Portal 2
Оценок: 158
Metro Chamber #2
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Metro Chamber #2

В 1 коллекции, созданной Metroturnip
Metro Collection
Предметов: 6
Companion Cube

Added elements
Chamber re-model
Companion cube now must go with you to the last obstacle
Комментариев: 35
lfairban 23 апр. 2017 г. в 11:52 
Nice chamber, not too hard.
GraveNoX 14 окт. 2013 г. в 13:13 
Nice and easy, my run here http://youtu.be/r4SGCV_1GBY
ﮖħдđФω™ 31 авг. 2013 г. в 2:06 
A good fun map. Took me about 10 - 15 mins it's not too hard but it's not exactly easy xD
Excited to see what other maps metro has :D:
Metroturnip  [создатель] 23 июл. 2013 г. в 14:45 
you guys just mad ;)
Skulzie 23 июл. 2013 г. в 0:44 
look 2 gud 2 play irl. ned mre prtalz n sweg :B1:
Boon™ 23 июл. 2013 г. в 0:40 
I mek meps lik dis in mah slep :) :plane:
Metroturnip  [создатель] 13 янв. 2013 г. в 20:05 
Hahaja see lol I am still yet to get to fixing it up because I have been busy lately
Malidictus 13 янв. 2013 г. в 7:19 
Nearly all the ways I got stuck will be fixed by adding a way to retrive the cube, yes. As for the autosave bug, I'm not sure if there's anything to do about it, other than just not quick-load.

I'll admit that I wasn't able to finish the test chamber. Even when I stopped trying to break it, I kept losing my cube to carelessness and Cave Johnson's shpiel about Aparture Paranormal was getting REALLY old.
Metroturnip  [создатель] 12 янв. 2013 г. в 13:38 
Oh Omaha ls again malidictus I will be looking I to these problems as soon as I can I might but a button at the top of the lift in the first room so you can retrieve a new cube :)
Malidictus 12 янв. 2013 г. в 7:32 
Found another way. I went down the lift after the save point, but took the cube with me. It's fairly easy to do, the recepticle is right next to the lift so it's simple enough to jump over the lift shaft, grab the cube and jump down before it reaches the bottom. Once downstairs, I could either drop the cube in the water by accident, fizzling it, and that will make the puzzle unwinnable. Or, I can simply leave the cube downstairs and go back up the lift. Since I need the cube to make the lift go down but the cube is below the lift, I can no longer go down to it.