Team Fortress 2

Team Fortress 2

53 ratings
The Ultimate Guide For Obtaining A Wiki Cap in Team Fortress 2.
By glock purdy
Introducing the ultimate guide for obtaining a Wiki Cap in Team Fortress 2. I myself, don't own one, but I know what it takes in order to obtain one. I will go through the basics and how they choose who receives a Wiki Cap.
Chapter 1: Starting Out
Welcome to the Ultimate Guide for obtaining a Wiki Cap in Team Fortress 2. I'm Protect the Spycrab here today to explain what it takes to earn this prestigious hat. Now, I myself, don't have one of these, but know the basics in earning one. So, let's begin. First thing you must do is create an account on the official Team Fortress 2 Wiki. After signing up, you have a few things to do before you may begin writing new informational articles or editing existing articles. You must first confirm your account (not required, but advised), then you are advised to read guidelines and other stuff. I would recommend going through them and reading the requirements for a perfect article or edit. On the right, you'll see a "Things to Remember" section. Remember those and never forget them, they will be a great use to you in the near future. So, you're done! You may now begin editing and writing new informational articles.
Chapter 2: Editing Existing Articles
Now that you've signed up onto the official Wiki, you want to start editing articles! Well, not so fast, there are some guidelines to this, which you should've read earlier. Now, you can't edit any article that you want. You may only edit articles that need editing. Obviously, I can't edit an old article without knowing if it needs an update or two. The best articles to begin with are always the newer ones. You can click on any recent article and search for some needed updates. If you found a page that needs more information or that has some false information, feel free to edit it. In order to edit a page, you must look to the right top hand corner. Where it says "Edit" click on that, you should be brought to a page that let's you edit the article. Now, this is a difficult part to understand. There are many things to take note of. For example, if you want to add a quote you have to insert some special commands. These commands will help the Wiki understand what to do. Here's an example command for a quotation: {{Quotation|'''TF2 Official Blog'''|
All information here}}. Now, that's not how it looks like on the blog, so don't get confused. Take a look at other quotations. In order to say add "Bold" you must use the following command '''Text here''' That's 3 quotations. So, instead of pressing SHIFT when trying to do quotations, just press the button without shift. In order to add a link that exists on the Wiki, you must make two brakets like so [[Text]], that makes it a link that exists on the Wiki. This is different for translators, I'll create a chapter for translators only. In order to create bolded text with a line under it, you must put "== Text Here ==" remove the quotations. That's it for those basic commands. There are many more, but those are the most essential ones for now. Now, if you don't want to edit the entire page and just want to edit the one section that needs more information or needs an update in it. What you must do is go to the specific area on the Wiki and click on the tiny "Edit" button. You will then be brought to the same page as before, but with less text. That text is the section you wanted to add or edit information on. This concludes chapter 2, in which I explained how to edit. Whenever you edit an article, it will ask you on the reason for edit, just type the reason. Now, to find your Contribution history, click on "My Contributions" you should find all of your recent contributions. It should show the date, time, and reason for editing. It should also show you a history button and diff button. The diff button is what was changed when you edited it. Those were the basics of editing existing artciles.
Chapter 3: What's next?
You're probably wondering "Do I get my Wiki Cap now?" No, there are a lot of requirements before you can obtain the prestigious hat. You must have been a member for a long while, you can't just get a free Wiki Cap for being on for a day or two. Second off, you have to make useful edits, you can't just add a period to a sentence and be done. No, you have to make them meaningful. So, in the following chapters, I'll explain what meaningful edits are, how to make a meaningful edit. One must make hundreds, if not even thousands of contributions before obtaining this hat. So, stay tuned for the following chapters.
Chapter 4: Meaningful Edits, what they are and how to create them.
Welcome back to the ultimate guide. I'm now going to explain what meaningful edits are and how you can create one yourself. So, I mentioned this before, you can't just add a simple period on the imcomplete sentence and expect that to be meaningful. No, it takes more effort than that. So, you're looking for another article to edit. Find a new one or an old outdated one. The new ones are a bit tougher to edit and add new information onto them because they are fresh. There's not much information on the new topics if they were released a day or two ago. For new articles, you must do your research, you must look around and seek information you need in order to make that meaningful edit. For older outdated articles, it's a lot easier to make a meaningful edit because they are old and possibly outdated. There could still be an old fact or two on a hat that was released years ago and nobody took notice. You have to search for a new fact. You must make sure it's a valid fact, and not a faked fact or a myth. Now, outdated items aren't that hard to find, just look for older articles. For the weapon demostrations, they are old, they still have the older menus and stuff. You may ask around and try to make a new video for those articles. So, a meaningful edit is an edit that has meaning to it. It has to be an update to an older article or a lot of information added to this new article. That's what it is. How to make one? I'm sure a meaningful edit isn't a sentence or two long, it might be a paragraph or two long or a lot of sentences split apart and not placed into paragraphs. But, it shouldn't be a few words or a simple puncuation edit. So, look for a few articles that are in need of meaningful edits. See you in the next chapter.
Chapter 5: How many contributions are needed from me?
Welcome back to the ultimate guide. I'm now going to explain how many contributions are needed for a user to obtain a Wiki Cap in TF2. So, not that many contributions are needed. Maybe 100+ contributions are needed, all valuable. People who translate are valued more, I'll explain more about translations later. The main goal is to do meaningful edits and stuff. I was looking at a user and he had updated broken links on the Wiki. Now, edits aren't the only thing that assist you in getting your dream hat. You can also update images as well. Just think of editing as a teacher, they edit your works. That's the same concept here. But, yes, you can obtain the cap in about 100 edits+ if they were meaningful and useful.
Chapter 6: Translators
These people are the most valued on the Wiki. They update the language pages and make sure they are valid. To become a translator, you simply move to the Wiki that is the language you speak other than English and begin translating from English to this language. "Haha, now I can stop this tutorial and translate information with Google Translate or any other automated translator." No, you can't do that, they don't enjoy people who use Google Translate. What's the reason that Google Translate is frowned upon? Well, for starters, the system at times gives you false translations. At times often giving you a totally false translation of the language. Now, people who still may use GT, think again. "Oh they can't find out I used GT." Actually, they can. There's this person who is an Admin on the Wiki that can distort from normal translations and GT translations. If he catches you doing it once, nothing will happen. But, if it happens again, you can no longer use the Wiki. Now, for editing a different language's page, there are special requirements. For starters, whenever you have to add a link, you can't just put [[ text here ]], no there is more to that. For example, on the Spanish page, you have to do this [[ text here/es|text here ]]. That makes the link take the reader to the translated version of that page in their language. I made that mistake before, I put [[ text here ]] instead of the above and got a little rude comment, but disregarded it. I didn't get the chance in thanking that person. That's a difference when translating. Keep a look out for those differences, don't fall victim of humiliation. Translating is fun when you are an expert in the language you're translating. Now, there may be a page that hasn't even been translated yet! It's your job to translate them! That's one of the main objectives on the Wiki. Know another language(s) other than English? Translate!
Chapter 7: Obtaining the Prestigious Hat
Now that you have made a lot of meaningful and valuable contributions to the Wiki, it's time to receive the hat! But, you don't receive it automatically. You must be reviewed by Wiki Staff. To the Wiki Staff, you're considered a "Candidate" it's almost like the American elections, where you have candidates for office. Think of it like that. Now, there will be more candidates that too have contributed to the WIki over the past few months. Your contributions will be brought to the table and Wiki Staff will vote on whether or not you deserve the cap or not. Now, there are requirements to be a candidate. These are called the "Eligibility Factors" on the Wiki:
Demonstrate a strong desire to help improve and update the Wiki through useful edits and contributions.
-Participate in the community by contributing to discussion.
-Adhere to the policies and practices of the Official Team Fortress Wiki, including observing the style guide and the official policies.
-Know how to properly implement licenses on images, sounds, and any other kinds of uploads, media or otherwise.
-Are helpful, cooperative and community-minded attitude at all times.
(obtained from official wiki)

Here is a tip of my own: Don't express that you want a cap, just do the edits for fun, not for the cap. If you get the cap, continue to do edits, don't just take the cap and run!

The only way to be nominated for this hat at the moment is to be nominated by someone from the TF Wiki community. After that, you are put on the nomination page and are done. You can't nominate yourself as a candidate. Nor can you make alts and nominate yourself.

Now, if you do receive the cap, I congratulate you. If not, keep trying!

This has been the ultimate guide to obtaining a Wiki Cap.

These were just the basics, there is a ton more information to take note of.
꧁Tosta'(h) |꧂ Sep 8 @ 6:04am 
This is not so hard if you know languages like French, Russian or others, because translating pages is EXTREMELY cool for the Wiki, and you will obtain Wiki-cap much more faster.
one million beers please Nov 5, 2021 @ 4:20am 
Thanks for guide =)
♥Peachboy♥ Oct 20, 2020 @ 4:17pm 
I’m doing this for

1: the hat

2: my first unusual
Femb❤y Bargon ツ Sep 5, 2020 @ 10:29am 
I wanna the hat for 2 reasons:
1. Show people I can teach them things of the game.
2. Help the community of TF2
tubman Jul 28, 2020 @ 3:02am 
I can't help because im lazy
ΩCΣΛΠ $ΦDΣ May 7, 2020 @ 7:03am 
all this work for that shitty-ass hat with a shitty-ass effect
󠀡󠀡 Aug 15, 2019 @ 1:43pm 
"One must make hundreds, if not even thousands of contributions before obtaining this hat." 🎶 F*ck this shit I'm out 🎶
Skribb May 27, 2018 @ 5:21am 
i cam here trying to get -easy-to-get- unusuals.... but 100+ is too much time and the unusual effect is not noticable in game, but at least you will have a collectors unusual... that everyone else has
allen the dumpster May 13, 2017 @ 8:59am 
All this just for a hat?
boiled toast May 10, 2017 @ 2:04pm 
instructions not clear, got dick stuck in dish washer