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지난 2주간 7.6시간 / 기록상 819.0시간 (평가 당시 15.6시간)
게시 일시: 2022년 6월 14일 오전 10시 55분
업데이트됨: 2022년 10월 31일 오후 12시 46분

Gates of hell: ostfront is one of those games that I wish I had known about sooner, it's similar to men of war: assault squad 2 but it's different enough that it feels like a different game

there are of course some cons:
-the base game has only the german and soviet factions, with Finland being a DLC
-the AI can be quite dumb at times
-the game has some but not a lot of bugs
-lack of incentive to use a lot of vehicles and units - why would I buy a motorcycle with a machine gun when I can just buy a panzer IV?

and of course, there are the pros:
the graphics are quite good, although the game may be very un-saturated on some maps
the sound design is pretty good
the gameplay itself is satisfying and also very fun
the game can be very easy or very hard depending on what difficulty you choose

the are also, of course, steam mods, I suggest you try out the BATTLEFIELD mod which revamps the sound design

also, fair warning the game requires quite a buffy pc to play on 60 fps, I don't suggest playing this game on a laptop.

the game uses a lot of rams too, at the time of reviewing this game I only have 4 GBS of ram and even if I don't have any other program/browser open the game just doesn't run with the max amount of ai players (7)
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