Star Ruler 2

Star Ruler 2

68 ratings
Shores of Infinity
File Size
13.500 MB
Jan 27, 2018 @ 7:51pm
Apr 17, 2020 @ 1:53pm
11 Change Notes ( view )

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Shores of Infinity


Immerse yourself in a cosmos that looks and feels more realistic and bigger than ever in SR2. Experience a slower paced, more traditional 4X gameplay blended with the original real time aspect of the game.
Evolve in a universe where each star system is a distant milestone promising a wealth of new resources and opportunities; where the speed of light is a real boundary and FTL is not an option.

Welcome to the Infinity. Don't lose your way en route to the next sun...

This version is a beta. Balance is experimental and far from final. Game progression may also feel a bit slow, especially in the beginning of the game; this will be fine-tuned and balanced with more content in future versions.
Competitive multiplayer games are not recommended until balance is fine-tuned.

Current version: 0.3.3b
Based on Rising Stars v1.2.1

- A universe with a scale closer to reality: stars dwarf planets, which dwarf ships. If you still feel a bit cramped, try visiting the local supermassive black hole.
- Gas and ice giants and their numerous moons are waiting for adventurous settlers.
- New star and system types, including ternary and quaternary systems and neutron stars.
- Relativistic physics elements, aka Einstein messing with Newton: sublight speed cannot exceed the speed of light and acceleration loses effectiveness as it gets closer to it.
- A new settlement management feature bringing morale, civil acts and more mechanics to the game, with its own user interface.
- A new planet exploration option will widen your horizon below the stars.
- A new research grid maximizing options and logically organizing technologies in six wide areas: Governance, Engineering, Industry, Warfare, Harnessing, and Efficiency.
- A rebalanced gameplay progression and economy stressing the immensity of space as you climb the technological ladder to finally rule the stars.
- New buildings and orbitals introducing new ways to take advantage of the environment.
- New subsystems opening new gameplay options, including a weapon modification system.
- Overhauled government options with deep and durable impacts on gameplay.
- Overhauled mechanics for Mechanoid, Star Children and Ancient lifestyles.
- An improved AI with better budget management and new construction capabilities.
- Most features from Rising Stars up to the currently supported version.

Special Thanks
- The Star Ruler 2 dev team for creating such an open modding engine with almost endless possibilities.
- The ABEM / Rising Stars dev team and especially Dalo Lorn for their hard work who provided me with a huge starting point with their mod.
- dolynick whose work on rescaling the game for DOF saved me hours of research and work, that I could use to expand on it.

Detailed Release Notes:

ModDB Link:

Rising Stars:

Rising Stars Discord chat:
Popular Discussions View All (12)
Mar 3, 2021 @ 12:43pm
Jul 30, 2018 @ 10:37am
Prototype Stargate unclarity - [I was stupid]
Sep 9, 2019 @ 12:29pm
Star children are ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Ridesdragons Sep 1, 2021 @ 8:13am 
yea I getcha, no worries
soloriens  [author] Sep 1, 2021 @ 2:26am 
My algorithm is supposed to be applied to any ship that moves so I don't have any idea right now. I did notice some ships being catapulted for no reason at all sometimes. It's probably some hole somewhere in the vanilla code exposed by my changes. I'll take a look someday... This kind of constant side effect bugs are a big part of why I take frequent breaks to be honest, as I spend more time chasing them than actually working on the mod itself and it feels like a chore to me.
And yes, I'm still on a break, and yes, I still want to come back.
Ridesdragons Jun 17, 2021 @ 7:04am 
is there anything you can do to fix this? or, alternatively, is there any way I can change it on my end or remove it? higher game speeds are useful with systems being so far apart, but having my ships slingshot past my gates into empty space because the 5x calculations made them go faster than light is very frustrating
Ridesdragons Jun 17, 2021 @ 7:04am 
hey, I can see that you're on your break, but I just thought I'd stop by and let you know. the thing I said before about going over the speed of light? turns out it's not based on having too many techs. it happens even with 0 techs. started a new game and built a couple of scouts, and after a while of doing their thing, I went to check on them only to see they were often shooting way off course. decided to watch them and - yep, they're accelerating to and exceeding the speed of light, and proceeding to lose control. I mean, thing's literally just one giant ship-shaped rocket engine with a cockpit and a radar.

before I thought it was a vanilla bug, but after re-reading the body of what this mod adds, I realized it's probably a bug caused by the relativistic modification you added. well, it's probably still a vanilla bug, but only appears once you add in relativity.
Arphar Feb 28, 2021 @ 3:28am 
good work with this mod, wishing you the best dude.
soloriens  [author] Dec 31, 2020 @ 7:49am 
I'm OK, thanks. I still don't feel like resuming modding or even simply playing games though which is a shame. Have fun and take care guys.
Bucko Dec 19, 2020 @ 5:35am 
Hope your doing well OP, really loving the mod so far
soloriens  [author] Aug 31, 2020 @ 1:16pm 
Basically like Dalo said, I'm on a break. I caught a bug with the AI during my last play test, most likely vanilla, that made me seriously mad. Then there's a real bug out there, that I'm trying not to catch (hope you don't either, heh). And cherry on the cake, pretty serious personal issues. So yeah, lights out for now, spending my free time working on SoI is the last thing I want.

I will be back though, when the time is right and my head is clean.
KeyOneGodSun Jul 23, 2020 @ 9:35am 
He just updated some months ago. Patient and steady.
Dalo Lorn Jul 23, 2020 @ 12:55am 
I would not be surprised if there were.

Sol has taken a few breaks before - just like I have with Rising Stars. Just... be patient.