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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 3.9 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: Apr 9, 2021 @ 10:19am

An absolutely garbage game. The game is completely boring and awful and clunky to play. Let's talk about the story. The story in cyberpunk 2077 is so boring I would rather watch paint dry. Yes the first hour of cyberpunk is amazing but then the rest of the game is absolutely terrible. It's just a bunch of boring missions in boring talk. 90% of all the missions in the game is just do this and meet with this person and you get that if you complete it. The missions are almost unplayable. And the reason for been being unplayable is the bugs and glitches in them. I have had three different occasions where all of my save files got deleted because of how bad the bugs were. And I had to restart the story three times. Now let's talk about the life paths. The life pass in it has almost no impact on the dialogue whatsoever. It's just these brief low effort 15-minute long-cut scenes that put you in the exact same spot no matter which life path you choose. They have almost zero effect on the dialogue and are meaningless to the story in any way shape or form. Now let's talk about the cutscenes in cyberpunk. There are none. And because there are zero cutscenes apart from the life paths the game has no cinematic feel to it. It makes the game incredibly boring in the cutscenes even if they are important to the dialogue because there is zero cinematic feel to it. yet again spoils the fun. Now let's talk about the tree branching in cyberpunk. In the cyberpunk, E3 reveal trailer they said “What were to happen if we just bought the bot ourselves? Or didn't meet up with a military agent? So many options so many possibilities and that's just one Quest.” That is one of the most overstated parts of this game. It is not like that is not that interactive it is not that tree branch is kind of stuff where every little thing you do is going to have an effect on your story. 95% of all the dialogue options you get are meaningless. And even the small 5% is still awful. Now let's talk about the state of the game. Even with all of the hotfixes they put in and all of the patches the game is still a buggy broken glitchy unfinished Mess. The hotfixes have had almost zero effect on the game and even with the game fully fixed and no glitches it is still a subpar game. The stories have extremely underwhelming endings not worth spending your life on trying to get them. Now let's talk about the fighting physics in cyberpunk 2077. The fighting physics in cyberpunk 2077 is awful. It's just like Tom Clancy's division where you just shoot someone until their bar goes down to zero. The fighting mechanics in it make it completely boring and underwhelming whenever you're in fight scenes. Now let's talk about the AI in cyberpunk. I cannot tell what level a I I am fighting. It is extremely difficult to tell between a level one Ai and a Max Level. There was almost no difference. So I could not tell if I was fighting someone easy or an expert. This made the game increasingly frustrating to play as I had no idea which enemy I was versing or challenging. Now let's talk about the driving in cyberpunk. The driving and cyberpunk makes me feel like I am driving on Ice. The car has behaved extremely weirdly and unrealistic. Cars for absolutely no reason on some occasions would explode for quite literally no reason. I could be driving along the road and all of a sudden I would die because my car decided to randomly explode. Let's talk about civilians in cyberpunk 2077. I don't care who you are or who you think you are if you have played open world games at some point you have become a murderous psychopath. For example how many times in open world game like cyberpunk have you wanted to hit a civilian with your car. Whenever you hit a civilian with your car in cyberpunk one of three things will happen. 1 this civilian will Ragdoll on your car unrealistic and awkwardly and glide along with your car until you stop. 2 this civilian glitches into your car and your car starts slinging around for absolutely no reason. Or three the civilian no clips into your car's engine and blows up your car immediately. Now let's talk about the NYPD police department in cyberpunk. they are awful. You can go up to random civilians and start punching them in the face in some cases even shooting them straight in front of a cop and cops will do nothing about it. And there are no car chases in cyberpunk 2077. That's right you heard me no car chases whenever you act violent front of the police. Something so many people want to do is now taken away from them. And because there is no car chases in cyberpunk 2077 it makes the game incredibly boring. In games like Saints Row, GTA V, GTA San Andreas, Red Dead Redemption 2 ( I know there are no cars in the game but they are wagons and stuff to replace cars that the cops will chase you with), crackdown, and gta 4 There are car chases. And all you have to do to get away from the cops is just drive a few meters away in your car. In My overall conclusion cyberpunk is a waste of money and waste of time.
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