Portal 2
161 人が評価
How to Spell 'Sesame'
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2012年10月27日 14時04分
1 項目の変更履歴 ( 表示 )

How to Spell 'Sesame'

In which the exit is easy to find, but somewhat harder to get open...

Main testing focus: Hard Light Bridges.

This map began life as the original ending to 'Illumination', but although I liked it enough in and of itself, I decided it didn't work as the last stage of 'Illumination' because it took the focus away from the Thermal Discouragement Beam. So I made a backup, built a new finale for the map, and turned the glass maze segment into a standalone chamber. Here's the finished article.
6 件のコメント
Petutski 2017年5月9日 16時52分 
Nicely done, not too hard. Symbols used well! Thanks.
QuadStick 2017年1月17日 21時24分 
Your maps are always enjoyable and unique. Thank you.
... 2012年11月2日 11時25分 
DaZy 2012年11月1日 21時40分 
3D glass maze. Good idea. Nice map.
mausilibaer 2012年10月27日 16時33分 
Very nice one, thanks.
realdeal_55 2012年10月27日 14時41分 
Haha, this was a lot of fun. Good work! :-D