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Created by - Jockeyinha
473 ratings
1. Report unusual behavior 2. Barricade your homes 3. Avoid all contact with infected individuals 4. Wait for official instructions.
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RIMLJAN Oct 30, 2023 @ 7:43am 
Romulus Dec 20, 2022 @ 3:15pm 
my friends call me coach

football? yea
scorp Dec 18, 2022 @ 9:25am 
Five steps to making a powerful bomb
STEP 1: Deciding to make a bomb
STEP 2: Deciding the target to blow up
STEP 3: Getting raw materials to make bomb
STEP 4: Transporting bomb to the blast location (not required if you own a launch system)
STEP 5: Triggering the bomb blast
scorp Dec 18, 2022 @ 9:23am 
Transporting bomb to the blast location
If you are Donald Trump or Kim Jong-un and are reading this, you can skip this section because you already own extensive launch systems to launch your bombs. All others may continue reading. Transporting a bomb to the blast location can be tricky. But don’t panic yet in the bomb making industry it is the really big guys who have to worry about transportation. If your blast site is a desert and your bomb is nuclear you need to have a plan in place to hoodwink the US satellites, else you can chill.
yxliy Jul 10, 2021 @ 1:49am 
mocx Jul 9, 2021 @ 9:01am 
+Rep Yeli has nice ballz