Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

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Quarterstaff - How to get good
By tequila
Some stuff on the quarterstaff.
disclaimer - im not a god with it, this is just what i've observed. Don't expect to get first place unless you are really good with it.
The Basics
The quarterstaff is a really good, simple weapon. It is a true art to use and some of the better players have trouble blocking it. It has poor damage, good speed and good range.

Who to attack
The easiest classes to kill with the quarterstaff is the knight or vanguard due to their slow movement, even though the vanguard can be challenging with the reach of the weapon. Archers aren't that hard, but if their good and break your block than spam stab you with a knife, they can be a challenge. Other man at arms are fairly hard, especially if they dodge (which is something you'll be doing).
How to attack
First thing first, pick your target and battles. You can outrun every other class, so if you think that you will lose the fight, you can just run away, you dont have to, but you can. Don't fight in closed spaces because it makes dodging harder.

The dodge key is your friend, you will need to get good at dodging attacks. I would reccomend starting within the reach of their weapon. They will probably swing at you and you can dodge. If they have a weapon with short reach (pretty much every weapon besides the vanguards)i would reccomend dodging forward and to the side (hold w and a/d then dodge) to the side. Quickly swing around to the side and just start hitting them. If you do it quick enough some of the newer players will panic and start trying to attack you. You need to keep moving to the side of them to get around the block attempts. If they do block you successfully, just dodge backwards and then repeat.

If they have long ranged weapons you need to wait until they swing also, then you can dodge backwards and the move in forwards, when they're recovering from the swing, you can get in with the good old mouse one spam. Alternatively you could just stay at the very edge of their swing and then just step backwards then dodge towards them, where you can also spam mouse one. (spam doesn't sound good, it's neccesary if you arent really skilled though).

Other tips
If you barge into a group of enemys and start swinging, you probably will die, this is not a zweihander.
For the love of god dont move in, strike and move back out. if you can't aim your strikes, spam is the only way (it takes up to about 5 hits to kill a knight.

Advanced Tactics
Not just using the slash
If you are good at aiming or get bored with just seeing your guy twist the stick around, you can switch to the overhand swing. You can either start spamming the overhead swing. (this isn't a bad idea, as if your opponent is damaged enough you can one hit his head and smash it, it also only takes 2-3 overheads to kill your opponent). You can also combine slashes with overheads.

I personally dont use the stab, even though it's good to target a bodypart like the head. I dont value reach in the man at arms class because you can just dodge closer to them.

Fighting multiple opponents
If you are fighting multiple opponents, you want to try to stay on the outside of the combat (regardless of if it's just you or if you have friends with you. Why you want to do this is because you dont have too much health, so you can get one hit by a vanguard or knight fairly easily. If you stay on the outside, you can also pick your fight better as well as being able to dodge better (it's ♥♥♥♥ when you dodge into someone with a maul and then get insta killed.
If you're going to use a throwable, try to use them to soften up your target, it really helps.
if you're bad like me, use firepots, they are really easy to use, if you are good, use throwing knifes, they're a lot cooler.

Don't expect to get top of the scoreboard unless you're really good. Chances are you're going up against a level 50 person who drags like crazy with a zweihander.

I don't think dragging is too useful, but it probably couldn't hurt.
Also, dont feint, if you need to get the to block, either dodge into them (if they're a noob) or swing outside their range (if they're more experianced).
only ♥♥♥♥ feint

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tequila  [author] Jul 21, 2017 @ 2:26pm 
i didnt know about the reverse stab, thanks for the info (keep it sekrit)
Peeping Turtle Jul 21, 2017 @ 11:52am 
The reverse stab is legit
. Aviaкarlos . Jul 19, 2017 @ 9:51am 
dont forget the super sikrit reverse stab (shhh dont tell anyone anout it)