Tabletop Simulator

Tabletop Simulator

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Shadow Moon Syndicates
Type: Game
Complexity: Low Complexity
Number of Players: 2, 3, 4, 5
Language: English
File Size
309.583 KB
Apr 3 @ 8:01pm
Nov 12 @ 3:46pm
55 Change Notes ( view )

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Shadow Moon Syndicates

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Sep 22 @ 9:00am
trouble downloading the assests
SJ-the-kiwi  [author] Nov 7 @ 7:54pm 
Thanks! Mod updated.
Celtic Carbomb Nov 7 @ 9:24am 
Just to validate, I am seeing the same as Conro. line 917 generating an error when running Multi-handed solo setup. Fresh game load, selecting Belt Corp, Court of Saffron, Founders, Lucky Kittie, and MMU as factions. Seated in the "Aqua" color player seat. Not sure if any of those variables are related to the issue, simply providing as much information as possible.

The error as presented in the TTS chat:
Error in Script (Global): chunk_4:(917,42-44): attempt to index a nil value

Deleting the line from the mod's JSON file did fix the issue for me locally.
Conro Nov 6 @ 9:52am 
Sure, it's line 917, "getObjectFromGUID('2c481e').destruct()". Whatever object has that GUID doesn't seem to be in the save. Deleting the line stopped the error
SJ-the-kiwi  [author] Nov 5 @ 5:48pm 
I can't recreate the error, could you please send me the code?
Conro Nov 3 @ 8:23pm 
@SJ-the-kiwi Yup, it's happening even with the Multi-handed solo button. It's a different error than the one thrown if you hit the Multiplayer button without being seated
SJ-the-kiwi  [author] Nov 3 @ 7:36pm 
@Conro make sure all players are seated before hitting the Multiplayer button.

If you want to play it Multihanded solo (without players seated in their relevant seats) - hit the Multiplayer Solo button instead.
Conro Nov 2 @ 8:01am 
FYI, the setup tries to delete an object that isn't there, which breaks the rest of the script, so the operation tokens don't come out.
Anatol333 Oct 19 @ 12:27pm 
I cant find the rulebook