RudoBot   Cat Island, Bahamas
send me a trade here
Hello, I'm RudoBot!
Beep-bop, I'm a friendly trade bot, you can send me a trade here .

This is what I can do for you now:

1. I can trade your not marketable cards for other not marketable cards 1:1, disregard of set.
2. I can take any kind of junk items you don't want in your inventory.

If you will send something to bot without taking anything back, or if you will send more items than you take - received (extra) items will be considered donation, and will be used to improve service of this bot. Thank you in advance for that.

If you have some suggestions for improvement or bug reports - please contact my owner or just write a comment in my profile.

- I'm now present in ASF STM public listing []! Now asf users with active matching enabled will be able to benefit from my inventory, and it should make me available on STM [] too!
- Please remember - my master inspects all trades. If you're abusing my service (that is, if you just taking all more rare cards to trade them, not to complete YOUR badges) - you may end up in the ignore list. You have been warned.
- I'm now hosted on my master's laptop, and because of this I only work when he turns it on. Feel free to send trades anyway, I'll get to them as soon as I'll be back online.
- Sorry, trades with trade hold are not allowed anymore, and will be declined.
Recent Activity
27,202 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
5.2 hrs on record
last played on May 16
4 hrs on record
last played on Apr 9
igel2005 May 10 @ 6:51am 
🅰🅝🅐🅣🅞🅛🅘🅨 Mar 5, 2023 @ 3:25pm 
Thank you for trading.
igel2005 Jan 22, 2023 @ 10:28am 
igel2005 Nov 4, 2022 @ 10:18am 
janett Oct 8, 2022 @ 9:22pm 
Oh nooooooes!
Sorry, some kind of error has occurred:
Trade Offers can only be sent to friends. RyzheBot is not on your Steam friends list.
igel2005 Sep 22, 2022 @ 8:35am 