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ARMA 3: Cash Guide King of the HIll (KOTH)
Por Windywinnie
This guide describes the methods and skills required for certain activites in King of the Hill. It teaches basic gameplay mechanics ranging from bombing to tanking. Also other methods to gather cash in a normal game of King of the Hill.
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Introduction: Cash Guide
Making cash in King of the Hill is very easy; but requires concepts of the inner working mechanics of ARMA 3. This guide will go over tanking, gunplay, jets, helicopters, sniping, and other points of intrest that pretain to being in the AO and farming cash.
Tanking: Easy High Tier Money
The best way to play armor in KOTH is to sit back as far as possible in either a depression of a hill or behind a building. You have many foes in a MBT including Kajmin, Jets, and other tanks. But using planning and countermeasures all of these can be negated and easy cash will be your reward. Never let the cost of a vehicle make you fearful of purcahsing it. Understand what you can kill with it and your possible income of using said vehicle. The most important thing to divulge from this section is to never bring armor of any kind into the AO. Unless it is a SPAAG and you're block clearing with it.

There are primarily two ways of using a MBT; aggressively and passively. When playing aggressively you must keep in mind cover and and your sectors. The more people in a tank the better, it allows you to keep eyes on areas around you. When playing with an aggreisive attitude you will be hunting SPAAGs (self proprelled anti aircraft guns) and other pieces of armor that dot the hills around the AO. Your primary targets will be SPAAGs they offer a easy single shot to disable and or destroy giving upwards to $2000 for each kill. Other MBTs usaully require up to 3 solid hits before it is destroyed; depending on where you hit. But always be careful of kajmin when on the move they offer the helicopters gunner a wire guided or lock on missile. Your smoke will block an missile that hits it, but a talented Kajmin gunner can spike the missile over the smoke screen. Playing passively opens the door for camping and waiting for armor to roll into your view. It may seem nice until you realize that jets can easily hit stationary tanks with their GBUs (bombs). The only way to counter GBUs is to use ARMA 3 to your advantage, by hiding behind buildings. Buildings in ARMA 3 have a "health bar" they absorb damage if hit even when destroyed. The only real issue you have to run into is the shrapnel coming from the actual bomb if you're in any kind of armor. The actual damaging effects will be negated if the GBU hits a building or object (rocks, trees) there is only HE AOE.

The Kuma
The Kuma is one of the best tanks in King of the Hill, and even ARMA 3 vanilla. From its low profile, 360 smoke coverage, and it's fastest max speed in the game for all the MBTs. The only competetor is the Slammer Up, almost competing but is trumped in a lot of performance roles including speed.

The T-100
The T-100, or Varsuk. What ever its called, the tank is terrible. There is a reason why suk is in the name of the tank. It may have the highest speed of all the other MBTs and biggest cannon but worst armor and second largest profile. This tank can be one shot by any other tank, and diabled by a single titan missile.

The Slammer and Slammer Up
With the highest profile, even though very stubby it is extremly tall. with the slowest max speed but with the best armor allowing the survival after almost three hits from MBTs. This is negated by only having front facing smoke and a slow traverse speed.

Fixed Wing Aircraft: Skill Pays very Quickly
Fixed Wing Aircraft
One of the more expensive methods in KOTH with most viable jets costing past 8000 dollars. If done correctly the jets can be the most profitable activity in KOTH; but since the new Jets DLC the complexitiy of dogfighting, radar, and missiles has been vastly shifted. Radar will be covered in more depth later on in this guide which will go over lasing, and other radar based instruments. Most of the time on jet servers you'll have to worry about higher leveled players bullying with Gryphon. Since the Black Wasp and Shikra were disabled on most servers because they outpreformed all the CAS jets including the Gryphon. Most jets come with bombs and these can either be dead weight that slow your aircraft or easy ways to smite armor that likes sitting in one spot (SPAAGs,MBTs,SPAGs). Bombing takes a lot of finese and skill to hone down. This includes understanding how the radar and lasing mechanics work in the game. Since the GBUs are both laser and radar gudied.

Bombing requires a multitude of approaches either through direct lasing, or indirect lasing (ground assisted approach). Even people have gotten so talented with bombs that they can hit accurately within a couple meters with dumb firing. The first method we have is direct lasing; from your jet. All jets have a laser module on it which you can accses and will bring up a laser sight that you can lock onto targets and then drop bombs and the bomb will guide itself to the target. The cons to this approach means SPAAGs will be able to see you constantly locking as you guide you bomb towards the target. So the longer you have locked the higher the chance the armor will be able to dodge your bomb or since you'd be on a direct approach they'd shoot you out of the sky. Now for indirect lasing; indirect lasing is by far more accurate and safer for the pilot. This entails a secondary person with the designator perk is using the laser designator to point a target for you to bomb this includes both infantry and armor, and will be unreadable by radar systems. This means that the target has no idea that it is being targeted by a jet. This is also possible to drop a bomb at any height only averting you from further danger. The downside to this is the requirement of having another person on the ground lasing target for you. The video goes over direct lasing, this should be similar to all jets.

13 comentário(s)
Grossaaa 25/fev./2018 às 4:45 
"Skill Pays very Quickly".

Unless you have an enemy team full of people that have miullions in their banks and start spamming buzzards.

"complexitiy of dogfighting"

You mean the "get close - spam 2 AA hope that one hits" dogfights ?
Smokus 24/fev./2018 às 9:38 
And get banned after few days
Windywinnie  [autor(a)] 16/fev./2018 às 9:40 
Well, its the only real way to play MBTs.
Beastly 15/fev./2018 às 17:26 
"The best way to play armor in KOTH is to sit back as far as possible in either a depression of a hill or behind a building." why do u tell pleople this. makes the game worse
Windywinnie  [autor(a)] 15/fev./2018 às 15:19 
They have a huge network of chat history, kills, everything. and can see rates of xp/money growth
Acrumen 14/fev./2018 às 20:57 
by what mechanism do you even get banned for playing on a different server? how do they even "find out"?
Cup 13/fev./2018 às 16:07 
I never got banned tho
Windywinnie  [autor(a)] 13/fev./2018 às 15:30 
step 2 get banned
Cup 13/fev./2018 às 13:50 
Step 1 to getting Cash: Play on the 100x server
Dorsch 12/fev./2018 às 15:56 
basd scha