Sid Meier's Civilization V

Sid Meier's Civilization V

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Civ 5 Improvements Patch
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17 ноя. 2012 г. в 4:53
5 фев. 2015 г. в 16:57
Обновлений: 15 (просмотреть)

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Civ 5 Improvements Patch

Civ 5 Improvements Patch for Brave New World

This mod is an unofficial patch for Civ 5 Brave New World that makes some surgical changes to the game in an effort to enhance it. The changes in Civ IP are the kinds you would expect from an official patch, and do not change the general gameplay of the game.

*If you enjoy this mod, please help support the author by donating Bitcoins to: 1AkhYEWQaguPq6TftNbxsXiKnvM69jFL9g

==Version History==

--Patch V18--
- Several changes

--Patch V15--
- Sweden civ bonus increased to +220 influence for great person gift to City state,
- Huns now get +2P for pastures.

-- Patch V14—

- Updated for Fall patch.

-- Patch V12—

-Trade Unions (commerce) now gives a 75% discount on tile improvement maintenance, up from 50%.
- INTERFAITH DIALOGUE now increases science per city conversion by double the old rate.
- Dance of the Aurora now gives +2 faith per tundra tile without forest, up from +1.
- Desert folklore now gives +1g on desert tiles, in addition to +1 faith.
- Reliquary Now gives +400 faith when a great person is expended, up from 50 faith.

- Mint now grants +1p on Copper resources.
- Fixed a bug that made Big Ben cost a lot less production than intended.

-- Patch V11 --

The main theme of these changes is that I want to flesh out the competitiveness of the International trade routes system. These changes will allow players to master better trade routes through investment of buildings and trading posts in an effort to attract other civs to trade with their cities rather than with other players, which in turn rewards the player with the best trading infrastructure, and allowing that player to be a trading powerhouse. Players will compete to having the best trade routes available, and will spice things up when it comes to choosing who to trade with (value vs diplomatic interests).

Desert cities will now also have the potential to be powerful trading cities via some clever new mechanics.

The following adjustments were made to achieve this:

- City gold output per turn values (excluding from trade routes) will now increase trade route gold yields by a lot more than before. Previously, GPT only added a small fraction of value to a trade route, it now contributes double the value as before. Cities with huge commerce will make for attractive trade route targets.
- Caravansary will now grant +2g to the trade route owner, and +2g to the destination owner of the city. Caravansary now gives desert tiles +1g yield in that city, excluding flood plains.
- Desert Hills now give +1P instead of +2P.
- Harbor will now grant +2g to the route owner, and +2g to the destination owner of the city
- Increased East India company trade bonuses to +6 to trade route owner and +3g to the destination city owner. Also gives Desert tiles +2g in the city it is built in (Flood plains get +1 instead of +2g). Coastal Desert cities will be very powerful trading cities.
- Big Ben (commerce policy required) now grants +4g to trade route owner and +2g to the destination city owner. Gold bonus reduced to +2 from +4.
- Wagon Trains (commerce policy) now increases land trade route yields by +4, up from +2.
- Colossus trade bonus slightly improved to +3g to the trade route owner, and +2g to the destination owner of the city

- Medical Lab (modded) no longer gives sea tiles +1g yield. Now gives +3 Food also.
- Most other building changes are listed above in the Trade changes.

- Ethics (Aesthetics) now decreases culture cost of future policies by 18%, up from 10%.
- Most other policy changes are listed above in the Trade changes.

--Religious Beliefs--
- initiation rites – now gives 400g when each city converts to this religion up from 100g
- Divine inspiration – Each world wonder now provides +5 faith per wonder, up from 2.

==Patch V10==

--General Changes—
- Building Wealth and Research now grants 30% of Production converted, up from 25%.
- Increased the sight radius of having a spy in an opponent’s city to 3 tiles in every direction, up from 1.

*Following Improvements to smaller civs*
- Unhappiness from Number of cities increased by 25%.
- Amount of excess Happiness needed to reach golden age reduced by 50%. However, each city now adds 2x more to the required number of happiness accumulated, up from 1% per city.
- Most National Wonders increased in effectiveness.

- Recycling Center now gives 4 aluminum, up from 2. Now costs 7g in maintenance per turn, up from 3.
- Medical Lab changed. Now gives all sea tiles +1p, in addition to its growth bonus. Cost greatly increased.
- Police Station and Constablery now grant a small bonus to Unit experience.
- Pentagon is now available two tech tiers before the current placement to allow player to make better use of the bonus to upgrading units. Bonus increased from 33% to 40% discount to upgrading units. Now also increases Unit experience by 15 for units build in the same city as it.
- Spaceship factory now grants 1 Uranium. Maint cost increased to 4g. Grants +3 production.
- Hubble now gives Research Labs +1 gold and +1 food and +1 culture, in addition to its current bonuses.
- Most National wonders increased in effectiveness

--Policy changes--

- Fine Arts policy now gives 100% happiness converted to culture, up from 50%.
- Tradition Finisher now gives 25% growth in first 4 cities, up from 15%.
- Landed elite (Tradition tree) now grants +4g and +2p in the capitol, in addition to its current +2 food and growth bonus.


- Stealth Bomber redesigned. No longer replaces Bomber, and is now a standalone unit. Production cost greatly increased. Now costs 2 Aluminum instead of 1. Range increased to 22, from 20.
- Bomber no longer obsolete at the final tech level.
- Helicopter Gunship now uses Oil instead of Aluminum. Can move after attacking a unit, if it has movement points left.
- Missile Cruiser nerfed. Increased cost slightly, Ranged attack reduced to 80 from 100, range reduced to 2 from 3. No longer has a bonus against Submarines. Sight range increased by 1.
- Marine Strength increased to 70 from 65.
- Paratrooper renamed to “Special Forces”. Now paradrops up to 15 tiles away, up from 9. Cost increased. Combat strength increased to 75. Moved required Tech to next tier (Ecology). Now a powerful late-game tactical Infantry unit (special forces), suitable for tactical operations such as rapid response to City State defence, striking enemy strategic resources and other roles.
- Artillery moved up to the next tier in science (Steam Power), Ranged Strength increased to 35, from 28. Combat Strength increased to 24, from 21. Cost slightly increased.
- Tank combat strength increased to 75, from 70. Panzer increased to 85 from 80.
- Modern Armor moved to next science Tier, Nanotechnology.
- Mech Infantry combat strength reduced from 90 to 85.

**Rebalanced Naval Combat**
- Nuclear Submarine defensive strength increased to 60 from 55. Now uses 1 Aluminum. Cost increased. Can now move after attacking if it has movement points left.
- Submarine defensive strength increased to 40 from 35.
- Missile Cruiser nerfed, it is no longer better at every role than all other ships. Increased cost slightly, Ranged attack reduced to 80 from 100, range reduced to 2 from 3. No longer has a combat bonus against Submarines. Sight range increased by 1.
- Destroyer visual range increased by 2, becoming a very effective at recon. Strength slightly increased.

- Ocean tiles (NOT sea tiles) now have +1P and +1G, was the same as Sea/coastal (+1f). Still gain +1f from Lighthouse.
Комментариев: 115
Azathoth 26 июл. 2020 г. в 22:06 
Where can I download older versions?
British Sisyphus 10 июл. 2020 г. в 8:49 
shame this mod dosent work on MaC
weenie 12 ноя. 2017 г. в 6:38 
Why exactly are desert hills 1P now? this made petra a little less prioritzed.
Ancient Aliens Guy 12 мая. 2017 г. в 19:25 
If you could add a function to make it so that great person improvements access luxury and bonus resources, that would be awesome. I just put a manufactory on a gold mine so.... Either production or bonus happiness from gold seems a bit too unforgiving.
YearsLate 8 авг. 2016 г. в 9:27 
Are these changes supposed to go unmarked in-game? Wanted to play Sweden and immediately noticed that they were still listed as obtaining 90 influence. Is that just a mistake? Tried running the mod on its own just to see if that issue was due to some overlap with other mods and it seems not.
PixelConglamorate 10 июл. 2016 г. в 6:35 
I second this.
Zadakualan 13 апр. 2016 г. в 1:43 
I suggest for the improvement of both nuclear weapons to be changed as well, sometimes Nuclear Missiles and Atomic Bombs are easy to get and often used..:steamfacepalm:
Rando Calrissian 10 мар. 2016 г. в 6:35 
I wish there was a patch for loading issues. Everytime I load a save it crashes, unless I go like 3 hours back. I know it's an issue with Steam, but I've had no issues with saving other games with or without the use of mods.
Eric  [создатель] 15 дек. 2015 г. в 23:44 
@edgewalker - The happiness penalty is actually designed to strengthen "tall" civs because wide seems outright more powerful (I favour wide by the way). This opinion may not be shared by others though, so I concede that it should be reverted. Huns change is mainly to strengthen their late game, which is quite weak. I kind of like that it makes them even more dangerous early game though. Will consider this more.
Eric  [создатель] 10 дек. 2015 г. в 5:21 
@Edgewalker - which changes do you dislike?