Counter-Strike 2

Counter-Strike 2

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A guide to know how to play Counter strike.
By Splash Colour
The guide will enable new players and even experienced players to improve and also know how to play the game better.
Getting Started
T = Terrorists & CT = Counter Terrorists

The way to properly play Counter Strike is on the first round to buy a defuse kit on ct side on start of the match and take precaution of T’s pushing through with kelver armor to plant, which is where the armor penetrating pistols come in to play, and then if CT’s win, then they can then upgrade to having full helmet and Kevlar armor, and a smg if wanted.

If T’s win, then they can get full armor to then be able to push sites more effectly. but if any teams’s lose, then yes, eco is bound to be you’re option as a team to save for next round, where the team can then be able to get better gear and weapons to protect site or plant, depending on what team you are on.

Decoy Grenade
The people in this day and age don’t know how to effectly use granades to their advantage, such as the classic decoy, where you can use to draw the other teams attention away from the objective you are going for, which is to fool the team into thinking there is contact in that area etc.

A flashbang grenade are actually be used in a breach onto the object if you are on either CT or T’s, to clear and secure the sites.

Advanages of Suppressing
The effective way to actually prevent a team from pushing closer to the site if you are on the CT’s, is to know how to use supression to actually slow the other team from getting to site, by using weapons that have heavy amount of damage dealt to a enemy and has fast amount of rate to fire, can be useful to effectly slow a team’s push to site, which could make the team instead rotate to other site for you're team to then give callout where they will be coming from to then counter attack them from each angle as a advantage if you are on the CT side.

Approaching objective as a terrorist
The Terrorists side to effectly win when approaching a site is to firstly purchase a good set of decoy and flash, which a set of armor to last longer upon dealing with clearing a site to plant.

Smoke Grenade
The smoke grenade is actually a very useful piece of gear to help your team move into areas without getting tagged and spotted when approaching the object they are going for, aswell as avoiding them getting hit in the process in some cases.

Using Walk
A ability in the game to gain stealth is to use the walk in order to stay silent when going to a objective or even sneaking upon you're target to silently take them out without making much noise to give away you're position.

Call Outs
Calling out when in the game is one of the most when it comes to planning out a attack upon the other team going to a objective, firstly, you must be sure to firstly callout where the bomb is tagged when it comes to being on the CT side, but when on the T's side, you must firstly know how to use stealth and a Smoke grenade to avoid the chances of being spotted upon going past areas that would have a number of CT's around, and to use a decoy upon drawing the CT's away from that object you are aimed for, by throwing the decoy in the area away from the objective.

How to improve aim

The first thing you’d need to learn in order to get better with controlling a weapon when shooting is to first practice offline with bots, you will need to train using a pistol, a good selection of pistol to choose would be the USP silenced or if on Terrorist side it would be a glock, and have about a average number of bots.

A first part of using a weapon is to first understand it’s recoil and rate of fire when firing at a target, so you will then be able to successfully take out the target.

You will want to mainly on the first round of using the pistol is to take a slow and steady approach on the target and to keep focus on the chest of the target depending upon how far you are from the target, otherwise normally first time trying to hit the head from a long range can be difficult upon first time, so to likely hit the head first time when using a pistol is to aim in the chest area to allow you to have a chance to still hit the target, but give yourself more chance of maybe hitting the head depending if the target is moving in your sights.

The way to really master understanding how to control the weapon is to first take it in small amount of shots at a target and then take cover to avoid having too much spread to the crosshair and to prevent the enemy from gaining advantage of being able to take you out so easily when in a fire fight.

Communication & Tactics

A way of having the best strategic tactics is to first make sure to have the best communication as well as planning, you'd want to ensure that the team knows where to set out in number to a objective, otherwise if not planned carefully, the team might get ambushed without a great enough strength and end up with the other team taking the advantage of opportunity to complete their objective.

The way to prevent is to make sure to give callout's of updates to the team to allow them to move to the needed area for support to prevent the other team from planting.

A advantage to move to a location without dying is to make sure to check your corners as you advance through the map.

I hope this guide was helpful and useful

Note: I have played Counter strike since cs 1.5 (beta).

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