ARK: Survival Evolved

ARK: Survival Evolved

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"Project for Jurassic park Extension mod (dino sponsored by TEM)"
15 comentário(s)
milokamilo  [autor(a)] 24/set./2017 às 5:13 
while You ride in ARk generally always in TPV- it wouldnt help really but the protection it offers- is useful for the rider
pixelrobot 23/set./2017 às 15:57 
Looks amazing, it's going to take a unique saddle design to see over it's head though - maybe some kind of side saddle similar to the dino riders torosaurus is in order?
Daubeny 23/set./2017 às 7:15 
Shiina 22/set./2017 às 7:30 
Could it be?

A ceratopsian model that isn't just a trike model with a different head?

Good god I applaud you
Zeragon 21/set./2017 às 16:20 
yo this is clean
Survivor 21/set./2017 às 15:07 
TOROSAURUS!!!! oh man now I cn recreate that sence from walking with dinosaurs!
MrTroodon 21/set./2017 às 9:14 
Wow my respects dude,im pretty interested in modeling so I understand how hard it can be.
milokamilo  [autor(a)] 21/set./2017 às 1:29 
I made a new skull- BY master-editing of Pachyr's head..;}
It's even more tweaked now, done with all the love (like special animations, different colorization for males and females...). Toro will be able to harvest and carry efficiently obsidian and crystal; I also gave it a charge that blows with a powerful momentum-force, and can throw even a big dino away and down from a scarpe, for instance...
If You guys wanna get Your own fav dino into the ARK: check the thread below:
MrTroodon 20/set./2017 às 13:26 
Lol as i see you edited the Pachyrhinosaurus head a LOOOT, that or you did a new skull.
fox™ ✠ 20/set./2017 às 7:09 
Sweet 👍