The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim

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Helgen Farm
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Jan 17, 2013 @ 8:06pm
Jan 25, 2013 @ 8:26pm
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Helgen Farm

Helgen Farm is a small farm just outside of Helgen. To be more exact, it's down the path from where you first exit Helgen's cave.


The farm consists of one cow, two goats, and three chickens in a sturdy fenced in yard. The fence is connected by the house, the smithy, and the family crypt.

Aside from the animals, the farm also made it's income from black smithing and it's apothecarium. Occasionally guests would come also for a homecooked meal and baked goods in the fully stocked kitchen.

This home was built generations ago and has been well maintained. It's accumulated many interesting artifacts from family members over the years.


BLACKSMITH - Includes forge, workbench, grindingstone, tanning rack, and smelter. Three large containers for storage. There is a wood chopping block out back beyond the fence.

MAUSOLEUM - A sanctuary for your vampires. On the shelf nearest the coffin are three containers; the bottom one is a dresser, the top one for other personal effects. The center container contains potions and will respawn.


The basement kitchen includes a cooking station, oven, and alchemy station. DO NOT EAT THE JARRIN ROOT, IT'S DEADLY ENOUGH TO KILL ALMOST INSTANTLY.

The main floor includes a shrine (Arkay), and two shelves to store books on the bookcase.

The top floor has an enchanting station and the bedroom.

*There are many containers and all are safe except for the potion chest in the crypt.
* You can fast-travel from inside both the house and the crypt.
*The property has been nav-meshed inside and out for those with followers.
*Several idles have been tossed in for npcs.
*This propery has not been made suitable for a spouse or children. It only accomodates other followers in a limited way.
*There are no usable displays of any sort aside from the bookshelves.

UPDATE: Jan 25 2013; fixed nav-mesh under the cow, who will hopefully stop trying to kill herself. Also sank the amazing floating tree.
Rray  [author] Mar 11, 2014 @ 12:17pm 
@Thord ; Sorry but I really can't do anything about that. Creationkit hasn't been running properly for me in months. The animals are marked as respawning though, so it isn't entirely necessary to resurrect them every time.
There is a console code that might help, ~setessential (NPC ID) 1~. It doesn't always agree with the ID base, but if you can get it to cooperate it might make your animals stick around longer... and maybe you'll wind up with a yard perpetually flooded with mobs busting their asses trying to beat down immortal cows. Could be amusing.
Thord Mar 11, 2014 @ 12:43am 
Re Jothan_01's comment on the cow. I have two wolves that attack quite a lot, they are from another mod not Skyrim. One time the cow completely dissapeared, I only saw her again when I started a new characvter. Another time she decided the only safe place was on top of the fence :) Maybe the problem he/she was having was also caused by wolves or something.

Request: It would help to keep the wolves out by locking the gate with a key, I use console to do it atm. Can you make the animals essential, I have to keep ressurecting mine?
Rray  [author] Mar 10, 2014 @ 2:05pm 
@JDcrafter ; it would help if you specified which one, as there are several. They're all from the game in some form or another, though atleast one of them was made from something that wasn't supposed to be a door.
Thord Mar 9, 2014 @ 4:20am 
I have had this as a Favourite for ages meaning to try it. Very well done!
Treeaboo May 11, 2013 @ 10:35am 
Hey what is that door is it in the game by default?
Rray  [author] Jan 25, 2013 @ 8:35pm 
Also yes, most deco is static. My followers and I are far too clumsy to not glue as much down as possible. I'm a big fan of stuff I can't knock over.
Rray  [author] Jan 25, 2013 @ 7:40pm 
Oddly enough, she started out in the back yard. When I tested it she liked to throw herself on the fence spikes. I'll scoot her further back in the yard and see if that helps. The navmesh probly needs to be tweeked also. Thanks for input.
Clayman Jan 24, 2013 @ 8:32am 
Nice looking mod. Great idea. Thanks.

Not sure if some of the fittings are supposed to be static (eg: letter and books on the desk, wall mountings, soul gems, etc.

Having a bit of a problem with the cow. Has a death wish to either cook itself on the forge or stand in the trough all day and but the wall. Tempted to put it out of it's misery. Would have liked it in the back yard with the rest of the animals.

Everything looks great and well placed. Thanks for your work on this!
augustus14ad Jan 18, 2013 @ 8:10pm 
Love this! Has everything I've been wishing for in a house! Thank you! Great job!