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7 people found this review helpful
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1.2 hrs on record
Nope this **** aint for me, when I first saw the trailer a while back, I was super interested cause it seemed like a blast, now that I finally got to play it.... its just a frustrating mess, the controls are kinda physics based..which translates to hard to master controls (and even then there is times when something random will come and kill you).

I had to ask myself "Am I having fun?" and the answer is a resounding NOPE, I never felt like I was in control and everything took forever to do and death meant repeating a long frustrating sequence.

I am sure there are some people whom will have the patience to learn and master this game, but I can honestly say I never want to pick this game up again. That being said the environments I did see looked pretty dam good so there is that lol
Posted December 21, 2022. Last edited December 21, 2022.
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12.8 hrs on record
TRASH...let me explain

First of all I got this game on a sale for dirty cheap, otherwise I would be furious..DO NOT PAY FULL PRICE FOR THIS!
This game is worth 1$ at most... its essentially shovelware being sold as a full proper release.

The game is also blatant false advertisement, it has "Nudity" tags (which granted are user generated) but also the screenshots make it seem like there will be nudity, however the characters will get gradually naked through a match 3 game but cut out just before you get to that... that is so lame, why have a game with hentai mechanics...without the hentai? I am fine with playing ecchi games without nudity if the gameplay is fun (for example Gal Gun series) but in this case, it just a lazy match 3 puzzle without any sort of reward, also the reason why you have to play this game to make people naked is really dumb, and to make things worse, one of the 7 possible people you can make it is a guy! I tried doing one of the puzzles in Hard mode to see what it would unlock...and it was just a CG of 3 guys standing around, what a waste of time!

Speaking of CG, the screenshots make the CG look really good, and they are... only issue is that there is barely any of it! I think there was like 9 of them and 3 of them were repeats lol

Story-wise... it is very boring, just you and some teenage girls tryna solve lame mysteries around a high school, the plot does get more elaborate as it goes along, but they basically copied the plot from another visual novel, without spoiling anything it is a visual novel famous for certain facial expressions of its characters (something they also copied here). You will essentially have to play the game at least 3-4 times to get the full plot, but even the so called "true ending" just ends abruptly and unsatisfyingly. You will leave this game feeling like you waste your time...the one good thing it did is that its extremely short, can probably beat it in under 8 hours.

There is 0 reason why you would want to pay for this game when there is better visual novels (specially the one its tryna copy), match 3 puzzle, and ecchi games out there... and lots of them for free! PQube should be ashamed for the amount they are charging for this.

Posted December 19, 2022.
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3.6 hrs on record
Do not get fooled by the words "lots of waifus" like I did, sure there is lots of nice artwork to look at, but its all framed around one of the worst games I played. This is not really a "deck building" game as the steam tags say, neither is it an RPG as I saw some ppl call it.

This is a game where you start every single run with trash deck, then you have to pray the RNG lets you get some good decent units as you go along, you are actively encouraged to avoid battles.. in a game where battles are the main thing to do. Until you make it to the unskipable first boss, whom has a huge amount of HP, boosts their attack enough to one shot you and also gets double attack to make things even worse, once you make it to this point it dawns on you that this game is absolutely unbalanced and there ZERO SENSE OF PROGRESSION, once you die your deck resets back to the trash you had when you first played and you repeat this cycle over and over with nothing carrying over between runs.

TL:DR This game is trash, and actually just borrows most of its assets from a failed gacha game of the same name.

PQube has let me down and stole my money.....oh well we will always have Gal Gun ;_;
Posted December 17, 2022. Last edited December 17, 2022.
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14.9 hrs on record (14.5 hrs at review time)
Hes done it again! The developer Rem Michalski released hit after hit with his previous "Devil Came Through Here Trilogy", so when I heard he was cooking up something new, this quickly became one of my most anticipated games of the year. I been let down before, but I can honestly say this was not one of those times.

If you never played his games before, he makes point and clickish narrative adventure games with good atmosphere, music, plot and and a unique artstyle with darker undertones. (That being said, it is fairly clear what the developer was inspired by)

I recommend you dont spoil yourself anything about the plot and just got into this blind... if you have played his games before, this is kind of similar but better and longer (should take you at least 12 hours).

If I had to criticise something is that while every puzzle in the game is fairly easy to understand and solve, for some reason he decided that one of the late game puzzles you should just guess and do a very annoying platforming section with the actual item you need being hidden like an Easter egg, he also only had like 3 testers which meant on launch the game was riddle with bugs.. something that he is constantly working hard to fix, but could had been avoided if he had just gave some free keys to a few more people.

But other than that the game is stellar and I dont regret paying full price!
Posted December 8, 2022.
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7.0 hrs on record
Out of the trilogy that comprises "The Devil Came Through Here", this one is the most visually stunning imo, even if you for some reason dont care about the narrative, its still worth it for the visual and atmosphere alone.

If you never played the previous titles (HIGHLY recommend that you do), then basically this is a point and click adventure game that is heavily focused on the narrative, with dark but relatable topics about a person going through a bad time in their life, mixed with a dash of the supernatural...its kind of a dark Alice in Wonderland in a modern setting (Fran Bow fans will feet at home).

If someone says video games are not art, they most likely have not played this game.

My only minor complaint is that they decided to have Yong Yea (an extremely annoying and toxic pseudo game journalist) to do one of the voices, but that was not enough to be a deal breaker and the dev was wise enough to include a skip button so you can avoid all his scenes.
Posted December 5, 2022.
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5.8 hrs on record
While this is the second game in the "Devil Came Through Here" trilogy of point and click narrative horror games, in reality it is simply a re-imagining of the developer`s first game he ever made with a lot of the plot altered to fit into the canon of the two other games in the trilogy.

It is not a bad game by any means, but personally I find it the weaker of the 3, the author clearly took inspiration from The Shining and Silent Hill, two things horror games love to reference and it was already an old and tired trope even by the time this game came out in 2016.

That being said, its still a nice psychological thriller and a must play if enjoyed the masterpiece that was The Cat Lady, or the sequel Lorelai. It has decent atmosphere and great soundtrack.

As a side note, Myuu (horror ambience composer that lets anyone use his music for free) is a really amazing composer so I love this game just for the fact it uses a few of his songs.
Posted December 3, 2022.
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80.5 hrs on record
This is more of a "neutral" recommendation, the game is not trash but it also not really that good.

It desperately tries its hardest to copy the magic of one of the few games series that many consider a 10/10... Persona. However it kinda fails, that being said its a fun enough game that often goes on sale (would not pay more than 10$ CND for this), and I guess if you never played Persona you would not notice how lacking it is.

Basically, you play as a bunch of teenagers in modern day whom secretly know and can fight in a "secret world"

The game has 2 "modes" you are either walking around modern day japanese town and talking to random NPCs /triggering a "hang out" event with one your friends, of you are exploring dungeons with action rpg gameplay (think of something like the Ys series from same dev).

It does have some mayor flaws that really made me question whether to recommend it or not...

1)There is an optional "activity" where your phone automatically saves random facts about friends/people in town when you talk to them. Completing it is absolutely pointless (it just gets you a meaningless Steam achievement), however if you are planning to 100% this game you will most likely engage with it... the thing is, its completely random what is considered important enough to save or not, things that would make sense to save dont get added, and things that seem pointless do. This activity is EXTREMELY missable, and it requires you to basically talk to EVERY SINGLE NPC around town everytime the story advances even the slightest, as there is no indication when someone has something new to say. The other option is using a guide, but at that point you may as well be watching a lets play.

2)The game locks a bunch of content behind a second playthrough. On your first playthough, you wont have enough resources to max out friendship with half your friend, and also new bonus dungeons get added for any playthrough beyond first one. This basically forced me to speed run the entire game again just for a few extra minutes of gameplay/scenes. I really hate when devs dont respect the time of the players.

Other than that... the game is OK, the combat is fun enough (expect late game enemies have long range protection) the main character is your typical anime Jesus-kun whom is good at everything, everyone loves him, and has a whole harem of hot women in love with him. Personally the plot did not blow me away as I seen it too many times, but perhaps someone who is just getting into JRPGs may enjoy it. The modern day setting is also always cool imo.
Posted November 28, 2022.
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61.3 hrs on record
This game is not AS BAD as some people wanna make you think, I 100% the whole thing and had no issues or crashes, and the keyboard/mouse controls were perfect.

Here is a few pros it has:
-Top tier waifus/artstyle by a known hentai artist
-Addicting battle system
-Tons of build customisation (you can make some extremly OP builds by end game)
-Main character can turn into a big dragon and pwns everything

That being said, the plot is very cookie cutter and I barely paid any attention to plot or any of the male characters and it definitely does have its flaws.

The first one is even on the title screen, you are given two options when starting a new game, and the second one "Refrain" makes it seem like its a side story or a completely different plot, in reality both "Original" and "Refrain" are EXACTLY THE SAME, except Refrain Mode adds 2 characters that don't join your party until post game in Original cause it considers it spoilers... but come on. Now if you dont care about stuff like trophies or 100% the game, its not a big issue, but locking literally just 3 trophies and about 30 minutes of extra dialogue, forcing you to replay game to get them, is one of the dumbest things I heard, and I can see why some people would be angry..bear in mind this is a "remaster" of sorts so they had time to fix this.

The other "issue" this game has is that there is no fast travel, however this personally did not bother me as the map is fairly small, you get one from one corner of the map to another corner in a few minutes, but lots of people consider this "backtracking" and the whole plot revolves around you travelling around the same few areas (you can buy item to instantly go back to town), monsters do scale and sometimes even completely change tho so you will never be too OP, unless you decide to invest time in the optional "Grimore" dungeons that are available at any camp, which are 3 floor randomly generated dungeons that always have monsters around your level.. you can literally just grind on them until you hit level cap, tho its recommended you wait for post game since you unlock really high level boosters. However... its still just the same few repetitive dungeons and 4 of them are just pallete swaps.

The last minor issue that I had with this game, is that you can date your party members, and after 4-5 dates you are able to unlock their "ending" by choosing them before the last boss, the problem is that "dates" involve you very slowly walking around town and locating 3 randomly generated "date spots" (that almost always have the same dialogue) which unlocks the actual date scene. This was super annoying, and what is worst is that some party members are in the second screen out of 2 that comprises the town, so you have to load to go talk to them, then load again to find date spots. I have no clue why they made you walk super slow, when your character is obviously still jogging, why they placed half of the party members on a separate screen, and why they made you do the same task over and over...you already need to talk to them before you go to "Rest" to have repetitive night conversations with them until they agree to go out with you, and to make matters worse, there is one character that wont date you no matter how much you talk to them until a certain chapter of the game, but the game never tells you that! I wasted a few hours trying to get her to go out until I gave up and then realised my "mistake". Basically the whole "date" thing is a huge annoyance and time sink that is just meant to make you waste as much time as possible...however its optional.

So overall I really enjoyed my time with this game, specially since I grabbed it during a sale (definitely not worth full price btw), at most I would pay 10-15$ CND for this game.

Also... why they hired a hentai artist to do the artwork for a game where you "date" your party members, and have no sex scenes the whole game, I will never understand.
Posted October 28, 2022. Last edited October 29, 2022.
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6 people found this review helpful
57.6 hrs on record
If you never played a game made by Idea Factory/Compile Heart, they are basically a developer know for their budget titles, if you had no previous knowledge of that fact, it would become evident just by playing this game for a bit.

It is important to note this game is actually a REMAKE of the similarly named title, so they had an opportunity to improve.

The developers took every possible shortcut they could, you see like 2 actual cutscenes the entire game, the rest of the plot is told through static visual novel segments. The world map seems huge at first, only until you realise its the same few maps being recycled, and the enemies are just pallete swaps... hell even the so called "DLC maps" are just the same maps again, only with enemies that give ridiculous amount of Exp for the 1% of players who want to grind to lvl 999 (you can easily beat this game at lvl 60 on Easy). The game tells you there is 100 Furys to collect but you only ever collect 40 at most (the DLC ones just give you Godly stats incase you really couldn't care less for the gameplay and just want to breeze the game).

The developers also made baffling choices such as giving you "Challenges" that grant exponentially stat increases as you complete their tiers, which is actually a decent concept, and some of them are fairly logical like "participate in battle X amount of times", however they made some of them extremely dumb, like "Jump 10K times per character" or "Play as X character for 15 hours". Its like they didn't really think of how to balance them and just put in a random number... dont even get me started how one achievement in this game requires 10K kills..(that one really made me wanna punch whomever thought of it).

The so called "improvement" this version of the game has, is that it now adds 2 new story arcs that honestly play out fairly similarly (except for one that has a sequel bait scene), and also surprisingly, even though the visual novel segments are sleep inducing, they at least dubbed almost all of it which is not something IF does alot, unless its Neptunia, their most popular series. Speaking of Neptunia... this game is basically a reskin of the third Neptunia game.

All that being said, if you look at this game for what it is, a budget JRPG title, or you really enjoyed the main Neptunia game, then you will find some enjoyment in this game, I would go as far as to say that its one of the top games they released... but thats not saying much, however considering a sequel is set to release soon as of the time of this review, guess that alot of people agree with that.

PS: If you end up buying this game, DO NOT try to do Hard Mode achievement on your first run even if its tempting, this game is very unbalanced and you will make your life miserable, just grind levels near the end of your first run and do Hard on the next one... youll thank me later.
Posted October 18, 2022. Last edited October 18, 2022.
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26.5 hrs on record
This is one of the games that made me wish Steam had a "Neutral" rating, this game has a ton of issues... but also its nothing game breaking and there was some parts I enjoyed.

If you are a Neptunia fan, definitely play this as its more Neptunia and at least it does not recycle the same models for the like 12th time or whatever, just be aware this is probably one of the lowest ranking Neptunia games cause of all the issues it has and its the only one made by western devs.

If you never played a Neptunia game...well basically they are a series of RPGs that revolve around cute personifications of aspects of the gaming industry (for example the main characters are supposed to represent Xbox, Nintendo, Playstation and the cancelled Sega Neptune), the "humor" or lack of depending on your perspective, is that the characters constantly break the fourth wall or reference something from pop culture. Do not expect a proper RPG epic (hell the final boss is literally just a little girl) but instead its more of a laid back japanese comedy.

Now for the elephant in the room....the gameplay is just meh, the battle system relies on an AP bar that slooowly goes up, once it hits a certain amount, one of your characters can attack, and they all share the same AP bar. Leading for battles to feel very clunky. You can speed up things with a button, but then this leads to battles becoming a stuttery mess, even on the last boss, I simply pressed fast foward and spammed attack with a single unit. This issue could had been easily fixed if either the AP bar moved faster or each character had its own bar. To make matters worse, rather than any character being able to use any of their skills, you can only assign a single skill to a position the "formation", so if you get into a figth where you don't have the right skill equipped, you basically just wait for death and hoped you save recently, as the enemy absorbs all of your attacks. The "formation" system is a huge convoluted mess where you are meant to rotate characters in battle, but because of the way battles are so clunky as I mentioned earlier (gotta love wanting to rotate but the input not happening until a minute later and then the whole party just keeps rotating like morons) I ended up just sticking to one formation, and each character just having one skill.

I wont list every single issue with this game, but one of the biggest ones aside from the battle system, is that its missing a feature that is standard for Neptunia games, in other games, you got a big icon indicating where cutscenes would happen, but they did not add that on this games, a cutscene can happen at anytime, anywhere... hell there is missable achievments that involve you somehow guessing to be at a certain spot at a certain time. Another thing is that enemies do show up in the map instead of random encounters but the problem is that they used the icons for the first enemy you fight for all encounters except bosses, this makes no sense as they have full models for all monsters... so why not use them? Because of laziness that is why. After you do a quest for someone, rather than give flavor text, even just a "Thank you" or something, every single NPC defaults to just saying "....."

The developers were so lazy, they said they made one of the characters look like one of the most iconic villians from the series by accident as they had no knowledge of her...

Anyways, we will be here all day if I kept listing issues, dont expect a masterpiece, this is just basically an experiment of a Neptunia game if it had 2D graphics but made by western developers whom dont really know the franchise.. but those who know the publisher IF, they are well known for taking "shortcuts" so its kinda expected of them.

Posted October 7, 2022.
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