_opt
Opacity_fade_end - Sets Opacity_fade_end
Opacity_fade_start - Sets Opacity_fade_start
Oppression_override - Sets Oppression_override
Override_allow_turret_use - Toggles Override_allow_turret_use
Partial_fade_percentage - Sets Partial_fade_percentage
passive_ai - Toggles Passive_ai
Passive_tentacles - Toggles Passive_tentacles
pause - toggle pause
Pause_framerate_stats - Toggles Pause_framerate_stats
Pause_menu_scripted_enter - Toggles Scripted_pause_menu
Pause_on_focus_lost - Toggles Pause_on_focus_lost
pause_videos - pauses all currently playing videos
PC_auto_trigger_dumps - Toggles PC_auto_trigger_dumps
PC_Set_IP - Sets Console_set_ip
perfmon_init - initialize xMon (Parent/Accumulate Mode) while program already running
pf_assert_on_bad_audit - Toggles Pf_assert_on_bad_audit
Pf_island_id - Sets Pf_island_id
pf_set_edf_squad_spread_factor - Sets Rfg_pf_edf_squad_spread_factor
Pf_sub_island_id - Sets Pf_sub_island_id
pf_test_position - set position to
pf_use_turn_anims - Toggles Pf_use_turn_anims
pf_verify_new_pathing_algorithm - Toggles Verify_new_pathing_algorithm
Physics_region_render - Toggles Physics_region_render
pitch_damping - Sets Pitch_damping
play_animation_chain - Play a chain of animations on the targeted character, or player if no character is targeted
play_animation_chain_cycle - Play a looping chain of animations on the targeted character, or player if no character is targeted
play_camera_shake - play a shake animation by name
play_effect - Play specified effect several meters in front of the player
play_effect_camera - Play specified effect at the camera's position and inherits the camera's transform
play_effect_replace - Play specified effect several meters in fron of the camera, and replaces the last effect played with this command.
play_effect_test - test
play_last_effect - Replay the last effect played through the console command
play_npc_exo_active_audio - Toggles Play_npc_exo_active_audio
play_offscreen_fire_animations - Toggles Play_offscreen_fire_animations
play_video - plays a video file by name
player_3d_indicators_enabled - Toggles Player_3d_indicators_enabled
player_acceleration - Sets Player_acceleration
Player_action_node_debug - Toggles Player_action_node_debug
Player_aim_at_target - Toggles Player_aim_at_target
Player_always_ready - Toggles Player_always_ready
player_anim_y_bias_ramp_speed - Sets Player_anim_y_bias_ramp_speed
player_anim_y_bias_sprint_ramp_speed - Sets Player_anim_y_bias_sprint_ramp_speed
Player_apply_decals - Toggles Player_apply_decals
player_auto_get_up - Toggles Player_auto_get_up
player_blood_decal_fade_rate - Sets Player_blood_decal_fade_rate
player_character - Change the players model
Player_death_camera_ragdoll_speed - Sets Player_death_camera_ragdoll_speed
player_flinch - Toggles Player_flinch
Player_forced_walk_enabled - Toggles Player_forced_walk_enabled
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.8]
player_forced_walk_toggle - Toggle forced walk on or off for the local player
player_ground_lock_toggle - Toggle the player being locked to the ground he's on.
Player_health_restore_per_second - Sets Player_health_restore_per_second
Player_health_restore_wait_time_ms - Sets Player_health_restore_wait_time_ms
player_hold_allow - Toggles Player_pickup_allow
player_hold_debug - Toggles Player_hold_debug
player_hold_interpolate - Toggles Player_hold_interpolate
player_hold_max_lift_distance - Sets Player_hold_max_lift_distance
player_hold_max_lift_mass - Sets Player_hold_max_lift_mass
player_hold_max_throw_speed - Sets Player_hold_max_throw_speed
player_hold_single_spring - Toggles Player_hold_single_spring
player_hold_swap_weapon - Toggles Player_hold_swap_weapon
player_hold_throw_arc - Sets Player_hold_throw_arc
player_hold_throw_strength_max - Sets Player_hold_throw_strength_max
player_hold_throw_strength_min - Sets Player_hold_throw_strength_min
player_instant_unequip - Toggles Player_instant_unequip
Player_light - Toggles Player_shoulder_light
Player_light_always_on - Toggles Player_light_always_on
player_light_debug - Toggles Player_light_debug
Player_light_on_muzzle - Toggles Player_light_on_muzzle
player_max_movement_speed - Sets Player_max_movement_speed_override
Player_min_aim_at_target_distance - Sets Player_min_aim_at_target_distance
player_move_multiplier_crouch - Sets Player_move_multiplier_crouch
player_move_multiplier_zoom - Sets Player_move_multiplier_zoom
player_offhand_grenades - Toggles Player_offhand_grenades
player_pathfind_to_camera - Makes the player pathfind to the camera's position
Player_pitch_root_modifier - Sets Player_pitch_root_modifier
player_pratfalls - Ragdolls the player when you pull both triggers
player_render_bones - Toggles Player_render_bones
player_run_threshold - Sets Player_run_threshold
player_set_health - Set the player's health percentage.
player_set_override_blend_tree - Have the player use the specified blend tree
player_set_override_state - Use an override animation state for the player
Player_show_bbox - Toggles Player_show_bbox
player_simulate - Toggles Player_simulate
player_sprint_forward - Toggles Player_sprint_forward
Player_sprint_modifier_cancel_delay_ms - Sets Player_sprint_modifier_cancel_delay_ms
Player_sprint_toggle_cutoff_delay_ms - Sets Player_sprint_toggle_cutoff_delay_ms
Player_sprint_toggle_cutoff_stick_throw - Sets Player_sprint_toggle_cutoff_stick_throw
Player_turret_adjust_speed - Sets Player_turret_adjust_speed
player_upgrades_apply - Apply an upgrade by name.
player_upgrades_apply_all - Applies all upgrades.
player_upgrades_purchase - Try to purchase an upgrade by name.
player_upgrades_reset - Reset the player's upgrades to zero.
player_upgrades_respec - Reset the player's upgrades to zero and refunds all salvage spent.
player_upgrades_screen - Show the player upgrades screen
player_upgrades_set_parameter - Set a parameter for the player's upgrades (will be reset when any upgrade is applied).
player_upgrades_unlock_next_tier -
player_usable_object_refresh_rate - Sets Player_usable_object_refresh_rate
Player_uses_npc_collision - Toggles Player_uses_npc_collision
player_vehicle_turret_override - Toggles Player_vehicle_turret_override
Player_visible - toggle the players current visilibity
player_warp_to_uid - moves the player to the position of a uid
player_weapon_autoswap_enable - Toggles Player_weapon_autoswap_enable
player_weapon_swap_time - Sets Player_weapon_swap_time
Player_y_bias_enable - Toggles Player_y_bias_enable
pod_spawn_alien - Spawn an alien from the selected pod
Powerslide_falloff_rate - Sets Powerslide_falloff_rate
Powerslide_friction_override - Sets Powerslide_friction_override
Powerslide_handbrake_axle_friction_amount - Sets Powerslide_handbrake_axle_friction_amount
Powerslide_min_sideways_velocity - Sets Powerslide_min_sideways_velocity
Powerslide_other_axle_friction_amount - Sets Powerslide_other_axle_friction_amount
Powerslide_power_override - Sets Powerslide_power_override
Powerslide_straight - Toggles Powerslide_straight
predict_max_dist - Sets Predict_max_dist
predict_max_speed - Sets Predict_max_speed
prevent_npc_damage - Toggles Prevent_npc_damage
Print_item_list - Print Item List
print_to_file - Print out console commands to the text file console_commands.txt
print_to_tty - Print out console commands to the tty window
Profile_anims - Toggles Profile_anims
projectile_destroy_all - Destroys all projectiles in the world.
propane_fill - Toggles propane_fill
push - Apply a force to the object that the camera is pointing at
Quest_debug - Debug a specific quest by name.
R_brightness - updates the brightness correction
r_cameras - Toggles R_cameras
R_chars - Toggles R_chars
R_chunks - Toggles R_chunks
r_cull_distance - Sets the distance at which objects get culled from visibility.
r_display_mode - Sets the display mode
R_effects - Toggles R_effects
R_enable_batch_render_offset - Toggles R_enable_batch_render_offset
R_enable_blast_decals - Toggles R_enable_blast_decals
R_enable_decals - Toggles R_enable_decals
r_far_clip - Sets the far clip plane distance.
r_fog_atmosphere_scale - Sets the fog atmosphere scale
r_fog_density - Sets the fog density
R_fog_density_camera - Toggles R_fog_density_camera
R_fog_density_max - Sets R_fog_density_max
R_fog_density_min - Sets R_fog_density_min
r_fog_density_offset - Sets the fog density offset
R_fog_density_range_max - Sets R_fog_density_range_max
R_fog_density_range_min - Sets R_fog_density_range_min
R_fog_density_scale - Sets R_fog_density_scale
r_fog_enable - Toggles Fog_enabled
r_fog_ground - Sets fog ground plane
R_fog_ground_camera - Toggles R_fog_ground_camera
R_fog_ground_camera_max - Sets R_fog_ground_camera_max
R_fog_ground_camera_min - Sets R_fog_ground_camera_min
R_fog_height_density_max - Sets R_fog_height_density_max
R_fog_height_density_min - Sets R_fog_height_density_min
r_fog_noise_amount - Sets fog noise map amount
r_fog_noise_map - Sets fog map name (blah.tga)
r_fog_noise_motion - Sets fog noise map motion
r_fog_noise_tile - Sets fog noise map tile
r_fog_override - Toggles r_fog_override
R_foliage - Toggles R_foliage
R_fs_color_diffraction - Sets R_fs_color_diffraction
R_gamma - updates the gamma correction
R_human_decals - Toggles R_human_decals
R_in_world_gps_debug - Toggles R_in_world_gps_debug
r_lighting - Toggles lighting on or off
r_near_clip - Sets Rfg_camera.m_near_clip_dist
R_pause_cpu_time_threshold - Sets R_pause_cpu_time_threshold
R_pause_gpu_time_threshold - Sets R_pause_gpu_time_threshold
r_quadtree_reset - resets the quadtree
r_quadtree_set_max_depth - size the max depth of the quadtree
must call r_quadtree_reset after to update
r_quadtree_set_size - size the max size of the quadtree (the area in which it will allow insertion into itself)
must call r_quadtree_reset after to update
r_saturation - sets the saturation for the main scene
R_show_profiler - Toggles R_show_profiler
r_show_render_info - Toggles Game_render_stats.display_enabled
R_sketch_mode_depth_strength - Sets R_sketch_mode_depth_strength
R_sketch_mode_depth_threshold_max - Sets R_sketch_mode_depth_threshold_max
R_sketch_mode_depth_threshold_min - Sets R_sketch_mode_depth_threshold_min
R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_strength_1 - Sets R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_strength_1
R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_strength_2 - Sets R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_strength_2
R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_threshold_max - Sets R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_threshold_max
R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_threshold_min - Sets R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_threshold_min
R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_tint - Sets R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_tint
R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_tint_veh - Sets R_sketch_mode_hdrlum_tint_veh
R_sketch_mode_normal_strength - Sets R_sketch_mode_normal_strength
R_sketch_mode_normal_threshold_max - Sets R_sketch_mode_normal_threshold_max
R_sketch_mode_normal_threshold_min - Sets R_sketch_mode_normal_threshold_min
R_static - Toggles R_static
R_stitch - Toggles R_stitch
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.9]
r_stitch_lod_distance - Sets the LOD distance for stitch pieces.
R_terrain - Toggles R_terrain
R_test_pattern - Toggles R_test_pattern
r_tint - sets the tint for the main scene
r_ugly_mode - Toggles ugly mode on
R_vehicles - Toggles R_vehicles
r_vsync - Switch the vsync mode
r_wireframe - Toggles wrireframe mode on
radio_subtitle_test - Tests the radio display by playing a line flagged for radio display
ragdoll_player - Makes the player falldown
Rao_on_characters - Toggles Rao_on_characters
rbb_max_render_depth - Sets Rbb_max_render_depth
recalc_rbb_count - Sets Recalc_rbb_count
recalc_rbb_pct - Sets Recalc_rbb_pct
Recent_acquisition_modifier - Sets Recent_acquisition_modifier
Recoil_camera_kick - Toggles Recoil_camera_kick_enabled
regrow_test - Test regrowing a building without streaming in, still need to get it offscreen for a frame after running this command
Reload_action_hold_time_ms - Sets Reload_action_hold_time_ms
reload_ai_properties - Reloads the AI properties from the table file
reload_aim_drift - reloads aim_drift.xtbl
reload_ambient_spawn_behavior - reloads ambient_spawn_behavior.xtbl
reload_ambient_spawn_info - reloads ambient_spawn_info.xtbl
reload_ammo - reloads ammo.xtbl
reload_audio_bink_volumes - reloads audio_bink_volumes.xtbl
reload_camera_shakes - Reload the camera shake table
reload_camera_view - reload camera table
reload_character - reloads character.xtbl
reload_cloth_sim - Reload cloth simulation data files
reload_difficulty - reloads difficulty.xtbl
reload_effects_table - reloads effects.xtbl
reload_exos - Reload exo table (new entries will be ignored)
reload_explosions - reloads explosions.xtbl
reload_game_audio - reloads game_audio.xtbl
reload_game_audio_constants - reloads game_audio_constants.xtbl
reload_gameplay_properties - reloads gameplay_properties.xtbl
reload_glass_table - Reloads the glass table
reload_heartbeat - reload heartbeat table
reload_leap_properties - Reloads the leap properties from the table file
reload_level - Reload the current level
Reload_level_on_death - Toggles Reload_level_on_death
reload_lod_properties - reloads lod_properties.xtbl
reload_materials - reloads rfg_materials.xtbl, rfg_effect_materials.xtbl, rfg_bullet_groups.xtbl, and rfg_melee_groups.xtbl
reload_melee - reloads melee.xtbl
reload_mp_character_table -
reload_nanoforge_abilities - reloads nanoforge_abilities.xtbl
reload_player_autoaim - reloads player_autoaim.xtbl
reload_player_upgrades - Refreshes the numerical upgrades & prerequisites only.
reload_projectiles - reloads projectiles.xtbl
reload_ragdolls - reloads all ragdoll tables
reload_shaders -
reload_situational_lut_table - Reloads the situational_lut.xtbl
reload_squads - reloads squads.xtbl
reload_tod - Reload time of day settings
reload_total_chaos_multipliers -
reload_turrets - Reload turret table.
reload_tweak_table - reloads tweak_table.xtbl
reload_vehicle_interactions - reloads vehicle_interactions.xtbl
reload_vehicles - Reload vehicle table.
reload_vint_docs - Refreshes all unloaded VINT doc streaming containers.
reload_weapon_firing_patterns - reloads weapon_firing_patterns.xtbl
reload_weapons - Reload the weapons table.
remote_console - remote console command
remove_all_ammo - Removes all ammo from the player
remove_explosives - Removes all remote charges and prox mines that the player has placed without detonating them.
Render_concurrent - Toggles Render_concurrent
render_roads - Toggles Render_roads
Repair_grenades_enabled - Toggles Repair_grenades_enabled
repair_rate - Sets Repair_rate
Repair_use_two_spheres - Toggles Repair_use_two_spheres
Repair_weapon_enabled - Toggles Repair_weapon_enabled
Reset_framerate_stats - Toggles Reset_framerate_stats
reset_game_options - Resets the current player's game options in their profile
reset_max_values - Reset all managed debug screen sizes.
reset_profile - Resets the current player's entire profile
restore_object - Restore optional given object or Debug_target.
restore_view - restore the Camera details of this view
retrievable_salvage_delay - Sets Retrievable_salvage_delay
reverb_set - Set reverb on (1) or off (0)
Reverse_peg_skid_time_ms - Sets Reverse_peg_skid_time_ms
RFG_blast_radius - Sets RFG_blast_radius
rfg_break_links - Break the links of the selected subpiece
rfg_charge - Fire a remote charge
rfg_charge_delay - Sets RFG_charge_delay
rfg_charge_detonate - Detonate all remote charges
rfg_debug_link_details - Toggles RFG_debug_link_details
rfg_demo - Toggle rfg demo mode settings
rfg_effect_candidate - Toggles Effect_candidate_enabled
rfg_effect_candidate_debug - Toggles Effect_candidate_debug
rfg_effect_candidate_shifting_vel_multiplier - Sets Effect_candidate_shifting_vel_multiplier
rfg_effect_candidate_shifting_vel_sqr - Sets Effect_candidate_shifting_vel_sqr
rfg_effect_candidate_show_size - Toggles Effect_candidate_show_size
rfg_load_balance - Toggles RFG_load_balance
rfg_load_history_decay_rate - Sets Recent_history_decay_rate
rfg_load_max_objects_per_frame - Sets Max_objects_per_frame
rfg_load_max_quality_objects_per_frame - Sets Max_quality_objects_per_frame
rfg_load_quality_decay_rate - Sets Recent_quality_decay_rate
rfg_mover_delete - delete rfg_mover
rfg_mover_show_associated_navmesh - Toggles Rfg_mover_show_associated_navmesh
rfg_mover_show_associated_navmesh_sp - Toggles Rfg_mover_show_associated_navmesh_sp
Rfg_mp_max_mover_correction_distance - Sets Rfg_mp_max_mover_correction_distance
rfg_object_energy_scale - Sets RFG_object_energy_scale
RFG_object_mover_energy_scale - Sets RFG_object_mover_energy_scale
rfg_rocket - Fire a rocket
rfg_set_examine_target - Set the examine target by passing in an object handle
rfg_set_shapekey - Set the selected shape key for the targeted destroyable
RFG_show_always_delete - Toggles RFG_show_always_delete
rfg_show_anchors - Render info dealing with world anchors and dynamic links
RFG_show_center_of_mass - Toggles RFG_show_center_of_mass
RFG_show_destruction_events - Toggles RFG_show_destruction_events
RFG_show_dynamic_links - Toggles RFG_show_dynamic_links
rfg_show_instance_mem - Toggles RFG_show_instance_mem
RFG_show_links - Toggles RFG_show_links
RFG_show_links_only_selection - Toggles RFG_show_links_only_selection
rfg_show_mem_stats - Toggles RFG_mem_stats.display_enabled
RFG_show_non_structural - Toggles RFG_show_non_structural
RFG_show_rbb - Toggles RFG_show_rbb
RFG_show_shapes - Toggles RFG_show_shapes
RFG_show_subpieces - Toggles RFG_show_subpieces
rfg_show_test - Toggles RFG_test_stats.display_enabled
rfg_vehicle_energy_scale - Sets RFG_vehicle_energy_scale
rfg_walker_attack_energy_scale - Sets RFG_walker_attack_energy_scale
rfg_walker_energy_scale - Sets RFG_walker_energy_scale
rfgm_destruction_uid - get rfg_mover by destruction_uid
rfgm_game_handle - get rfg_mover by game_handle
rfgm_net_handle - get rfg_mover by network_handle
RL_add - Toggles RL_add
RL_alpha_dist_end - Sets RL_alpha_dist_end
RL_alpha_dist_override - Toggles RL_alpha_dist_override
RL_alpha_dist_start - Sets RL_alpha_dist_start
Rl_alpha_test_ref - Sets Rl_alpha_test_ref
RL_auto_partition_update_enabled - Toggles RL_auto_partition_update_enabled
RL_batch_particles - Toggles RL_batch_particles
Rl_bone_fixup - Toggles Rl_bone_fixup
Rl_break_on_prim_errors - Toggles Rl_break_on_prim_errors
Rl_calculate_occlusion_accuracy - Toggles Rl_calculate_occlusion_accuracy
RL_clone_force_high_lod - Toggles RL_clone_force_high_lod
RL_clone_mesh_ref - Toggles RL_clone_mesh_ref
RL_clone_mesh_skip_depth_only - Toggles RL_clone_mesh_skip_depth_only
RL_color_correct_override - Toggles RL_color_correct_override
Rl_color_lut_enabled - Toggles Rl_color_lut_enabled
RL_corona_adaption - Toggles RL_corona_adaption
RL_corona_adaption_rate - Sets RL_corona_adaption_rate
RL_cull_submeshes - Toggles RL_cull_submeshes
Rl_depth_bounds_test - Toggles Rl_depth_bounds_test
RL_destroyable_mesh_cache_enable - Toggles RL_destroyable_mesh_cache_enable
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.10]
Rl_diffuse_only - Toggles Rl_diffuse_only
RL_disable_accum - Toggles RL_disable_accum
RL_disable_modulate - Toggles RL_disable_modulate
RL_display_deformation_weights - Toggles RL_display_deformation_weights
RL_distortion_blur_debug - Toggles RL_distortion_blur_debug
RL_distortion_blur_scale - Sets RL_distortion_blur_scale
RL_distortion_debug - Toggles RL_distortion_debug
RL_distortion_depth_bias - Sets RL_distortion_depth_bias
RL_distortion_enable - Toggles RL_distortion_enable
RL_distortion_invert_debug - Toggles RL_distortion_invert_debug
RL_distortion_scale - Sets RL_distortion_scale
Rl_do_internal_clone_culling - Toggles Rl_do_internal_clone_culling
RL_do_profile - Toggles RL_do_profile
Rl_dof_blur_radius - Sets Rl_dof_blur_radius
RL_dof_enable - Toggles RL_dof_enable
RL_dof_focus_end_A - Sets RL_dof_focus_end_A
RL_dof_focus_end_B - Sets RL_dof_focus_end_B
RL_dof_focus_start_A - Sets RL_dof_focus_start_A
RL_dof_focus_start_B - Sets RL_dof_focus_start_B
RL_dof_overide_enable - Toggles RL_dof_overide_enable
Rl_full_SSAO - Toggles Rl_full_SSAO
RL_geom_prepass - Toggles RL_geom_prepass
rl_gpu_profiler_dump - Write GPU profiler to text file
RL_gpu_vis_bbox_offset - Sets RL_gpu_vis_bbox_offset
RL_gpu_vis_bbox_scale - Sets RL_gpu_vis_bbox_scale
RL_gpu_vis_cam_enabled - Toggles RL_gpu_vis_cam_enabled
RL_gpu_vis_cam_mag_max - Sets RL_gpu_vis_cam_mag_max
RL_gpu_vis_cam_mag_scale - Sets RL_gpu_vis_cam_mag_scale
RL_gpu_vis_cam_scale_percent - Sets RL_gpu_vis_cam_scale_percent
RL_gpu_vis_debug_render - Toggles RL_gpu_vis_debug_render
RL_gpu_vis_delay - Sets RL_gpu_vis_delay
RL_gpu_vis_delay_rand - Sets RL_gpu_vis_delay_rand
RL_gpu_vis_enabled - Toggles RL_gpu_vis_enabled
RL_gpu_vis_near_fudge - Sets RL_gpu_vis_near_fudge
RL_gpu_vis_threshold - Sets RL_gpu_vis_threshold
RL_gpu_vis_velocity_threshold - Sets RL_gpu_vis_velocity_threshold
RL_hdr_bloom_amount - Set HDR bloom amount
RL_hdr_bloom_bilinear - Toggles RL_hdr_bloom_bilinear
RL_hdr_bloom_exp_bias - Sets RL_hdr_bloom_exp_bias
rl_hdr_bloom_height - Set HDR bloom height
RL_hdr_bloom_height_1 - Sets RL_hdr_bloom_height_1
RL_hdr_bloom_height_2 - Sets RL_hdr_bloom_height_2
RL_hdr_bloom_height_3 - Sets RL_hdr_bloom_height_3
RL_hdr_bloom_slope_a - Set HDR bloom slope A amount
RL_hdr_bloom_slope_b - Set HDR bloom slope B amount
RL_hdr_bloom_theta - Set HDR bloom theta amount
rl_hdr_bloom_width - Set HDR bloom width
RL_hdr_bloom_width_1 - Sets RL_hdr_bloom_width_1
RL_hdr_bloom_width_2 - Sets RL_hdr_bloom_width_2
RL_hdr_bloom_width_3 - Sets RL_hdr_bloom_width_3
RL_hdr_debug - Toggles RL_hdr_debug
RL_hdr_debug_avg_lum - Toggles RL_hdr_debug_avg_lum
RL_hdr_debug_bloom_buffer - Toggles RL_hdr_debug_bloom_buffer
RL_hdr_debug_lummap - Toggles RL_hdr_debug_lummap
RL_hdr_debug_shafts - Toggles RL_hdr_debug_shafts
RL_hdr_desired_brightness - Set HDR desired brightness
RL_hdr_enable - Toggles RL_hdr_enable
RL_hdr_exposure_disabled - Toggles RL_hdr_exposure_disabled
RL_hdr_exposure_max - Set HDR desired brightness
RL_hdr_exposure_min - Set HDR desired brightness
RL_hdr_exposure_smooth - Toggles RL_hdr_exposure_smooth
RL_hdr_exposure_speed - Sets RL_hdr_exposure_speed
RL_hdr_luminance_conversion - Sets RL_hdr_luminance_conversion
RL_hdr_override - Toggles RL_hdr_override
RL_hdr_saturation - Sets RL_hdr_saturation
RL_hdr_tint - Sets RL_hdr_tint
rl_highlight_all_alpha - Toggles RL_highlight_all_alpha
rl_highlight_shader - Sets a shader to be highlighted
Rl_highlight_world_holes - Toggles Rl_highlight_world_holes
Rl_light_luminance - Toggles Rl_light_luminance
Rl_lock_shadow_visibility - Toggles Rl_lock_shadow_visibility
rl_lock_visibility - Toggles Rl_lock_visibility
Rl_lod_fade_enabled - Toggles Rl_lod_fade_enabled
RL_lod_mode - set the LOD mode for render lib
RL_mat_prepass - Toggles RL_mat_prepass
rl_matte_mode - toggles a display that renders a black material on everything but effects
Rl_max_anisotropy - Sets the maximum anisotropy
Rl_min_scissor_area_percent_for_stencil_test - Sets Rl_min_scissor_area_percent_for_stencil_test
RL_motion_blur - Toggles RL_motion_blur
RL_motion_blur_clamp - Sets RL_motion_blur_clamp
RL_motion_blur_override - Toggles RL_motion_blur_override
RL_motion_blur_scale - Sets RL_motion_blur_scale
Rl_no_secondary_lights - Toggles Rl_no_secondary_lights
RL_occluder_limit - Sets RL_occluder_limit
Rl_occlusion_enable - Toggles Rl_occlusion_enable
Rl_occlusion_query_pixels_drawn - Toggles Rl_occlusion_query_pixels_drawn
Rl_old_scissor_technique - Toggles Rl_old_scissor_technique
RL_outline - Toggles RL_outline
RL_particle_ambient - Sets RL_particle_ambient
RL_particle_distortion_density - Sets RL_particle_distortion_density
RL_particle_distortion_density_offset - Sets RL_particle_distortion_density_offset
RL_particle_hires_soft - Toggles RL_particle_hires_soft
RL_particle_saturation - Sets RL_particle_saturation
RL_point_shadows - Toggles RL_point_shadows
RL_point_shadows_min_lum - Sets RL_point_shadows_min_lum
RL_point_shadows_min_range - Sets RL_point_shadows_min_range
Rl_profile_clone_mesh - Toggles Rl_profile_clone_mesh
RL_ps3_batch_stitch - Toggles RL_ps3_batch_stitch
Rl_quadtree_show_loose - Toggles Rl_quadtree_show_loose
RL_refraction_frequency - Sets RL_refraction_frequency
RL_refraction_noise_override - Toggles RL_refraction_noise_override
RL_refraction_offset - Sets RL_refraction_offset
RL_refraction_scale - Sets RL_refraction_scale
rl_scene_detail - Set the detail level of the scene, between 0 and 2.
Rl_scissor_decals - Toggles Rl_scissor_decals
Rl_scissor_lights - Toggles Rl_scissor_lights
RL_scissor_ss_decals - Toggles RL_scissor_ss_decals
rl_shader_cost_debug - toggles a display that shows the relative cost of material pass pixel shader
rl_shader_cost_debug_lighting_only - Toggles RL_shader_cost_debug_lighting_only
Rl_shadow_density - Sets Rl_shadow_density
Rl_shadow_map_16_sample - Toggles rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_16_sample
Rl_shadow_map_fade_pct - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_fade_pct
Rl_shadow_map_max_dist - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_max_dist
Rl_shadow_map_max_inf_z - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_max_inf_z
Rl_shadow_map_min_inf_z - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_min_inf_z
Rl_shadow_map_mode - Sets the shadow mapping mode
Rl_shadow_map_near_clip_hack - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_near_clip_hack
Rl_shadow_map_pssm - Toggles rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_pssm
Rl_shadow_map_pssm_split_weight - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_pssm_split_weight
Rl_shadow_map_slideback - Toggles rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_slideback
Rl_shadow_map_slope_zbias_perspective - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_slope_zbias_perspective
Rl_shadow_map_slope_zbias_tsm - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_slope_zbias_tsm
Rl_shadow_map_stabilize - Toggles rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_uniform_stabilize
Rl_shadow_map_tsm_max_interp - Sets Rl_shadow_map_tsm_max_interp
RL_shadow_map_tsm_min_edge_ratio - Sets RL_shadow_map_tsm_min_edge_ratio
Rl_shadow_map_tsm_min_interp - Sets Rl_shadow_map_tsm_min_interp
Rl_shadow_map_type - Sets the shadow mapping algorithm
Rl_shadow_map_uniform_fixed_size - Toggles rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_uniform_fixed_size
Rl_shadow_map_zbias_perspective - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_zbias_perspective
Rl_shadow_map_zbias_tsm - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_map_zbias_tsm
Rl_shadow_ortho_frustum_opt - Toggles Rl_shadow_ortho_frustum_opt
Rl_shadow_ortho_new - Toggles Rl_shadow_ortho_new
Rl_shadow_range_blending_pct - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_shadow_range_blending_pct
RL_shadow_resolution - Change the shared shadow map resolution
Rl_shape_occluder_useful_threshold - Sets Rl_shape_occluder_useful_threshold
RL_show_dynamic_usage - Toggles RL_show_dynamic_usage
RL_show_factory_limits - Toggles RL_show_factory_limits
RL_show_factory_usage - Toggles RL_show_factory_usage
RL_show_kdtree - Toggles RL_show_kdtree
RL_show_metrics - Toggles RL_show_metrics
rl_show_names - Toggles Rl_show_names
Rl_show_occluders - Toggles Rl_show_occluders
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.11]
Rl_show_partitions - Toggles Rl_show_partitions
Rl_show_ri_debug - Toggles Rl_show_ri_debug
RL_show_scene_warnings - Toggles RL_show_scene_warnings
Rl_show_ss_decals - Toggles Rl_show_ss_decals
rl_show_volumes - Toggles Rl_show_volumes
Rl_skybox - Toggle on/off skybox
RL_skybox_ambient - Sets RL_skybox_ambient
Rl_skybox_locked - Toggles Rl_skybox_locked
RL_soft_particles - Toggles RL_soft_particles
RL_splat_multiple_threshold - Sets RL_splat_multiple_threshold
RL_splat_single_threshold - Sets RL_splat_single_threshold
RL_splat_visibility - Toggles RL_splat_visibility
Rl_ss_decals - Toggles Rl_ss_decals
Rl_stencil_decals - Toggles Rl_stencil_decals
Rl_stencil_lights - Toggles Rl_stencil_lights
Rl_terrain_casts_shadows - Toggles rl_shadow_system::m_terrain_casts_shadows
Rl_terrain_casts_shadows_extended - Toggles rl_shadow_system::m_terrain_casts_shadows_extended
Rl_terrain_debug_wireframe - Toggles Rl_terrain_debug_wireframe
Rl_terrain_fade_end - Sets Rl_terrain_fade_end
Rl_terrain_fade_start - Sets Rl_terrain_fade_start
Rl_terrain_force_high_lod - Toggles Rl_terrain_force_high_lod
Rl_terrain_force_lowlod - Toggles Rl_terrain_force_lowlod
RL_terrain_medlod - Toggles RL_terrain_medlod
Rl_terrain_occluder_use_bottom_plane - Toggles Rl_terrain_occluder_use_bottom_plane
Rl_terrain_occluder_useful_threshold - Sets Rl_terrain_occluder_useful_threshold
RL_terrain_only_prepass - Toggles RL_terrain_only_prepass
RL_terrain_render_lowlod - Toggles RL_terrain_render_lowlod
Rl_terrain_renderer_enable - Toggles Rl_terrain_renderer_enable
Rl_terrain_shadows_max_dist - Sets rl_shadow_system::m_terrain_shadows_max_dist
Rl_terrain_show_volumes - Toggles Rl_terrain_show_volumes
Rl_terrain_static_skirt_rendering_enable - Toggles Rl_terrain_static_skirt_rendering_enable
RL_test_batching_splat - Toggles RL_test_batching_splat
RL_test_use_oblique_projection - Toggles RL_test_use_oblique_projection
RL_texture_hires - Toggles RL_texture_hires
rl_thread_priority - set render thread priority (0 highest - 7 lowest)
RL_use_light_vertex_buffers - Toggles RL_use_light_vertex_buffers
road_set_gps_only - Set/unset the closest road as GPS-only
Ruin_mode_unlock_all_maps - Toggles Ruin_mode_unlock_all_maps
Ruin_mode_unlock_all_weapons - Toggles Ruin_mode_unlock_all_weapons
run_leave_building_search - Run a leave building search on the targeted NPC
salvage_debug - Toggles Salvage_debug
salvage_enabled - Toggles Salvage_enabled
salvage_explosion_impulse_multiplier - Sets Salvage_explosion_impulse_multiplier
salvage_left_in_zone - Counts the amount of salvage left from movers in the zone the player is in
save_view - Store the Camera details of this view
scary_streaming - Toggles Scary_streaming
screenshot_color_correct - Toggles Game_screenshot_color_correct
screenshot_depth - Toggles Game_Screenshot_depth
screenshot_perspective_correction - Toggles tv_screenshot_perspective_correction
script - Runs a console script file (.txt)
seapon_muzzle_flash_density_decay - Sets Weapon_muzzle_flash_density_decay
seapon_tracer_density_decay - Sets Weapon_tracer_density_decay
search - Search through console commands
search_car - Search the list of vehicles
Secondary_melee_angle - Sets Secondary_melee_angle
Send_camera_updates - Toggles Send_camera_update_packets
set_alert_level - Set the alert level
set_all_npc_hitpoints - Sets the hit points on all living NPCs in the world.
set_camera_angles - Set pitch, bank and heading of camera
set_camera_bone - Set the bone the camera is linked to
set_camera_pos - Move into slew mode and set the position of the camera
set_control_config - chooses a named predefined control configuration
set_first_person_fov - Sets First_person_fov
Set_game_won - Mark this player profile as having completed SP
set_money - sets salvage for the player
set_player_start - set_player_start
set_safe_area - Set the screen safe area, less than 0.0 or greater than 1.0 leaves current value
set_tank_smash_speed - Sets Tank_smash_tank_speed
set_team_dispositions - Set disposition between two teams
set_test_pose - set the blend tree test pose
set_thread_allocation - change the desired number of threads per core
set_total_money - sets salvage for the player (subtracting out what's already spent)
sfx_fade_in - Fade in
sfx_fade_out - Fade out
shadows - Toggles Rl_shadows_enabled
shape_cutter_debug - Toggles Shape_cutter_debug
shape_cutter_debug_duration - Sets Shape_cutter_debug_duration
Shape_cutter_jitter_radius - Sets Shape_cutter_jitter_radius
shape_cutter_test - perform a shape cut where the camera is looking
shape_type_pole_scalar - Sets Pole_scalar
shape_type_sheet_scalar - Sets Sheet_scalar
Shard_delete_fade_time_max - Sets Shard_delete_fade_time_max
Shard_delete_fade_time_min - Sets Shard_delete_fade_time_min
shard_storm_debug - Toggles Shard_storm_debug
Shard_storm_height_bonus - Sets Shard_storm_height_bonus
shard_storm_ragdoll_start_range - Sets Shard_storm_ragdoll_start_range
Shard_storm_use_center_of_mass - Toggles Shard_storm_use_center_of_mass
Shatter_effect_large_yield_pct - Sets Shatter_effect_large_yield_pct
Shatter_effect_medium_yield_pct - Sets Shatter_effect_medium_yield_pct
Shatter_impulse_scalar - Sets Shatter_impulse_scalar
shatter_min_damage - Sets Shatter_min_damage
Shatter_radius_scalar - Sets Shatter_radius_scalar
show_ai_formations - Toggles Show_ai_formations
show_ai_modes - Toggles Show_ai_modes
show_aim_candidates - Toggles Show_aim_candidates
show_allocator_usage - Toggles Show_allocator_usage
show_bmpman_mem - Toggles Bmpman_show_mem
show_camera_info - Toggles Show_camera_info
show_camera_lookat - Toggles Show_camera_lookat
show_camera_mode - Toggles Show_camera_mode
show_camera_transform - Toggles Show_camera_transform
Show_chunk_stats - Toggles Show_chunk_stats
Show_chunk_stats_advanced - Toggles Show_chunk_stats_advanced
show_clutter_usage - Toggles Show_clutter_usage
Show_collector_stats - Toggles Show_collector_stats
show_combat_debug - Toggles Show_combat_debug
show_control_debug - Toggles Show_control_debug
show_crosshair - Toggles Show_crosshair
show_debug_info - Toggles Debug_info_stats.display_enabled
show_debug_time_compression - Toggles Show_debug_time_compression
show_direct_travel_pos - Toggles Show_direct_travel_pos
show_exo_pos - Toggles Show_exo_pos
show_fine_aim_snap_head_radius - Toggles Show_fine_aim_snap_head_radius
show_flagged_object_stats - Toggles Show_flagged_object_stats
show_fps - Shows the frametime in milliseconds
Show_framerate_stats - shows fps statistics
Show_frametime - Toggles Show_frametime
show_friendly_fire - Toggles Show_friendly_fire
show_global_variables - Toggles Show_global_variables
show_havok_handles - Toggles Show_havok_handles
Show_havok_system_status - Toggles Show_havok_system_status
Show_hole_info - Toggles Show_hole_info
show_hud - Toggles the display of the HUD
show_hud_icon_oval - Toggles Show_hud_icon_oval
show_hud_weapons - Toggles Debug_show_hud_weapons
Show_human_capsules - Toggles Show_human_capsules
Show_human_ragdoll_states - Toggles Show_human_ragdoll_states
show_last_camera_transition_spline - Toggles Show_last_camera_transition_spline
show_leap_combat_timer - Toggles Show_leap_combat_timer
show_level_heap - Toggles Show_level_heap
show_level_heap_tiny - Toggles Show_level_heap_tiny
show_lighting_stats - Display num lights/shadows and light pass GPU time
show_loaded_chunks - Display loaded chunks and their sizes
show_loaded_spawn_resources - Shows all loaded spawn resources
show_loading_screen - Shows the loading screen
show_local_variables - Toggles Show_local_variables
show_location - Set show_location mode
show_mem_usage_verbose - Toggles Show_mem_usage_verbose
show_mempool_usage - Toggles Show_mempool_usage
show_minimap - Toggles Debug_show_minimap
show_mission_checkpoint_for_version - Toggles Show_mission_checkpoint_for_version
show_nav_cell_neighbors - Toggles Show_nav_cell_neighbors
show_nav_points - Toggles Show_navs
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.12]
show_nav_sets - Toggles Navpoint_show_sets
Show_navs_disabled_type - Toggles Show_navs_disabled_type
show_network_handles - Toggles Show_network_handles
show_npc_counts - Toggles Show_npc_counts
show_npc_health - Toggles Show_npc_health
show_pf_data - Toggles Show_pf_data
show_pf_data_dist - Sets Show_pf_data_dist
Show_pf_zone_boundary_debug - Toggles Show_pf_zone_boundary_debug
show_physical_memory - Toggles Show_physical_memory
show_player_ammo - Toggles Show_player_ammo
show_player_attack_damage - Toggles Show_player_attack_damage
show_player_damage - Toggles Show_player_damage
show_player_health - Toggles Show_player_health
show_player_inventory - Toggles Player_show_inventory
show_player_lockons - Toggles Show_player_lockons
show_player_melee_combat_move_names - Toggles Show_player_melee_combat_move_names
show_player_pos - Toggles Show_player_pos
show_player_speed - Toggles Show_player_speed
show_player_vehicle_health - Toggles Show_player_vehicle_health
show_press_start_screen - Toggles Show_start_screen
show_projectile_debug - Toggles Show_projectile_debug
show_projectile_explosion_radii - Toggles Show_projectile_explosion_radii
Show_repair - Toggles Show_repair
show_safe_frame - Toggles Show_safe_frame
Show_scratch_memory_usage - Toggles Show_scratch_memory_usage
show_scripting_info - Toggles Scripting_stats.display_enabled
show_sim_info - Toggles Game_sim_stats.display_enabled
Show_spawn_locations - Toggles Show_spawn_locations
show_spawn_points - Toggles Show_spawn_points
show_spawn_resource_usage - Shows all objects in the world that have the same SR ID as the resources we are managing
show_stream_grid - Toggles Show_stream_grid
show_stream_objects - Toggles Show_stream_objects
show_stream_region - Toggles Show_stream_region
show_target_distance - Toggles Show_target_distance
Show_target_speed - Toggles Show_target_speed
show_throw_debug - Toggles Show_throw_debug
show_trigger_region_debug - Toggles Show_trigger_region_debug
show_vehicle_names - Toggles Vehicle_debug_show_names
show_vehicle_pf_data - Toggles Show_vehicle_pf_data
show_vint_lua_memory_usage - Shows the memory usage of dlmalloc by VINT and LUA
Show_visible_npcs - Toggles Show_visible_npcs
show_weapon_debug - Toggles Show_weapon_debug
Show_weapon_verbose - Toggles Show_weapon_verbose
show_zone_navmesh - Show the navmesh for the current zone
simple_minimap - Toggles Simple_minimap
Simple_shard_display - Toggles Rfg_simple_shard_display
singularity_bomb_debug - Toggles Singularity_bomb_debug
Singularity_bomb_use_center_of_mass - Toggles Singularity_bomb_use_center_of_mass
skybox_change_distance - sets the distance to the skybox
skybox_change_scale - sets the scale factor of the skybox
skybox_change_tint - sets the tint of the skybox
slew_auto_level_lock - Toggle auto level lock while in slew mode
slew_camera_max_vel - set the maxiumum velocity of the slew camera.
slew_camera_slowdown - set the factor by which the slew camera 'slow mode' should be slowed down.
slew_camera_speedup - set the factor by which the slew camera 'fast mode' should be sped up.
slew_clamp - Restrict the directions of movement to which the speedup/slowdown factors apply.
slew_mode - Toggle slew mode on/off
slew_mouse_control - enable/disable slew camera mouse control
slew_player_fire_option - Fire the players gun while in slew mode
Slice_tall_safe_zone - Sets Slice_tall_safe_zone
Small_shard_length_limit - Sets Small_shard_length_limit
Small_shard_volume_limit - Sets Small_shard_volume_limit
smooth_camera - Toggles Camera_smoothing
snap_tod_light_to_camera - place the TOD light at the current camera position
sniper_zoom_min - Set zoom minimum fov
sound - disable / enable sounds
sound_box - Toggles gameaudio_listener_debug_show_box
sound_fov - Toggles gameaudio_listener_debug_show_fov
sound_los - Toggles gameaudio_listener_debug_show_los
sound_play - Play a sound (optional [on_player] [sw group switch] [rtpc Name value]
sound_play_3d - Play a sound w/3d coordinates
sound_play_on_player - Plays a 3D sound at the player's position
sound_restart - Re-start gameaudio after shutdown
sound_set_reverb - sound_set_reverb inside_Wwise_name [outside_Wwise_name]
sound_set_state - Sets an Audiolib State
sound_show_list - List active sounds
sound_show_obj_id - Sets sound_show_obj_id
sound_show_pos - Toggles gameaudio_show_sound_pos
sound_shutdown - Shutdown gameaudio
sound_test - sound test
sound_test2 - sound test 2
sound_volume - Set overall volume <index> <0.0 - 1.0>
sp_stats_debug_accuracy - Toggles Debug_accuracy
Spew_sphere_detach - Toggles Spew_sphere_detach
spinebend - Toggles Spinebend_enabled
Sprint_dodge_release_window_ms - Sets Sprint_dodge_release_window_ms
Sprint_raised_weapon_time - Sets Sprint_raised_weapon_time
sprint_side_rate - Sets Sprint_side_rate
Spu_anim_data_tweak - Sets Spu_anim_data_tweak
SSAO_sample_radius_reference - Sets SSAO_sample_radius_reference
SSAO_strength - Set strength of SSAO effect
SSAO_velocity_threshold - Sets SSAO_velocity_threshold
Statemachine_debug - Toggles Statemachine_debug
Statemachine_gem_debug - Sets Statemachine_gem_debug
stats_achievements_give_id -
stats_achievements_give_num - Awards the achievement with the specified ID
stats_achievements_give_random -
stats_achievements_ungive_all -
stats_cheats_enable -
stats_cheats_reset_unlocks - Resets cheat unlocks in your profile
Stats_debug - Toggles Stats_debug
stats_dump_to_file - Dumps all the stats to a file in the Xbox's /rfg folder
stats_give_rfb_rewards -
stats_hidden_challenge_give_random -
stats_reset_all_stats - Reset your stats
stats_serialize_pound - An endurance test for stats, trying to track down any stats-related issues
stats_serialize_test_in - Test serializing stats in
stats_serialize_test_out - Test serializing stats out
stats_unlock_all_audio_logs - Unlocks all available audio logs
steam_clear_achievement - Unsets the achievement with the specified name, or no name to unset all
Steam_delete_cloud_profile - delete the profile on Steam - note you'll have to close the game normally after this to actually get rid of profile on cloud
Steam_dump_achievements - Dumps a list of currently unlocked achievements to xe:\rf4\steam_unlocked_achievements.txt
stop_videos - stops all currently playing videos
stream2_os_debug - Toggles Stream2_os_debug
stream_commander - Toggles the stream commander
stream_debug - Stream debugging mode
stream_debug_cull_dist - Sets Stream_debug_cull_dist
stream_follows_player - Toggles Stream_follows_player
stream_pause - Toggles Stream_pause
Stream_prepare - Toggles Stream_prepare
stream_radius - Set streaming radius
stream_radius_terrain - Set terrain streaming radius
stream_refresh - Toggles Stream_refresh
streaming_island_warning_distance - Sets Streaming_island_warning_distance
streaming_island_warning_enabled - Toggles Streaming_island_warning_enabled
streaming_island_warning_skip_game_created - Toggles Streaming_island_warning_skip_game_created
streaming_mask_zone - Toggle the streaming of a zone
Stress_evaluation_debug - Toggles Stress_evaluation_debug
Stress_evaluation_enabled - Toggles Stress_evaluation_enabled
stress_evaluation_reload_table - Reload the stress controls table
stress_evaluation_reset_max_frametime - Reset the max frametime variable
Stress_event_large_force - Sets Stress_event_large_force
Stress_event_medium_force - Sets Stress_event_medium_force
Stress_event_small_force - Sets Stress_event_small_force
Stress_min_dot - Sets Stress_min_dot
Stress_min_percent_destroyed - Sets Stress_min_percent_destroyed
suicide - Kills the player
super_debris_human_impulse - Sets Super_debris_human_impulse
super_debris_object_angular - Sets Super_debris_object_angular
super_debris_object_linear - Sets Super_debris_object_linear
super_melee_damage - Sets Super_melee_damage
super_melee_gib_chance - Sets Super_melee_gib_chance
super_melee_ragdoll_impulse - Sets Super_melee_ragdoll_impulse
super_melee_upward_bonus - Sets Super_melee_upward_bonus
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.13]
super_melee_vehicle_impulse - Sets Super_melee_vehicle_impulse
Super_sprint_normal_jump - Sets Super_sprint_normal_jump
Super_sprint_run_jump - Sets Super_sprint_run_jump
Super_verbose_inventory_tracking - Toggles Super_verbose_inventory_tracking
Suppress_asserts - Toggles Suppress_asserts
ta_debug_filter - Set up debug filters for the TAs
take_money - removes salvage from the player; default is 2000
tank_camera_type - change the tank camera type
Tank_controls_hybrid_relativity - Toggles Tank_controls_hybrid_relativity
Tank_fast_turn_dist - Sets Tank_fast_turn_dist
Tank_turn_to_smash_deadzone - Sets Tank_turn_to_smash_deadzone
target_by_handle - Targets the object with the handle passed in (use 0x... for hex)
target_by_name - Targets the object with the name passed in
target_health_bar_override_duration_ms - Sets Target_health_bar_override_duration_ms
Target_initial_acquisition_time_ms - Sets Target_initial_acquisition_time_ms
Target_reacquisition_time_ms - Sets Target_reacquisition_time_ms
tech_level_display - Show the tech level message.
Tentacle_debug_render - Toggles Tentacle_debug_render
Tentacle_rotate_rampin - Sets Tentacle_rotate_rampin
Tentacle_test_stretch - test the tentacle stretch code
Tentacle_turn_speed - Sets Tentacle_turn_speed
Terrain_show_stats - Toggles Terrain_show_stats
Test_alpha_to_coverage - Toggles Test_alpha_to_coverage
test_assert_false - Try it and find out
test_disable_gravity - disables gravity for the player
test_dump - Generate an exception to test the crash dump handler
test_enable_gravity - enables gravity for the player
test_float_compression - Test the compression precision of a float value given a set of parameters.
test_level - Set the level loaded by pressing T on the main menu.
test_matfx_on_player - Play material effect on player
test_radio_display - Throws out a test display for the radio
test_terrain_cast_shadows - set
Test_text_scale -
test_warning_message - Toggles a test warning message
throw_default_place_strength_on_foot - Sets Throw_default_place_strength_on_foot
throw_default_strength_on_foot - Sets Throw_default_strength_on_foot
throw_inherit_velocity_scale - Sets Throw_inherit_velocity_scale
throw_pitch_offset - Sets Throw_pitch_offset
throw_player - Throws the player in the direction of the camera
tod_ambient - Set the time of day ambient light color
TOD_ambient_animate - Toggles TOD_ambient_animate
tod_back_ambient - Set the time of day back ambient light color
TOD_back_ambient_animate - Toggles TOD_back_ambient_animate
Tod_blend_enabled - Toggles Tod_blend_enabled
Tod_blend_percent - Sets Tod_blend_percent
tod_cloud_horizon_strenghts - Set the cloud horizon layer strengths
TOD_cloud_horizon_strenghts_animate - Toggles TOD_cloud_horizon_strenghts_animate
tod_cloud_overhead_strenghts - Set the cloud overhead layer strengths
TOD_cloud_overhead_strenghts_animate - Toggles TOD_cloud_overhead_strenghts_animate
TOD_clouds_fixed - Toggles TOD_clouds_fixed
tod_enabled - enable or disable time of day
tod_fog_atmosphere_scale - Sets the fog atmosphere scale
TOD_fog_atmosphere_scale_animate - Toggles TOD_fog_atmosphere_scale_animate
tod_fog_color - Sets the fog color
TOD_fog_color_animate - Toggles TOD_fog_color_animate
tod_fog_density - Sets the fog density
TOD_fog_density_animate - Toggles TOD_fog_density_animate
tod_fog_density_offset - Sets the fog density
TOD_fog_density_offset_animate - Toggles TOD_fog_density_offset_animate
tod_fog_ground - Sets the fog ground plane
TOD_fog_ground_animate - Toggles TOD_fog_ground_animate
Tod_hdr_enabled - Toggles Tod_hdr_enabled
TOD_intensity_scale - Sets TOD_intensity_scale
tod_light_angles - Set the time of day light angles
TOD_light_angles_animate - Toggles TOD_light_angles_animate
tod_light_color - Set the time of day light color
TOD_light_color_animate - Toggles TOD_light_color_animate
TOD_light_distance - Sets TOD_light_distance
Tod_light_min_angle_to_horizon - Sets Tod_light_min_angle_to_horizon
TOD_light_on_off - Set the time of day light on off times
TOD_light_relative_to_camera - Toggles TOD_light_relative_to_camera
TOD_particle_light_fudge - Sets TOD_particle_light_fudge
Tod_particle_light_min_angle_to_horizon - Sets Tod_particle_light_min_angle_to_horizon
TOD_pause - Toggles TOD_pause
TOD_rot_around_y - Sets TOD_rot_around_y
Tod_show_sun_path - Toggles Tod_show_sun_path
TOD_tint_primary_color - Toggles TOD_tint_primary_color
toggle_priority - Toggle priority of the main thread
toggle_voice_recording - turns Steam voice recording on or off
Too_small_mass - Sets Too_small_mass
Too_small_shard_length_limit - Sets Too_small_shard_length_limit
Too_small_shard_volume_limit - Sets Too_small_shard_volume_limit
tornado_add_path_point - Makes the nearest tornado head toward where the player is.
Tornado_path_tension - Sets Tornado_path_tension
tornado_set_speed - Set the speed of the tornado nearest the player.
Tornado_shapecutting_enabled - Toggles Tornado_shapecutting_enabled
Torque_height_ratio_scalar - Sets Torque_height_ratio_scalar
Torque_width_ratio_scalar - Sets Torque_width_ratio_scalar
Total_chaos_time_per_turn_ms - Sets Total_chaos_time_per_turn_ms
Tracer_velocity_scale - Sets Tracer_velocity_scale
tracers - Toggles Tracers_enabled
track_global_variable - Tracks the value of the specified global variable.
tty_framerate_stats - Dump out framerate stats for QA
Tty_qa - Toggles Tty_qa
Turn_hop_min_heading - Sets Turn_hop_min_heading
turret_autoaim_debug - Toggles Turret_autoaim_debug
turret_fire_test_use_spherecast - Toggles Turret_fire_test_use_spherecast
Turret_prefix_overlap - Sets Turret_prefix_overlap
Turret_turn_shuffle_speed_scalar_angle - Sets Turret_turn_shuffle_speed_scalar_angle
tutorial_delay_between_messages - Sets Tutorial_delay_between_messages_ms
Tutorial_messages_in_mp - Toggles Tutorial_messages_in_mp
tutorial_messages_repeat - Toggles Tutorial_messages_repeat
tweak_table - change a value in the tweak table.
two_person_test - Play a two person animation
ui_blur_under_value - Sets Rf4_blur_under_value
ui_clear_all - pops all of the UI screens from the stack
ui_cutscene_lock_all - lock all cutscene videos so they can't be played in the cutscene viewer
ui_cutscene_play - usage: ui_cutscene_play filename
ui_cutscene_unlock_all - unlock all cutscene video for play in the cutscene viewer
ui_cutscene_unlock_name - unlock a named cutscene video for play in the cutscene viewer
ui_pop_screen - pops the top UI screen off the stack, re-loading the one under it
ui_popup_test - generates a test popup
ui_push_blank - pushes a blank screen on top of the stack
ui_push_new_weapon_popup - Push the new weapon popup with information
ui_push_screen - pushes a new UI screen on the stack
ui_render_stack - Toggles UI_render_stack
ui_replace_screen - replaces the current screen on the stack with the one specified
ui_set_screen - sets a new UI screen as the base object on the stack
ui_show_clickable_areas - Toggles Render_clickable_areas
ui_tutorial_test - ui tutorial test
Undergrowth_use_player_pos - Toggles Undergrowth_use_player_pos
unequip_player_item - Unequips current item(s) for the player.
unlimited_ai_thrown_weapons - Toggles Unlimited_ai_thrown_weapons
unlimited_ammo - Toggles Unlimited_ammo
unlimited_magazine_ammo - Toggles Unlimited_magazine_ammo
unlimited_nanoforge_usage - Toggles Unlimited_nanoforge_usage
unlimited_salvage - toggle unlimited m_salvage for the player
unlimited_sprint - Toggles Player_unlimited_sprint
unload_spawn_resource - Unloads the current mission resource
Unlock_all_missions - Toggles Unlock_all_missions
Unlock_all_upgrades - Toggles Unlock_all_upgrades
unlock_all_weapons -
unlock_weapon -
Unlockable_camera_min_y_angle - Sets Unlockable_camera_min_y_angle
Unlockable_max_camera_dist_factor - Sets Unlockable_max_camera_dist_factor
unlockables_reset - Resets the unlock status of unlockables to false.
unlockables_unlock - Unlock an asset to be viewable in the 3D Unlockables Viewer
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.14]
unpause_videos - unpauses all currently playing videos
usability_hud_enable - Toggles Usability_hud_enable
use_attack - overrides the players attack animation
Use_block_increment - Toggles Use_block_increment
Use_cr_spline - Toggles Use_cr_spline
use_hud_bracket_3d_scaling - Toggles Use_hud_bracket_3d_scaling
Use_hud_bracket_distance_fade - Toggles Use_hud_bracket_distance_fade
use_hud_bracket_reticule_scaling - Toggles Use_hud_bracket_reticule_scaling
Use_locked_dest - Toggles Use_locked_dest
Use_locked_source - Toggles Use_locked_source
Use_old_turret_camera - Toggles Use_old_turret_camera
use_parent_rbb_count - Sets Use_parent_rbb_count
use_parent_rbb_pct - Sets Use_parent_rbb_pct
Use_radio_for_all_voicelines - Toggles Use_radio_for_all_voicelines
UV_camera_autorotate_speed - Sets UV_camera_autorotate_speed
UV_camera_controls_free - Toggles UV_camera_controls_free
UV_camera_min_input - Sets UV_camera_min_input
UV_camera_rotate_multiplier - Sets UV_camera_rotate_multiplier
UV_camera_up_down_multiplier - Sets UV_camera_up_down_multiplier
UV_camera_zoom_multiplier - Sets UV_camera_zoom_multiplier
vai -
Vai_allow_damage_swerve - Toggles Vai_allow_damage_swerve
validate_client_movers - validate_client_movers
validate_island_info - validate island info
validate_mp_announce - validate_mp_announcer
validate_sound_event - Checks to see if a sound event exists.
validate_switch_id - Checks to see if an switch ID exists.
vehicle_avoid_despawning - Toggles Vehicle_system_avoid_despawn
vehicle_body_friction - Sets Vehicle_body_friction
vehicle_bomb - Set a bomb on the nearest vehicle.
vehicle_camera_collision_debug - Toggles Vehicle_camera_collision_debug
vehicle_camera_collision_enable - Toggles Vehicle_camera_collision_enable
vehicle_camera_collision_percent_rate_in - Sets Camera_collision_percent_rate_in
vehicle_camera_collision_percent_rate_in_manual - Sets Camera_collision_percent_rate_in_manual
vehicle_camera_collision_percent_rate_out - Sets Camera_collision_percent_rate_out
vehicle_camera_collision_size - Sets Camera_collision_size
vehicle_camera_elevation_lock - Toggles Vehicle_camera_elevation_lock
Vehicle_camera_g_forces_chassis - Toggles Vehicle_camera_g_forces_chassis
Vehicle_camera_g_forces_roll - Toggles Vehicle_camera_g_forces_roll
vehicle_camera_lock_world_space - Toggles Vehicle_camera_lock_world_space
vehicle_camera_normal_rotation_rate - Sets Vehicle_camera_normal_rotation_rate
vehicle_camera_ramp_time - Sets Vehicle_camera_ramp_time
vehicle_camera_reverse_speed_max - Sets Vehicle_camera_reverse_speed_max
vehicle_camera_reverse_speed_min - Sets Vehicle_camera_reverse_speed_min
Vehicle_camera_roll_max_angle - Sets Vehicle_camera_roll_max_angle
Vehicle_camera_roll_max_change - Sets Vehicle_camera_roll_max_change
Vehicle_camera_roll_max_sideways - Sets Vehicle_camera_roll_max_sideways
Vehicle_camera_roll_min_sideways - Sets Vehicle_camera_roll_min_sideways
Vehicle_camera_roll_min_speed - Sets Vehicle_camera_roll_min_speed
vehicle_camera_snap_time - Sets Vehicle_camera_default_snap_time
Vehicle_camera_steer_adjust_speed_mult - Sets Vehicle_camera_steer_adjust_speed_mult
Vehicle_camera_steer_angle_mult - Sets Vehicle_camera_steer_angle_mult
vehicle_camera_swing_rate_fwd - Sets FREE_CAMERA_SWING_RATE_VEHICLE_FORWARD
vehicle_camera_swing_rate_rev - Sets FREE_CAMERA_SWING_RATE_VEHICLE_REVERSE
vehicle_camera_type - change the vehicle camera type
Vehicle_camera_use_alt - Toggles Vehicle_camera_use_alt
vehicle_continuous_physics - Toggles Vehicle_continuous_physics
Vehicle_dark_smoke_threshhold_pct - Sets Vehicle_dark_smoke_threshhold_pct
vehicle_deformation_enabled - Toggles Vehicle_deformation_enabled
Vehicle_door_collision_threshold_mph - Sets Vehicle_door_collision_threshold_mph
vehicle_electrocute - Do electrocution damage to the nearest vehicle for x milliseconds.
Vehicle_enter_lookat_debug - Toggles Vehicle_enter_lookat_debug
Vehicle_enter_lookat_x - Sets Vehicle_enter_lookat_x
Vehicle_enter_lookat_y - Sets Vehicle_enter_lookat_y
Vehicle_enter_lookat_z - Sets Vehicle_enter_lookat_z
vehicle_enter_seat_override - Sets Vehicle_enter_seat_override
vehicle_force_assist_max_speed - Sets Vehicle_force_assist_max_speed
vehicle_force_assist_ramp - Sets Vehicle_force_assist_ramp
vehicle_hinge_const - Sets Vehicle_component_hinge_const
vehicle_hinge_damp - Sets Vehicle_component_hinge_damp
vehicle_hinge_prop - Sets Vehicle_component_hinge_prop
vehicle_hinge_tau - Sets Vehicle_component_hinge_tau
vehicle_interpolate_havok - Toggles Vehicle_interpolate_havok
vehicle_max_speed - sets the max allowable vehicle speed
vehicle_reverse_steer_speed_max - Sets Vehicle_reverse_steer_speed_max
vehicle_reverse_steer_speed_min - Sets Vehicle_reverse_steer_speed_min
vehicle_reverse_steer_speed_pct - Sets Vehicle_reverse_steer_speed_pct
vehicle_reverse_turn_speed_max - Sets Vehicle_reverse_turn_speed_max
vehicle_reverse_turn_speed_min - Sets Vehicle_reverse_turn_speed_min
vehicle_reverse_turn_speed_pct - Sets Vehicle_reverse_turn_speed_pct
Vehicle_show_damage_accumulation - Toggles Vehicle_show_damage_accumulation
vehicle_slots - Show vehicle slot info
vehicle_stop - stop all vehicles
vehicle_suspension_simulation_frequency - Sets SUSPENSION_SIMULATION_FREQUENCY
Vehicle_trick_enable - Toggles Vehicle_trick_enable
vehicle_turret_cam_blur - Sets Vehicle_turret_cam_blur
vehicle_turret_smooth_amt - Sets Tank_turret_smooth
vehicle_upgrade_apply - Apply a specific vehicle upgrade to the player's vehicle.
vehicle_upgrade_list - List avaliable vehicle upgrades for the player's vehicle.
vehicle_upgrade_remove - Apply a specific vehicle upgrade to the player's vehicle.
Vehicle_upgrade_set_parameter - Set a specific parameter for the player's current vehicle.
vehicle_upgrade_toggle_component - Toggle a vehicle's component on or off
Vehicle_upgrades_fully_mutually_exclusive - Toggles Vehicle_upgrades_fully_mutually_exclusive
Vehicle_upgrades_mutually_exclusive - Toggles Vehicle_upgrades_mutually_exclusive
Vehicle_upgrades_refresh - Reload the vehicle upgrades table. Note that you can change values, but not add or remove anything.
vehicle_wheel_stutter - Toggles Vehicle_wheel_stutter
vehicle_wheel_stutter_minspeed - Sets Vehicle_wheel_stutter_minspeed
vehicle_wheel_stutter_offset - Sets Vehicle_wheel_stutter_offset
vehicles_always_teleport - Toggles Teleport_into_vehicles
Vel_motor_ramp_out - Sets Vel_motor_ramp_out
Velocity_throttle_speed_override - Sets Velocity_throttle_speed_override
vfx_default_friction - Sets vfx_default_friction
Vfx_force_parametric - Toggles Vfx_force_parametric
Vfx_particle_debug - Toggles Vfx_particle_debug
Vfx_particle_debug_wireframe - Toggles Vfx_particle_debug_wireframe
vfx_preload_enable - Disable preloading of effects
Vfx_profiling_enabled - Toggles Vfx_profiling_enabled
Vfx_show_filters - Toggles Vfx_show_filters
vfx_show_global_stats - Toggles Vfx_show_global_stats
vfx_show_stats - Toggles Vfx_show_stats
Vfx_sort_hack - Toggles Vfx_sort_hack
vfx_step - enables debug stepping
vfx_step_emitter_next - steps to the next emitter visible in the current selected effect object
vfx_step_emitter_prev - steps to the prev emitter visible in the current selected effect object
vfx_step_object_next - steps to the next visible effect object
vfx_step_object_prev - steps to the prev visible effect object
Vfx_step_show_expressions - Toggles Vfx_step_show_expressions
Vfx_step_show_profiling - Toggles Vfx_step_show_profiling
Vfx_step_show_properties - Toggles Vfx_step_show_properties
Vfx_step_show_volumes - Toggles Vfx_step_show_volumes
Vfx_step_sub - Toggles Vfx_step_sub
vfx_stream_debug - Toggles Vfx_stream_debug
vi_auto_connect_range_sqrd - Sets vi_auto_connect_range_sqrd
vi_bail - make every one from the targeted or players vehicle bail
vi_dmh_anim_frame_offset - Sets vi_dmh_anim_frame_offset
vi_dmh_door_vel_offset - Sets vi_dmh_door_vel_offset
vi_dmh_speed_smoothing - Sets vi_dmh_speed_smoothing
vi_dmh_use_time_not_speed - Toggles vi_dmh_use_time_not_speed
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.15]
vi_override_exit_type - Sets vi_override_exit_type
vi_pf_stuck_threshold - Sets vi_pf_stuck_threshold
vi_pf_stuck_time - Sets vi_pf_stuck_time
Vi_turret_block_exit_angle - Sets Vi_turret_block_exit_angle
Vi_vehicle_lean_blend_time - Sets Vi_vehicle_lean_blend_time
Vi_vehicle_lean_force - Sets Vi_vehicle_lean_force
vibration - Toggles Input_feedback_enabled
Video_calibration_color - Toggles Video_calibration_color
Video_calibration_color_ramps - Toggles Video_calibration_color_ramps
Video_calibration_color_ramps_lum - Toggles Video_calibration_color_ramps_lum
Video_calibration_color_swatches - Toggles Video_calibration_color_swatches
Video_calibration_gray_ramps - Toggles Video_calibration_gray_ramps
Video_calibration_minical - Toggles Video_calibration_minical
Video_calibration_pluge - Toggles Video_calibration_pluge
Video_calibration_samsung_calibrate - Toggles Video_calibration_samsung_calibrate
Video_calibration_use_voptions - Toggles Video_calibration_use_voptions
Video_cutscene_hide_scene - Toggles Video_cutscene_hide_scene
video_cutscene_play - usage: video_cutscene_play filename
Video_cutscene_volume - Sets Video_cutscene_volume
Vint_blur_enabled - Toggles Vint_blur_enabled
vint_check_lua_mem_usage - Returns the size in KB of interface memory usage from the garbage collector
vint_doc_list - List loaded documents
vint_doc_load - Load an interface
vint_doc_reload - Reload an interface
vint_doc_reload_all - Reload all interfaces
vint_doc_unload - Unload an interface
vint_doc_unload_all - Unload all interfaces
vint_force_lua_garbage_collect - Forces an immediate garbage collection
vint_lua - Execute a lua script function in vint script space
vint_object_inspect - see the props of an object - doc name
vint_object_usage - summary of the object usage for all object types
Vint_premult_alpha - Toggles Vint_premult_alpha
vint_refresh_containers - Toggles Refresh_vint_containers
vint_refresh_file_sizes - Refreshes the file sizes for all vint-related data files
vint_set_lua_garbage_collection_pause - Sets the pause time between incremental garbage collections
vint_set_lua_garbage_collection_step - Sets the step multiplier for each incremental garbage collection
vint_set_property - set a property on an object - doc handle property value
vint_show_lua_mem_usage - Toggles Vint_show_lua_mem_usage
vint_show_object_counts - Toggle debug display of VINT object counts
vint_text_force_case_enable - Toggles Vint_text_force_case_enable
voice_show_pos - Toggles voice_show_pos
voice_subtitle_test - Tests subtitles by playing a line with subtitles
Walker_attack_flinch_delay - Sets Walker_attack_flinch_delay
Walker_attack_flinch_frames - Sets Walker_attack_flinch_frames
Walker_attack_flinch_impulse_threshold - Sets Walker_attack_flinch_impulse_threshold
walker_cheap_actions - Toggles Walker_cheap_actions
Walker_crouch_enable - Toggles Walker_crouch_enable
Walker_crouch_height - Sets Walker_crouch_height
Walker_cs_default_move_accel - Sets Walker_cs_default_move_accel
Walker_cs_fall_move_accel - Sets Walker_cs_fall_move_accel
Walker_cs_fall_turn_speed - Sets Walker_cs_fall_turn_speed
Walker_cs_jet_move_accel - Sets Walker_cs_jet_move_accel
Walker_cs_jet_turn_speed - Sets Walker_cs_jet_turn_speed
Walker_debug - Toggles Walker_debug
Walker_debug_show_ik_targets - Toggles Walker_debug_show_ik_targets
Walker_disable_ik - Toggles Walker_disable_ik
Walker_entry_dist - Sets Walker_entry_dist
Walker_force_crouch - Toggles Walker_force_crouch
Walker_force_laser_blast_ready - Toggles Walker_force_laser_blast_ready
Walker_force_stomp_ready - Toggles Walker_force_stomp_ready
Walker_go_through_buildings - Sets Walker_go_through_buildings_override
Walker_hex_target_y_offset - Sets Walker_hex_target_y_offset
Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_backward_distance - Sets Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_backward_distance
Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_degrees - Sets Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_degrees
Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_forward_distance - Sets Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_forward_distance
Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_side_distance - Sets Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_side_distance
Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_turning_distance - Sets Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_turning_distance
Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_y_offset - Sets Walker_hexapedal_terrain_detector_y_offset
Walker_ik_after_physics - Toggles Walker_ik_after_physics
Walker_ik_align_debug - Toggles Walker_ik_align_debug
Walker_ik_align_enable - Toggles Walker_ik_align_enable
Walker_ik_debug - Toggles Walker_ik_debug
Walker_ik_fade_on_mix - Toggles Walker_ik_fade_on_mix
walker_large_toss_strength - Sets Walker_large_toss_strength
Walker_light_target_y_offset - Sets Walker_light_target_y_offset
Walker_light_terrain_detector_backward_distance - Sets Walker_light_terrain_detector_backward_distance
Walker_light_terrain_detector_degrees - Sets Walker_light_terrain_detector_degrees
Walker_light_terrain_detector_forward_distance - Sets Walker_light_terrain_detector_forward_distance
Walker_light_terrain_detector_side_distance - Sets Walker_light_terrain_detector_side_distance
Walker_light_terrain_detector_turning_distance - Sets Walker_light_terrain_detector_turning_distance
Walker_light_terrain_detector_y_offset - Sets Walker_light_terrain_detector_y_offset
Walker_max_capsule_speed - Sets Walker_max_capsule_speed
Walker_max_orient_bank - Sets Walker_max_orient_bank
Walker_max_orient_pitch - Sets Walker_max_orient_pitch
Walker_no_move - Toggles Walker_no_move
walker_npc_speed - Sets Walker_npc_speed
walker_npc_turn_rate - Sets Walker_npc_turn_rate
Walker_piston_constraint_enable - Toggles Walker_piston_constraint_enable
walker_pos_x - Sets Center_offset.x
walker_pos_y - Sets Center_offset.y
walker_pos_z - Sets Center_offset.z
Walker_radius - Sets Walker_radius
Walker_ram_melee_y_correct - Sets Walker_ram_melee_y_correct
Walker_rfg_mover_collision_min_speed - Sets Walker_rfg_mover_collision_min_speed
Walker_rotation_delay_ms - Sets Walker_rotation_delay_ms
Walker_should_have_ranged_weapon - Sets Walker_has_ranged_weapon_override
Walker_should_melee_walkers - Sets Walker_should_melee_walkers_override
Walker_show_barrier_detector - Toggles Walker_show_barrier_detector
Walker_show_capsule - Toggles Walker_show_capsule
Walker_show_capsule_position - Toggles Walker_show_capsule_position
Walker_show_component_velocity - Toggles Walker_show_component_velocity
Walker_show_desired_velocity - Toggles Walker_show_desired_velocity
Walker_show_ik_hit_normal - Toggles Walker_show_ik_hit_normal
Walker_show_position - Toggles Walker_show_position
Walker_show_steering_vector - Toggles Walker_show_steering_vector
Walker_show_terrain_detector - Toggles Walker_show_terrain_detector
Walker_slerp_pct - Sets Walker_slerp_pct
walker_small_toss_strength - Sets Walker_small_toss_strength
walker_small_toss_up - Sets Walker_small_toss_up
walker_smash_threshold - Sets Walker_building_smash_threshold
Walker_terrain_detector_enabled - Toggles Walker_terrain_detector_enabled
Walker_toggle_canned - Mark a walker as being 'canned'
Walker_turn_shuffle_speed - Sets Walker_turn_shuffle_speed
Warn_about_old_anchor_data - Toggles Warn_about_old_anchor_data
warp - Warps the player to the specified coordinates
warp_to_camera - Warp the player to the camera position
warp_to_cloe - Warps the player to the specified coordinates based on cloe coordinates in a zone
warp_to_debug_position - Warp the player to the location stored in Debug_position
warp_to_examine_target - Warp to the position of the RFG_debug_examine object
watch_object - Watches the object with the given handle (use 0x... for hex)
watch_object_assert - Toggles Watch_object_assert
wc_begin_match - Sets the wrecking crew timer
wc_change_timer - Sets the wrecking crew timer
wc_init - Pushes the game to wrecking crew mode
wc_lock_map - Locks a wrecking crew map
wc_restore_map - Restore the current wrecking crew map
wc_shutdown - Exit wrecking crew
Full List Of Console Commands [Pt.16]
wc_unlock_map - Unlocks a wrecking crew map
Weapon_firing_test - Toggles Weapon_firing_test
weapon_hi_res_load_closest - Streams in the high resolution texture for the closest weapon to the camera
weapon_hi_res_unload_all - Streams out all high resolution weapon textures
weapon_inventory_screen - Show the weapon inventory screen
weapon_muzzle_flash_throttle_max_density - Sets Weapon_muzzle_flash_throttle_max_density
weapon_muzzle_flash_throttle_start_density - Sets Weapon_muzzle_flash_throttle_start_density
weapon_muzzle_flash_throttling - Toggles Weapon_muzzle_flash_throttling_enabled
weapon_radial_highlight_time - Sets Weapon_radial_highlight_time_ms
weapon_radial_next_prev_delay_ms - Sets Weapon_radial_next_prev_delay_ms
Weapon_raised_timer_ms - Sets Weapon_raised_timer_ms
weapon_raycast_from_muzzle - Toggles Weapon_raycast_from_muzzle
weapon_spread_recoil - Toggles Weapon_spread_recoil
weapon_tracer_throttle_max_density - Sets Weapon_tracer_throttle_max_density
weapon_tracer_throttle_start_density - Sets Weapon_tracer_throttle_start_density
weapon_tracer_throttling - Toggles Weapon_tracer_throttling_enabled
Weather_camera_effects_enabled - Toggles Weather_camera_effects_enabled
whoosh_debug - Toggles Whoosh_debug
wind - Start and stop wind ambience
Wind_debug - Toggles Wind_debug
wind_dir - Change the wind direction in degrees <value (0-360)>

Wind_max_speed - Sets Wind_max_speed
Wind_min_speed - Sets Wind_min_speed
wind_speed - Change the wind speed <value (0-100)>

Wind_transition_rate - Sets Wind_transition_rate
Wireframe_detail_dist - Sets Wireframe_detail_dist
World_anchor_strength_scalar - Sets World_anchor_strength_scalar
world_mem_usage - toggle world memory usage display
world_mem_usage_lite - toggle world memory usage display lite
world_mem_usage_mp - toggle multiplayer memory usage
world_show_mem_usage - Show memory usage for objects and bookkeeping
Wrecking_crew_camera_noise_frequency - Sets Wrecking_crew_camera_noise_frequency
Wrecking_crew_camera_noise_scale - Sets Wrecking_crew_camera_noise_scale
Wrecking_crew_death_camera_speed - Sets Wrecking_crew_death_camera_speed
Wrecking_crew_exo_locked - Toggles Wrecking_crew_exo_locked
Wrecking_crew_render_debug_state_info - Toggles Wrecking_crew_render_debug_state_info
Wrecking_crew_total_chaos_show_debug - Toggles Wrecking_crew_total_chaos_show_debug
xMon_enable - enable/disable xMon
Xray_depth_bias - Sets Xray_depth_bias
xray_humans - toggle xray effect to all currently spawned humans, except for player
Y_bias_limit - Sets Y_bias_limit
Y_bias_test - Sets Y_bias_test
zero_ammo - Take all ammo away from player.
Zig_max_disp - Sets Zig_max_disp
Zig_max_dist - Sets Zig_max_dist
Zig_max_time - Sets Zig_max_time
Zig_min_disp - Sets Zig_min_disp
Zig_min_dist - Sets Zig_min_dist
Zig_min_time - Sets Zig_min_time
Zig_navpoint_min_dot - Sets Zig_navpoint_min_dot
Zig_zag_force - Toggles Zig_zag_force
zone_max_wind_speed - Sets the max wind speed for the current zone
zone_min_wind_speed - Sets the min wind speed for the current zone
1 comentário(s)
RoseOfTheWorld 19/dez./2020 às 13:26 
Awesome, thanks!