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UU Tier Patch: 10
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12 AGO 2017 a las 12:21
18 OCT 2017 a las 11:25
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UU Tier Patch: 10

Requires Upgraded Upgrades!

This addon mod increases the target level of the Weapon Upgrade Anvil to 10. Tiers higher than 7 are not guaranteed to be balanced with respect to vanilla content!

Items that have already been upgraded at the Weapon Upgrade Anvil before this patch is installed will remain at the level they are at. Items that were already upgraded at a lower tier can be brought back to the Weapon Upgrade Anvil and upgraded again to the new tier.

If multiple tier patches are installed, the highest-tier one will take precedence.

Base mod and other tier patches:

Upgraded Upgrades:
Tier 6:
Tier 8:
Tier 9:

DRM-free version:

BE SURE TO USE THE CORRECT VERSION! If you use the DRM-free version of Upgraded Upgrades, you must also use the DRM-free version of the tier patches.
56 comentarios
Lanimore 30 ABR a las 7:59 
up to 12?..
Kinsect 25 ABR a las 20:04 
Say which mods would I need this for? o.o
A Mountain 6 FEB 2023 a las 1:32 
This is crashing
n3uva 5 FEB 2022 a las 1:27 
make tier 20
Aethis 30 DIC 2021 a las 20:05 
this still works, most likely is compatible
GhostHackNinja 14 DIC 2021 a las 16:48 
is this still working? FU compatible?
Aethis 7 DIC 2021 a las 18:06 
can i please have one that goes up to 14? i wanna know what that does against arcana enemies and stuff
GlitchSans240 11 ABR 2021 a las 20:43 
Hi Kais,

I would like to know what the item ID for the upgraded upgrade anvil is (think what you would enter to get the upgraded upgrade anvil with the /spawnitem command.)

Best wishes, GlitchSans240
RevanGarcia 9 OCT 2020 a las 19:19 
This only upgrades weapons to Tier 8.
Tellurian¹³ 14 JUN 2020 a las 19:39 
imagine this,

you currently have tier 2 weapons, that would be erchius mining facility type gear, you just unlocked other solar systems. And you get a weapon that is tier 6 (volcanic). now, if im right, that level up in power is the same as going from tier 6 to this monstrosity