Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege

Not enough ratings
Character Tier List R6
By Singuillary
Don't take it so hard, it's a meme not a peener. This guide is far from accurate, so calm down. If you disagree, good for you, write your own guide buddy.
∞. NOSTER3322, Gaming God

(look at this hottie)

Not only is he the most epic, he has the most skill of anyone in the friend group. His Montagne plays are godly, and he can win 1 v 5 on the regular. Inspires your team to get epic plays so they can be in Noster's Youtube compilations, which just adds to his strength. Even though he can get aces whenever he feels like it, Noster is also a great team player, and recognizes that he can lead the team to victory even when getting a donut in casual. No matter what side he is on, Noster commands respect from all.
1. Shafeazy-E, Swag Master

The only guy actually good at the game. Great aim, good operators, good game sense. Likes to play Ash which completely counters several meta strategies, such as Reinforce Kids. Another important thing to note is that given any 1 v 1 or 1 v 2 situation, Shafeazy "wins these," so give up once it gets to that point. Last but not least, never flames his team.

2. Dylan Sturdivant, Meme Magic God

While certainly experienced when it comes to Rainbow Six, Dylan's true power arises from the raw energy that courses through him. This arcane energy is colloquially known as "meme magic." While Meme Magic touches all beings, Dylan is the strongest user of Meme Magic, dead or alive. Even those with a deep understanding of the game will be crushed underneath his power. On top of all of this, Dylan owns every operator, and inspires his team through his absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
3. Aidan, Makes Rounds 6 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ minutes long WHAT the H bro

A is for Aidan haha xd get it. Aidan has every operator, and can carry if Noster isn't already. One of his strengths is his ability to do very well while also not being an annoying piece of garbage. Just casually drops 3 kills in a round without saying anything to distract his team. Overall very reliable; you can't go wrong with Aidan.
4. Drew, Hecking Nerd

Drew's skill at R6 is not based on useful things, like aim or an understanding of the game itself. Owning just 8 operators doesn't help either. He has two major strengths in other areas instead. The first is his game sense. Drew has decent game sense, which sometimes leads to a string of kills. However, most of the time, his awful aim prevents him from getting much more than a donut. This also means that in most 1 v 1 situations, Drew "does not win these." His other strength is in his ability to bully the other players in the game into submission. When he decides to do this to the other team, it can be positive, but when a teammate is targeted, disaster can fall, especially in a four-queue.

5. Blake, AKA yung megamind™

Ollo everyone! Blake is decent in all categories, and is especially good at Mira. While the stats may not be impressive, but idiots will be thoroughly punished for underestimating him. Blake raises the morale of the team through not being loud and annoying, as well as keeping a good flow of epic memes.

6. Marcus, Professional Water Sports Athlete

Marcus doesn't let meta strategies, such as playing the game correctly, influence his decisions. Marcus' unique strategies allow him to bring something new to any team lineup. One example of this is his habit of shooting out the wall facing the stairs in a Reinforce Kids strategy. He also often does this from the construction side of the stairs. Marcus' only problems come from a lack of aim, which is fairly common among the friend group anyway.
6. Zach, On a Lonely Road

See, Zach isn't even bad at the game. He performs well consistently, as a matter of fact. However, Zach's biggest flaw is in his inability to accept normal events of the game. After killing him at any point, one can simply type "zach?" in all chat, and quickly receive a rant of exactly how unfair it was that he died. I call this "Salty Stanton Syndrome." However, Zach has one amazing redeeming quality. After he dies in-game, he provides valuable advice to anyone left alive. For example, if you run out of ammo in your gun, he will helpfully remind you to "RELOAD! RELOAD YOU IDIOT." Or, perhaps if you are missing your shots, he will say "JUST SHOOT HIM OH MY GOOOOOOD." If he ever learns to calm down, he will move up in rankings.

7. Sam, The Largest Splamp

-1. Mac, Mac

Macklemore, mains Caveira, despite her obvious digital whiteface. Mac can do well at the game, and its not rare to see 5+ kills from him. However, Mac is currently rated as -1 because he counts as a negative team member. For example, if in a 3 v 3, yet one of the teams has Mac on it, the match becomes a 3 v 1. This is thanks to Mac's constant flood of "information" at all times. This prevents his teammates from being able to hear or focus at all. Mac is also prone to teamkilling, though this is a trait shared by many of the people on this guide (see: anyone except Ben).
Yameat Jan 30, 2018 @ 5:50pm 
10/10 for accuracy
also fuck the people who kill me (they are all hacking bitches)
Singuillary  [author] Jan 30, 2018 @ 5:32pm 
Capital H
Funi0n Jan 30, 2018 @ 5:31pm 
Trigger Moke Jan 30, 2018 @ 5:22pm 
A gift from the gods