Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

46 人が評価
15.944 MB
2013年1月13日 5時40分
2013年4月12日 10時32分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )


2895: the earth is in a dark period. The population, after many nuclear disasters, returned to mediaval situation. But the survivals know very well the previous conquests of human race. They live in this way because the world is almost empty and the distruction is everywhere. Your group found an abbandoned human ship in a green valley. The disaster was caused by an unknown hand. You decide to investigate to find some useful object and some food.
Far away in your mind you remember a story telling about a invasion of strange and terrible race called "aliens", but you don't know other notices.

The dungeon is complete and in more levels.
Party absolutely with two fighters with swords skill
and two rogues with missile weapons skill, all males.
Create your party ex novo but many characteristics are standard.

There are no secrets, no treasures to find: only
research and combat is the way to survive!

P.S.: the lovers of Alien saga (as me) must forgive me! This mod is freely inspired to these movies, but obviousely is not Aliens. I have tried to give to the players, with my limits and the limit of the editor, the atmosphere and the nervous tension that the calustrophobic situation ought to give.
I hope my work like you, but if is not so, I am sorry.
However I think that is better to try than refrain!
32 件のコメント
Obi-ron 2015年6月14日 13時34分 
carlmaac can you please actualy add aliens?
Boltersam 2014年9月19日 15時04分 
I dont deal well with horror stuff,which makes me wonder why I love aliens but I do,keep up the good work (to be honest I havent seen an alien yet I just nearly shit my pants when I turned the third corner) but ill check out the chaos wizards one
carlmacc  [作成者] 2014年9月19日 2時48分 
For taht think I hope you try my other mods(the hospital, chaos wizards, nightmare in the mine and so on). Bye!
carlmacc  [作成者] 2014年9月19日 2時47分 
I love the alien saga just as you like!.....and not the frenzy combat but the mistery behind the corners is the thing that make you feel alive and...scared. We just think about it in the same way!
Boltersam 2014年9月18日 12時50分 
also,the way grimrock was made was for the monsters not to be scary (thats what I think) but for you to focus on killing them,the way you did it with the dark lighting makes me scared of turning the next corner(probably because I know how well xenomorphs can blend into the shadows with their dark skin)
Boltersam 2014年9月18日 12時47分 
good,thanks a lot for taking my idea into the balance
carlmacc  [作成者] 2014年9月18日 10時42分 
scorpion: I am glad you like this mod and I like you have understood the athmosfere that I have tried to give to the players! I am thinking about your suggest and if I'll have the time I'll work on it.
Boltersam 2014年9月18日 8時39分 
I love this,you should add an alien race and fight humans in another mod! (I am also a fan of predators so that might be worth looking into)
Obi-ron 2014年3月11日 14時28分 
aliens hp of scavenger sound like spider instead and can spit poison at you and bie you
Alleycat 2014年3月11日 11時09分 
Nice trap! Someone should definetly mod an alien monster for this kind of mod! Just paint the dinosaur shiny black and elongate the head ;)