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0.0 hrs on record
Posted March 8.
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34.8 hrs on record (33.8 hrs at review time)
This game rules! Only really have a few gripes with it. The first one is that the game sometimes punishes you for going a bit too fast or a hair too slow, this can end up resulting in you dropping combos in certain areas. The Other one being that pushing on your board effectively becomes reserved for the start of your runs and almost nowhere else because of the game's emphasis on maintaining your combo rising as you progress. Speaking of Combo's, this game, unlike Skate, THPS, or Session isn't really classifiable as a skateboarding game/sim in the same sense as the previously mentioned titles. This game is effectively a combo simulator, so I guess don't really come into it with the expectations that you might get from something else like those titles. BUT, assuming you've seen any of this game's marketing, I highly doubt that that's a surprise. Overall this game rules, totally should've won best sports game of the year over whatever EA title won.
Posted February 18.
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5.6 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
Its pretty crazy how much this game has changed over its lifespan, I wouldn't be recommending this to people 2 or so years ago, while I do have my fair share of gripes with this game, the poor netcode being probably the biggest one along with the games visuals to a degree. I'm pretty happy with how this game turned out in the end, I hope capcom carries this momentum the games gotten in its last season to sf6.

As of right now I'd rank sfv as about a 7/10, The games pretty fun and still definitively feels like a street fighter game, but its flaws are still worth mentioning. For starters one: The visuals are honestly worse than 4 to a degree. While I absolutely love stylized 3D in fighting games, the street fighter series has had a pretty rough time with this game, with many characters designs translating to a 3D space going from passable to drowning in bad physics engines, which pains me to say since one of street fighters biggest strengths as a video game series to me has always been its art direction. Luckily, the new filters for the game, particularly the Cel-Shading filter much better suits the models than the realistic lighting that the game had before in my opinion (something I wish sf6 would keep in mind (-_-) ). The next one is the netcode, which capcom has neglected to fix. While at its best its definitely playable, at its worst its a buggy and one sided mess. Other than that if you're looking for a street fighter game to give a try, champion edition is definitely a good one to look at.
Posted April 6, 2022. Last edited April 6, 2022.
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185.2 hrs on record (143.7 hrs at review time)
This is one of those games where I definitely wish there was a maybe option in terms of recommendation. On one end, this is easily one of if not THE best looking fighting games of all time and you can maybe even call it one of the best looking video games ever made if you wanna go that far. The hyper 2D influenced 3D anime visuals that Arcsys has become known for make this game absolute eye candy. The soundtrack of the Xrd series in general is what I'd argue as Daisuke Ishiwatari's, (the creator and composer of the game's) best work. And to top it all off the game play is fast, heavy hitting, and fun to boot, with one of the best tutorials of any fighting game. But the reason why I'm kinda mixed with this game in terms of recommendation comes from a mixture of the port itself, the netcode/online aspect, and a mechanic I'll detail later. To start off: The port itself is pretty demanding in terms of processing power, the game can make serious frame drops, particularly common in windowed mode unless like mentioned you have a strong enough pc. And it can seriously bug out if you alt tab for some strange reason. To make matters worse (and this is a problem with Xrd in general) Xrd has one of, if not THE worst netcodes of any arcsys fighting game thats currently being played. Its absolutely agonizing to play online with even wired vs wired connections being shaky sometimes, which for any fighting game is truly hell. The online hub lobbies are bad as well, with most people if not everyone just resorting to the smaller player lobbies that are either public or private. The last problem is more of a case by case, person to person, critique, and something that probably mostly concerns people who are much more hardcore competitive fighting game fans rather than casual players, though I can and have seen people complaining about it on both ends: Danger Time. Danger Time is a mechanic that occurs when you and your opponents attacks clash at any random point, and it only happens once a round lasting for 10 seconds. If its triggered, then the first hit is a supped up counter-hit called mortal counter, where damage for attacks is increased with the exception of projectiles and command grabs, you cant block regularly, you have to faultless defense (they give you an extra 25 meter to compensate for that) everything has double the hit-stun, and everything cancels into everything, even supers. Whilst this is a hilariously fun mechanic in a casual setting its not as great in competitive, as if its activated and you're the one getting comboed on it can and in many instances will cost you the round and maybe even the set. Because of this it can be something that turns people off with the game. Overall like I said it's more of a case by case thing in terms of whether people enjoy it or not. I personally like it and think its fun, but I encourage that you formulate your own opinion on it. Overall GGXrd Rev 2 is an amazing fighting game that kinda gets held back by the problems surrounding the port. But overall, its positives outweigh the negatives almost any day and so I would still recommend it to anyone interested in playing.
Posted February 26, 2022.
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4 people found this review helpful
11.8 hrs on record (10.6 hrs at review time)
Legit one of my favorite games of all time, the music and the aesthetic is so unique and honestly unmatched by anything today. The game is pretty fun, albeit the controls can be wonky at first, but you'll probably get used to it after using it for a bit. If you're looking to get into the game/the franchise than this is for sure a great port! And for 8$ its not a bad price either.
Posted August 24, 2021.
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59.0 hrs on record (7.4 hrs at review time)
Great game with one of my favorite core premises of any game on steam, if you liked evolve but were looking for something else to try this game is 100% up your alley. The sharks are not only fairly unique with the only similarity's some sharks share being basic game-plans, but they're also surprisingly scientifically accurate in their designs to the real sharks their based on (which doesn't really affect the game much but its refreshing to see more realistic animals in games, especially with sharks). Speaking of accuracy, though I highly doubt it pertains to most of the people reading this, the megalodon in the megalodon hunt mode is actually not an up scaled great white, which is pretty great imo. The only issues I really have so far is that the matchmaking for the game can take a bit, which is more a result of the game loosing its popularity as time went on than an issue with the game itself from what I can tell. And that there's no skill based match making so unless your ready to get thrown into the deep end (no pun intended) then you're probably gonna have a rough time. Other than that its a really good game and I highly recommend it!
Posted July 25, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
76.5 hrs on record (34.5 hrs at review time)
I don't think there's ever been a fighting game that has gotten this close to being not only my favorite fighting game, but also one of my favorite games period. The gameplay is great, the system mechanics are really well placed and give the whole cast benefits, the tutorial actually teaches you about where and when to use certain moves instead of just showing you how to execute them, and on top of that, the sprite-work and music are some of the best in the genre with an insanely consistent output of quality on every character. The only serious drawback I could make about the game (which may be subject to change) is the lack of a really solid netcode, as the game runs on delay based netcode. But other than that I'd say this is easily one of the best fighting games available on PC. If you like fighting games, are looking to get into them, or just want to appreciate some damn good sprite-work I 10000% recommend giving this game a try, you seriously wont regret it.
Posted July 14, 2021. Last edited July 14, 2021.
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3 people found this review helpful
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1.1 hrs on record
Millia has the most gigantic ass imaginable

as she should


11/10 even
Posted June 11, 2021. Last edited July 1, 2021.
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9.8 hrs on record (5.3 hrs at review time)
Very fun game, whilst not really my thing if you're interested in getting a chance to try out pre sfv street fighter its worth it. One thing I will say is that the games leniency isn't the same for inputs like more recent games is, its not to say its impossible, but if you're more used to higher leniency like in other titles this may not be your style. I'd still recommend giving it a try though!
Posted May 2, 2021.
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14.3 hrs on record
Really good game! Great music as well!
Posted April 14, 2021.
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