Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

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The Basic Spy Guide
Tekijältä kraft mac-n-cheese™
So, you want to be a spy, eh? People choose this class way too often, and end up failing. So, this guide will teach you the basics of being a spy.
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Step 1: Choosing your Secondary Weapon
Choosing your Secondary
First off, let's talk about your secondary. Although you'll be using your knife more often, if someone is threatening you a far distance away, you'll need this in your arsenal.

The stock revolver deals plentiful damage and it's easy to kill light classes with it. Choose this if you aren't too skilled with defending yourself, or your cover has been blown. You can use this for damage, too.

The Ambassador is a weapon that needs a lot of practice and skill to use its full potential. If you can hit a player's head with this thing, you'll be rewarded with a critical hit to the enemy. This is not a beginner's weapon.

This weapon is what I personally use. It gives free crits for doing basically what you're supposed to do! You get crits by backstabbing enemies and sapping enemy buildings. Highly recommended for new players.

The L'etranger is a very good weapon for mobility, as it gives the cloak a little more time before it decloaks. If you aren't very good with navigating around the map, use this!

We don't speak of this one.
Step 2: Selecting your Melee Weapon
Choosing your Melee
Choosing your melee is about what you don't like or like. For example, the Spy-Cicle. If there are tons of pyros on the other team and you don't want to get easily caught by them, use the Spy-Cicle. However, if you want chainstabs, use the Your Eternal Reward.

The stock knife is great for picking off targets who are alone. You may not want to use this in a crowded area without a good cloak for it. As beginners will probably instantly get killed without knowing how to escape.

Your Eternal Reward
The Your Eternal Reward after the Jungle Inferno update is quite... Interesting. i don't recommend this for beginners, as if you're just starting and you miss plenty of swings with your knife, all your cloak will be gone. It's great for chainstabs, however.

Conniver's Kunai
The Kunai is highly-not recommended for beginners, as you will be killed instantly with the 55- health debuff. However, if you land a kill, you can pull off some pretty neat chainstabs once you get better with spy. *ANIME MUSIC HERE*

Big Earner
This knife is great for beginners. Besides the 15- health debuff, this is great if you are bad at escaping after a backstab. With this, you can quickly manuever away from danger after you get a backstab.

The Spy-Cicle is great if you really, REALLY hate pyros. This will give you a few seconds of invulnerability to burning. (NOT FLAMES!) This also gives off a neat effect after you stab someone.

Step 3: Selecting your Cloak
Selecting your Cloak
There are only three cloaks in the game, so i'll make it fast. These are probably the main things you will use to get around the map. If not, at all.

The stock is great if you want to get around the map easily. Just be on the lookout for ammo-packs, and remember where they are on the map, as this cloak recharges slowly.

Cloak and Dagger
Almost everyone uses this. If you have a hard time finding ammo-packs, then the Cloak and Dagger is for you, with it, if you stand in one spot, your cloak will recharge on its own! This is great for scouting the area. However, new-players make the mistake, that if you run out of cloak, you will leave a sillholette of you walking around.

Dead Ringer
Everybody. Hates. This. Cloak. However, this is one of the great cloaks that will benefit you, but will make the other team hate you forever. Hey, it's worth it. This cloak, once pulled out, won't make you invisible, but when you get shot, you will fake your death, leaving a corpse on the ground, and you will be invisible with a little bit of damage resistance and a speed-boost. Be warned, after the update, you can no longer pick up ammo-packs with it. So, be careful! Also, try and actually pretend you died! Or else the enemy will suspect you.

Step 4: Strategies Against Engineers
Strats are incredibly important in-game. Even though you just learned all of the weapon types, that doesn't make you any better at the game (obviously).

Stab and Sap
It will be hard to explain in words, so i'll explain in pictures.
First, approach the engineer with his buildings.
Stab the engineer.
Then, before the sentry turns around, quickly take out your sapper and sap it.

I recommend you turn on "Fast Switch" before trying this. To do that, go to Advanced Options, then check the box with "Fast Switch" next to it.

Sap and Shoot
This really isn't a strategy, but i'll include it anyways.
Approach the building when nobody is around.
Sap the building.
Switch to your revolver and destroy the building.
This will make it so the engineer will have a harder time trying to run to his building to fix it. Then, you cloak/run away.

"But what if the engineer is with his buildings and you can't reach his back?"
Great question! Sap the building. If he continues to fix it, sap the building again. You have infinite sappers. However, most engineers are (surprisingly) smart. So this may not work. You want to resort to a different strategy.

If he tries to attack you once you sap his building, you can either run away or fight back. Take out your revolver and shoot at the engineer, or you can shoot the building. This could kill you. To avoid this, run away backwards from the engineer, shooting your revolver. If you have the stock, 3-4 shots will do. But, if he pulls out his shotgun, go in a zig-zagged pattern to avoid the shots. Maybe mix them up a little.

Step 5: Against Other Classes
Against Other Classes
The spy has many other enemies in the world of TF2. So, how do you counter them? Well, take a look at this.

I highly do not recommend going after these guys. They're too fast for you to backstab (unless they're standing still). They don't too much for the team, like taking out defenses. I recommend using a revolver.

These guys are slow. These guys are one of the targets spies should go for, as they are slow and easy to catch onto. Just make sure you have an escape route if all goes wrong. I recommend using the knife.

The main enemy of the spy. The pyro can easily detect spies with their flamethrower. Once you get lit on fire, you're done for. Make sure they aren't observant or they're occupied before striking. I recommend using the knife and or revolver.

The demoman is slightly slower than the spy. They're also a target as well. Just make sure it isn't a demoknight you're going for. If he's a demoknight, use a revolver. If he's just a demoman, go for a backstab.

The heavy is the slowest class in the game. These guys are rarely seen, but once you see them, it's time to destroy their lives. Just make sure he isn't revving his minigun at you. Use a knfie.

This is one of your main targets. These guys will be able to destroy your team with one charge. So always focus on them out of everybody else (unless there's a sentry or engineer nearby). Use a knife or revolver.

One of the easier classes to kill if they're occupied. Their scope doesn't allow them to see the right or left. So they'll be easier to kill. (Have you seen them on 2fort?) Use a knife.

You may see a lot of these guys in disguises. You can't trust anyone. If you see someone acting suspicious, they might be a spy. Use a revolver or a knife.

I hope you newbies out there have learned a thing or two about being a spy. I won't be going over trickstabs and all that other junk. You can go on youtube to learn about it. I was just going over the basics and what I recommend. Anyways, hopefully this helps you in your future endeavors.

(see what i did there)
2 kommenttia
Mr biggly 12.12.2017 klo 15.30 
(mr palidin Anger intensifys)
Busss 8.12.2017 klo 5.54