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How to Spell 'Sesame'
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2012. okt. 27., 14:04
1 változásjegyzék ( megnézés )

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How to Spell 'Sesame'

In which the exit is easy to find, but somewhat harder to get open...

Main testing focus: Hard Light Bridges.

This map began life as the original ending to 'Illumination', but although I liked it enough in and of itself, I decided it didn't work as the last stage of 'Illumination' because it took the focus away from the Thermal Discouragement Beam. So I made a backup, built a new finale for the map, and turned the glass maze segment into a standalone chamber. Here's the finished article.
6 megjegyzés
Petutski 2017. máj. 9., 16:52 
Nicely done, not too hard. Symbols used well! Thanks.
QuadStick 2017. jan. 17., 21:24 
Your maps are always enjoyable and unique. Thank you.
... 2012. nov. 2., 11:25 
DaZy 2012. nov. 1., 21:40 
3D glass maze. Good idea. Nice map.
mausilibaer 2012. okt. 27., 16:33 
Very nice one, thanks.
realdeal_55 2012. okt. 27., 14:41 
Haha, this was a lot of fun. Good work! :-D