Portal 2

Portal 2

121 vurderinger
Spur of the Momentum (Updated!)
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Spur of the Momentum (Updated!)

I 1 samling af ella
Ella's Collective Collection
54 genstande
An easy to intermediate test chamber involving some good ol' physics, like the classic infinite fall. You may find that you're using physics in ways you hadn't thought of before...
3 kommentarer
Petutski 6. apr. 2017 kl. 12:42 
Interesting momemtum study. Thanks!
ella  [ophavsmand] 2. maj 2013 kl. 17:50 
@Gorix: Thanks! :)
Gorix 2. maj 2013 kl. 17:47 
Very fun, the gel section was a bit taxing on my sanity but it was cool XD