Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2

Divinity: Original Sin 2 - Solo The Black Pit (Tactician/Hard, Gwydian Alive) 1080p
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"Loved by few, hated by many...The Black Pit fight is not about survive, but about save ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Gwydian Rince and his hilarious behaviour!
As a solo gamer (also I prefer melee classes and not mages) I found at least possible way to keep this bastard alive!
So what you need:
1. Higher level, 15 or higher.
2. Scrolls of magic armor (or spell) x3-6.
3. 1-2 Source points.
4. Teleport.
5. And the beginning like in the video.

This is long ass video but maybe that will help to complete it solo.
The action of Gwydian in the end of fight shows perfectly how many facepalms you gonna have :D"
5 kommentarer
^DreeMax^  [ophavsmand] 25. okt. 2017 kl. 0:31 
Depends of your party. Two lone wolfs doing pretty well at 12-14 for example. Party of 4 have no troubles at 14, but at in 12-13 it might be harder. As I said in description solo players should have really higher levels to save Gwydian (magic armor which extremely important for saving him will have way higher numbers with higher level of player).
As for rewards part you still can have source skill from Gwydians body if he dies, so its only question of XP from quest.
Taddy Mason 25. okt. 2017 kl. 0:26 
nice video! that was fun to watch. do you know what the lowest level this fight can be done at? i fumbled my way in here at level 11 and only had one survivor. period. gwydian did not survive. should i reload, come back at a higher level, and protect him? i always let allies fend for themselves-i never cared if they died. this is also as far as i've gone in the game
AssFat 24. okt. 2017 kl. 21:13 
^DreeMax^  [ophavsmand] 24. okt. 2017 kl. 20:35 
All I mentioned in description is better for solo. In my first playtrough I did it with 4 men party at level 12. While in next solo runs with different classes its enough hard to save Gwydian.
AssFat 24. okt. 2017 kl. 14:33 
why 15? i just did at 13 and everyone lived. first half the fight on the top platform. when that got too "hot" we all tp and leaped to the south by those tents. dome of protection helped on the platform. is it just me or is the whole area necrofire by the end?