Yoruk Hunt   Australia
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Counter-Strike 2
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Servers and General Bullshitery
I host a few game servers on my Sydney based VPS. I don't mind people using them. I don't keep them running 24/7 or simultaneously so if you want me to boot one up just message me. No DoS please xoxo, cheers yours truly, Yoruk Hunt.

Counter-Strike Source: connect
Counter-Strike II: connect
Factorio: This ones password protected, fark off
Quake: connect
Quake III Arena: connect

- "What inspires me is teaching African refugees to program in JavaScript!" quote from the late Samule Hyadas
- Start emulating games. There are heaps of great games to be played that are better than 80% of the slop on steam. They are all 'technically' free too.
- Piracy is completely justified.
- I'm doing a Cirt IV in Cybersec, it's insultingly easy and it's why I have so much time on my hands. Gotta get it over with bloody jee wizz.

Good games [] my taste is immaculate and was gifted via premonitions from God. Thanks God. If you disagree with my tastes you are, by extension, defying the big man upstairs. Thanks God.
Hoạt động gần đây
520 giờ được ghi nhận
Đang chơi
24 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 26 Thg05
14,1 giờ được ghi nhận
chơi lần cuối lúc 20 Thg05
Hard Stuck 1k elo 21 Thg05 @ 4:10am 
some1 is mad?
.murda 20 Thg05 @ 4:16am 
-rep calls people gay when he the biggest ♥♥♥♥
trashban 16 Thg05 @ 11:31pm 
Hard Stuck 1k elo 14 Thg05 @ 5:15am 
no its me loading the dishwasher
Snoenig 12 Thg05 @ 4:15pm 
Is that you and your dad?
Hard Stuck 1k elo 12 Thg05 @ 7:25am 

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