Opus Magnum

Opus Magnum

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Easy Hints for Sigmar's Garden
Por IceHippo
These are a few simple hints to make Sigmar's Garden easier.
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Three hints for better play
  • Find Lead and clear it
  • Clear the remaining metals in order
  • Elements and Salt need to be even-numbered to be cleared
Find Lead and clear it
First look for Lead (the dark grey marble with what looks like a letter "h" on it).

Below the board are a lising of how many of each marble remain. Left-click on the Lead icon to highlight it on the board to make it easier to see. You must clear Lead before you clear any other metals. The only way to clear Lead is to pair it with one of the five Mercury icons. Once you clear Lead, then you can clear the other metals in order:

Lead -> Tin -> Iron -> Copper -> Silver -> Gold
All but Gold need to be paired with Mercury (to clear Gold just click on it)

Lead plus Mercury is the most limiting option in the game. If you are stuck not being able to pair Lead with one of the initial 5 Mercury, then you will lose. You cannot clear the other metals until you clear Lead. Thus this should be your first goal.
Clear the other metals in order
Find the next metal in the sequence and clear it. If you have a choice of moves, use the one that helps you clear the metal after that one.

For example, Lead is near the lower right part of the board. The first thing you should do is clear Lead, and in order to do this you need to clear the green element (1) next to it (the green elements' real name is "Earth", but it's just as easy to remember the 4 elements by their colors). There is a choice of two other greens (Earths) to clear, and each will reveal a Mercury (needed to clear Lead). Choose the one in the lower-left (2) because it will eventually free the Iron above it.

Pair the Lead (3) with the Mercury (4) that frees the Iron.
Now clear the two aqua-colored (Water) elements (5,6) to free the Tin in the upper part of the board. You will eventually be able to clear the Tin and Iron in quick succession.

Sometimes you will be able to clear metals this quickly, but if not then you should always keep this goal in the back of your mind as you are deciding what to clear.
Elements and Salt need to be even-numbered to be cleared
The 4 elements are colored Red, Green, Aqua and Light-Blue (the elements are actually fire, earth, water and air, but it's easier to call them by their colors). Salt is tan colored.

  • An element plus an element of the same color will clear them both
  • Salt plus any element will clear them both
  • Salt plus Salt will clear them both

You start out with an even number of each (4 salt and 8 of each element). Your goal is to get to zero of each. If you always pair elements with themselves and salt with itself, then you can get down to zero. However, If you use one salt with, say, a red (fire) element -- now you have an odd number of each salt and red elements. You must eventually find a second red element and pair it with a second salt in order to win.

There is no way around this. If you need to pair a salt with an element, then you must save a second salt for later. Otherwise you will be left with one leftover element. If you currently have an odd number of an Element or Salt, the number remaining on the UI below the board appears in red. When you have an odd number, you will need to resolve this before you can win.

There is another consequence of starting with only 4 salt. For example, if you pair a salt and a red element, then pair a salt with a green element, you are left with 2 salt and an odd number of red and green elements. At this point, you must save all the remaining 2 salt to pair with an red and a green each.

Another result is that you can't pair three salt with three different elements -- you will be left with an odd element somewhere.
Quick Example
EDIT: This position below came up recently, and I'm adding it as an example. Following the guide, you are ready to clear Lead and have a choice of 3 Mercury (A,B,C -- see below). Which do you clear first?

-----------------------------Solution ahead!--------------------------

In order to clear the Tin (you're next goal after Lead) you need to clear either the Vitae to the left of it or the Salt to the right. However, the Vitae is blocked by Iron (which you can't clear until Tin is gone). Therefore you must clear the Salt on the right somehow. And the only way to clear it is to dig down, starting with Mercury (C).

Clearing either A or B won't enable you to clear the Tin. Worse, once the Lead is cleared any Mercury on the board can only be cleared with Tin and thus become blocks. Make sense?
Other hints
  • Vitae and Mors pair with each other (they look like pink or black trees, the latter upside-down). If you have an excess of one, then try to uncover one of the other to pair with it.
  • Remove marbles that block something before you remove marbles that block nothing.
  • If you can clear all of one color at once (i.e. all of the last 4 red (fire) are free at the same time), then 95% of the time you should do it (but watch out for that 5%...)
  • Remember that you need 3 contiguous spaces to free a marble, and the area outside the board counts.

One last thought from the Steam store page:

"Every game is winnable, but not every game will be won…"

18 comentário(s)
Lord of the Nothing 5/mai./2023 às 8:26 
я ебусь с шариками
garr890354839 28/jan./2021 às 19:57 
About Sigmar Garden II, the quintessence atom is eliminated by combining it with one of each cardinal element. Two exist, so keep two sets of cardinal atoms to eliminate those.
garr890354839 12/jan./2021 às 21:20 
About SGII, it is found in the Journal, Vol. 99 issue 4.
IceHippo  [autor(a)] 12/jan./2021 às 20:29 
Then definitely start a thread in the discussions on it
garr890354839 12/jan./2021 às 20:20 
I have proof of an impossible game.
IceHippo  [autor(a)] 11/jan./2021 às 13:48 
In theory every game is winnable (according to the dev), although there's been some discussion on this. I haven't gotten into SG II so can't help you on that.
garr890354839 11/jan./2021 às 11:33 
Also, how do I deal with the quintessence atom in Sigmar's Garden II?
garr890354839 11/jan./2021 às 11:11 
They say every game is winnable, right?
IceHippo  [autor(a)] 24/dez./2020 às 6:31 
You're welcome, Tera! Hope you enjoy the game more now.
Nebulas Lucas 24/dez./2020 às 4:59 
The first and 3rd hints helped me SO MUCH THANK YOU