Holdfast: Nations At War

Holdfast: Nations At War

39 ratings
Admin RC Console Commands Guide
By WSC | Osama ze Llama
My version of the RC Console Commands for Admins because using the one from the Anvil forums is frustrating as hell.
Howdy all, I would imagine everyone is having a painful time viewing the RC console commands from that 70 or so page long "how to run a server" booklet Anvil gave us, so I took the liberty to make my own version of it. Only contains useful admin RC commands with a quick reference guide at the end. Enjoy, also if you make a copy of this make sure to reference this guide, just out of respect :)

In this guide I provide the RC commands and explain how they work with relevant info linked to each.

NOTE: All RC commands ARE case senstive so if you mistype or miss capital it WILL NOT WORK
Essential Commands
Logging into Admin
To log into admin, open the ‘F1’ console and type in:
- rc login x
where X = Current admin password

Kicking a Player
To kick a player, you must know their player ID first.
You can find player ID’s in two ways. First;
- Access the TAB interface, each player will have an #ID number on the left next to their player name.
- Through the command ‘rc playerlist’. The playerlist command will supply you with the following information; Player ID, IP address, Player name and Average Ping for every player on the server.
To actually kick the player, you input the following;
- rc serverAdmin x y
Where x = kick
And y = players ID (eg. 2)

Banning a Player
To ban a player, you must obtain the players ID. Refer to kicking a player for more information about obtaining ID’s.
To ban the player, input the following;
- rc serverAdmin x y
Where x = ban
And y = player ID (eg. 2)

It is useful to know that all banned players will be listed in the bannedplayers.txt file along with their steam ID. Only admins with enough privileges can access this file since it is located on the server at this current time.

Unbanning Players
To unban a player, you must be able to access the bannedplayers.txt in the server files, which the host of the server can provide access to. If provided by a hosting company, you can access the files with a FTP directly to the files to edit the bannedplayers.txt. To unban someone you must delete the single line of code within the .txt file and then save it. For the unban to take effect, an admin logged into the server has to reload the banned player list onto the active server. You can do so with the following command;

- rc fileReloader x
Where x = BannedPlayers

Server Admin Message
A server admin message displays a largish message on all players screens and in the chat box. It will appear as “Admin: MESSAGE” so it will not display the admins name when broadcasted. To send the admin message type in the following;
- rc broadcast x
where x = your message

Handy Info, try to keep the message as short as possible otherwise it will take up too much of the players screens. Recommended length is 20 characters or less.

Important to Know
Changing Map
The way map changing works is that you can set the map to a specific map rotation, which is pre-configured in the servers config files. Each map rotation is listed 1 – 99, so it is important to refer to either an admin with knowledge of the current map rotation configuration or the config file/third party database if available at the time. To switch to a specific map rotation, input the following;
- rc mapRotation x
where x = Rotation number

There is currently no other way to change maps, so make sure if you want to change to a specific map, refer to available resources first and/or plan ahead.

There are two different features for weather that you can change, dynamic weather and transition to a specific weather pre-set. We will first start with dynamic weather.

Dynamic Weather;
You can toggle on or off dynamic weather. If dynamic weather is enabled, the environment will dynamically change though different weather sets, such as; foggy, stormy, snowy, calm and rain. If toggled off, the weather will not change and stay what you have configured it to. Type in the following to toggle Dynamic weather;
- rc nature weather dynamicWeather x
Where x = true (enabled) OR false (disabled)

Transition to a Specific Weather Pre-set;
This feature allows you to change the weather to whichever pre-set you wish. Pre-sets include, calm, rainy, snowy, stormy and foggy. You can set the transition to happen almost instantly (5 seconds) , to having it take 15 minutes to change. Type in the following to transition;
- rc nature weather preset x y
Where x = pre-set type (eg snowy (you can only choose one))
And y = time to transition (5 – 900, official documents recommend 30 minimum)

Under Time, we have three different features available to us. The three include, dynamic time of day, dynamic time of day SPEED and change the time of day (static). I will explain the two dynamic first.

Enable or Disable Dynamic Time of Day;
This feature allows the time of day to continue in a full day-night cycle that will change the lighting and skybox as the rotation goes on. There is some key information you need to know before using/planning out use of this feature.
The following information influences the outcome of the Dynamic time of day cycle.
when enabled, the time of day is set to the current time of the server’s host machine (eg if it’s 7pm on the server box, when you enable dynamic time of day it will set it to 7pm in game). It is recommended to enable it at start of rounds for this reason.
If you have dynamic time of day enabled for one rotation, the time when the rotation finished will carry over to the new map and then continue from there. This is not necessarily an important piece of information but it is handy to know this incase you have other plans for time of day in a new map.
This information only applies until it is patched out. This is critical information from the devs themselves, and I will word it as they have put it.
“Important Notice: Don’t disable or enable dynamic time of day through RC commands directly from the client on naval or coastal maps. This might cause players to be pulled under the terrain. We’re currently looking for a fix on the following issue.”
I will remove this section once they have found a fix for it.
The speed of the day-night cycle depends on the speed you have configured in the dynamic time of day cycle speed. Refer to the next feature section for more information.

To toggle dynamic time of day, type in the following.
- rc nature time dynamicTime x
where x = true (enabled) OR false (disabled)

Change the Dynamic Time of Day Cycle Speed;
This feature increases/decreases the speed of the dynamic day-night cycle. Type the following to change the speed;
- rc nature time dynamicTimeSpeed x
Where x = speed of cycle
The minimum speed available is 0.01 with the maximum being 0.05. If you place above 0.05, the skybox will not render properly. The default speed is 0.03

Change the time of day (Static)
This feature allows you to change the time of day to a specific time and will not change. This feature only works when Dynamic time cycle is disabled. To set the time, type the following;
- rc nature time hour x
where x = time (works on a 24 hour clock, 1 – 24)
This feature is also subject to the same warning as the dynamic time cycle. Will remove once patched out;
“Important Notice: Don’t disable or enable dynamic time of day through RC commands directly from the client on naval or coastal maps. This might cause players to be pulled under the terrain. We’re currently looking for a fix on the following issue.”

Changing Wind Direction (NOT FULLY IMPLEMENTED YET)
This feature changes the wind direction while doing a naval/coastal battle. This feature does affect gameplay heavily so care when using. Type the following to change wind direction;

Enabling free flight Camera
This feature allows ALL players to make use of the free flight camera. The free flight camera, when enabled, allows players to enter a spectator-like camera system that allows them to move their camera around the map. The Camera, once enabled, is toggled in/out of the free flight camera by pressing ‘F6’. Type the following to enable/disable;
- rc set freeflightCameraAllowed x
Where x = true (enabled) OR false (disabled)
According to the devs, this feature is not fully functional. Use at your own risk.

Disabling 3D VOIP
Use this feature to enable/disable VOIP for the entire server at a time. Can be used for linebattles or events, not recommended for public servers. Type the following to toggle;
- rc set voiceChatEnabled x
Where x = true (enabled) OR false (disabled)
Useful to Know
This section is not important information, but useful information you might be interested in.

Ease of Access Commands

Auto Complete Commands
You can use the “TAB” key to auto complete commands when you’re inputting them into console. E.g. You have ‘rc broa’ typed into the console, you press tab and it completes the word broadcast.

Go to Previous Command
You can use the UP and DOWN arrow keys to switch through previous commands entered into the console. Though do keep in mind, it does also keep anything you enter into the console, so it does save mistyped commands, etc.

Clear Console
You can type ‘cls’ into the console to clear the log. Useful if you have a bulk of information in the console you don’t need anymore.

Refreshing console
To refresh the console, just press “F1” twice and it will refresh. Useful for when a command doesn’t appear in the console after you put in an input. This does not clear the console, only refreshes it like refreshing a webpage.

Preventing Ghosting
As the devs describe the game, ‘centred on competitiveness’, admins have the ability to link banned players back to a steam profile. To gain access to this feature, you need access to the bannedplayers.txt file from the server itself, so you will need to contact persons who have access to said information. Within the .txt file, there is a steam ID number which can be searched for on a specific website, Steam ID Finder , and it will link you to the banned players steam profile. Useful if you suspect someone impersonating a player or tarnishing regiments good name.
Quick Reference
Kicking Player
- rc serverAdmin x y
Where x = kick
And y = players ID (eg. 2)

- rc serverAdmin x y
Where x = ban
And y = player ID (eg. 2)

- rc broadcast x
where x = your message

Changing Map
- rc mapRotation x
where x = Rotation number

Dynamic Weather
- rc nature weather dynamicWeather x
Where x = true (enabled) OR false (disabled)

Transition to Specific Weather
- rc nature weather preset x y
Where x = pre-set type (eg snowy (you can only choose one))
And y = time to transition (5 – 900, official documents recommend 30 minimum)

Enable Dynamic Time
- rc nature time dynamicTime x
where x = true (enabled) OR false (disabled)

Change Dynamic Time Cycle Speed
- rc nature time dynamicTimeSpeed x
Where x = speed of cycle

Change Time of Day (Static)
- rc nature time hour x
where x = time (works on a 24 hour clock, 1 – 24)

Enable Free Flight Camera
- rc set freeflightCameraAllowed x
Where x = true (enabled) OR false (disabled)

Disable VOIP
- rc set voiceChatEnabled x
Where x = true (enabled) OR false (disabled)

Credit to Anvil Game Studios
Credit to Anvil Game Studios for providing the relevant and correct information for making this guide possible.
WraithSeer Nov 19, 2018 @ 11:44am 
the fire trajectories dont work rn do you know whats up?
[59th] Pew Pew You're Dead Dec 10, 2017 @ 12:00pm 
How to enable dancing?
WSC | Osama ze Llama  [author] Dec 2, 2017 @ 4:48pm 
@Sharke Byte The command you will need for 'draw trajectories' is

rc set drawFirearmTrajectories x

where x = true OR false
NudistBuddhist Dec 2, 2017 @ 4:46pm 
You are a saint
SHARKE BYTE Dec 2, 2017 @ 4:57am 
Thanks for this! I didn't see the ones for enabling tracers to be shown from projectiles, any idea where I might look for that one?

[FGM] Irishman Sep 23, 2017 @ 1:23pm 
europe's was europe so very strange
WSC | Osama ze Llama  [author] Sep 23, 2017 @ 12:32pm 
Yeah mate, in the config files in the servers core directory, there will be a section, 2nd from the top called " ###- SERVER SETTINGS " and under that you will find region, change that to I think america. Could be usa or us, not sure what the proper setting is for USA servers as mine was australia from default.
[FGM] Irishman Sep 23, 2017 @ 12:05pm 
do oyu happen to know the server locations that you can put into the configs currently my server is running with euriope but i need it to say US -x
WSC | Osama ze Llama  [author] Sep 23, 2017 @ 8:18am 
@Irishman Hahaha all good mate. I did this because I knew how much of a pain in the ass it was to go off the official documentation instead of having something like this.
[FGM] Irishman Sep 23, 2017 @ 7:18am 
You are my hero