Torchlight II

Torchlight II

158 人が評価
Unearthed Arcana
111.660 MB
2017年8月15日 12時16分
2017年8月15日 17時39分
3 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

Unearthed Arcana

Wersho 作成の 1 件のコレクション
Torchlight II %^#@! (Links to textures Packs)
7 アイテム
Mod by DeeZire that restores a vast wealth of unfinished content that was cut from TL2.

I ‘m not taking ownership of this mod.
This mod was made by DeeZire[]
Full Description is on RunicGamesFansite[]
Last uploaded to moddb

from RunicGamesFansite[]

Enchanted by DeeZire at Feel free to share or publish anywhere but please note that any redistribution of this mod must be unmodified, accompanied with this ReadMe file intact and with full credit given to me. This mod is NOT to be amended from its original form or used in any 'compilation' type mods - this would create a support nightmare for me and thus lead to a detrimental experience for players.


By DeeZire
at moddb

My extensive mod for Torchlight II, full change list and Read Me included in the download. Recommended used as a standalone mod, issues may be encountered using it along with others.

As usual, the mod is an extensive project aimed at fixing any bugs, glitches and ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ whilst utilising and restoring a lot of unused content. In the case of Torchlight II this included quests, items and all manner of other things.

Uniquely, the mod also adds every single item from the original Torchlight game into the loot table, including uniques and set items. The few items named as being 'legendary' in Torchlight have been set as legendary items for Torchlight II. In addition, Unearthed Arcana also adds every dungeon type from Torchlight in the form of maps in the Mapworks - this includes the Mines, Lava Prison, Cavern, Sunken Temple, Palace and Dwarven Fortress levels, all randomly generated.

More details can be seen at the Runic Games modding showcase at

Demo gameplay can be seen on my YouTube channel at
人気スレッド 全て表示 (1)
2023年4月25日 11時17分
Bug Reports for Unearthed Arcana
59 件のコメント
Indigo Mizumi 2023年5月23日 21時37分 
Any recommendations for mod order? I also have Synergies, TorchFull Final and TL2 Essentials installed. If I load UA first over Essentials, I can access the town of Torchlight just fine but it uses the stock Mapworks layout instead of the overhauled one from Essentials, and it breaks the inventory (Essentials modifies the way it works). If I load Essentials first I'm unable to access Torchlight for some reason. Is there a way to fix this?
Shadow.EXE 2023年3月9日 12時12分 
game crashes on all wagon´s
Metamorphosis 2022年5月21日 6時48分 
No, i loaded it on it's own
davidb11 2022年5月21日 1時08分 
THat is so weird and bizarre. Uh, I've never heard of that. Is there any other mods you might have loaded with it?
I wish I could help, but I've just never seen that be mentioned before.
Metamorphosis 2022年5月21日 0時55分 
Yep, i tried all versions (from Moddb, from Steam and from Torchlight Fansite) and all crashed on the same spot.
davidb11 2022年5月20日 11時40分 
WEird. IT literally shouldn't cause a crash there.
Metamorphosis 2022年5月20日 11時34分 
This mod crashes on the wagon quest in Temple Steppes.
MaclarensPub 2021年4月13日 9時51分 
Has there been any hints of an update? DeeZire had a youtube video showcasing the progress they've been making on an Act V, but that was three years ago.
Shaun-o-Matic 2020年12月30日 10時17分 
Amazing work! :cozybethesda: :grwdevil:
Sol Dawnseeker 2019年8月8日 5時56分 
way is this mods version of unearthed arcana v620 whill if i download it on any other site its v619