APB Reloaded

APB Reloaded

55 ratings
How to use: N-HVR
By Riye
Learn How to use the N-HVR 762 Effectively and with your team mates and get that gold threat and master sniper title you want so much.
Quick Tips
The N-HVR 762

  • Use you Pistol first. Most people will continue to peek after being shot with the pistol a few times, allowing you to get a one shot kill on them.
  • Coordinate and call out who you hit. If you don't have comms you may have to follow their lead and finish off who they shoot.
  • USE DAT MINI-MAP. Use your mini-map to know when the enemy is behind you trying to hunt you down, be ready for them.
  • Nades are your friend. If you know someone is close or coming round that corner hit them with the nade any amount of damage will again give you that one shot kill. This is a good way of dealing with shot-gunners. Hit the nade and wait for them to take the predicted path round that corner (works best with Percussion grenades because of the speed they can be thrown)
  • Shoot the feet! If you hit a target and they flee behind a car it is possible to hit their feet and get the kill. Scan under the car with your cross-hair, when it turns red shoot. Most people are not ready for this and will be standing still. (good tip if you hiding from a sniper behind a car is to keep moving.)
  • Close Quarters is their game, not yours Your weapon is long-ranged if somebody with a OCA or a JG are close, use the world and cars to your advantage, breaking their line of sight whilst always running away from them. Keep running until you are out of their effective range or until you have hit them with any form of damage. Then you can make your move.
  • Your team mates. If your doing good and defending an objective the other team may want you dead a little too much they may just go for you. Use your team mates in this situation let them take care of him maybe help with a sniper shot or a shot from your pistol, but except that you will have to just let them take care of some threats.
  • Vantage Points Its always useful to know where some of the good hiding spots for snipers are on the map, for VIP or elimination missions. At Guard objectives you want a clean light of sight to the objective (not always possible) and a view of the routes to that objective favor the latter if given the choice. The highways can be very good for this but getting attacked from the rear is going to happen so keep an eye on you back don't let them catch you off guard.
  • Leaning When peeking you don't want to show too much. Leaning (with Q and E by default) will give you the chance to shoot them. Leaning can be used is a lot of situations to get the shot you wouldn't normally be able to take.

Any help is always appreciated!
E-mail me if you have any questions or want to help me with this guide or other guides I will be making in the future at 42khane@gmail.com.
Sniperturtle Dec 21, 2015 @ 5:45am 
@blackhunter60 (Riperr): There is no "best" gun in APB, apart from the Star 556 maybe. All other weapons you need to find out which ones work good for you. Same with mods.

And good tutorial @By Riye
᠌᠌᠌᠌ ᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌᠌ Feb 24, 2015 @ 2:53pm 
The RSA for some people, when they get hit, it has too much damage that the person will go to cover.
Nessuno May 21, 2014 @ 5:24pm 
As a person who picked up the sniper with 0 kills and in 2 days I had the title always shoot infront of the target if they are running across the street. If you shoot were they were you will miss the target
blackhunter60 (Riperr) Nov 8, 2013 @ 4:45am 
What is the best hand gun i cane get in apb
ROYGBIV Sep 16, 2013 @ 2:29pm 
Yea, the DMR is weird liek that XD.
JustEmily🏳️‍⚧ Aug 13, 2013 @ 3:55am 
Azathor Aug 6, 2013 @ 8:06pm 
did you know the dmr 2 shots at enemies further away than 88m?
i got a "pro" to ragequit after i 2 shot her with it, she said i was a hacker and when i tried to whisper back 20 seconds later she was offline :P dmr is the best long ranged sniper.
Melomaniak Jul 12, 2013 @ 12:34am 
Wonder if you posted this because you are tired of teaming up with shitty snipers. I know i am :3
Stossy May 30, 2013 @ 10:09am 
What is the point of a strategy game if everyone is gonna use everyone elses strategy; Keep your tips to yourself and stop grooming retards, if they are intelligent enough to deserve to do well in the game, then they will.
🜏Ereshi (◠︿◠✿) Apr 20, 2013 @ 10:00am 
Learn to quick switch and learn to quickswitch well, that's all it really comes down too.. Of course cover helps everyone as well.