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Добро пожаловать! В данном руководстве представлен полный список достижений и способы их получения. Руководство постепенно пополняется различным контентом по мере возможности. Критика и помощь приветствуется. https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/1023
DrGamer☠ May 24 @ 11:25am 
DrGamer☠ May 15 @ 8:45am 
Andúnië⁸⁷ May 5 @ 5:45am 
Sending you warm Sunday wishes, so you can start the week ahead with renewed energy, positivity, and a heart full of gratitude.
MIRACLE SWAG May 5 @ 5:24am 
Have a wonderful week:cwd_heart:
Andúnië⁸⁷ Apr 27 @ 5:58am 
As the weekend begins, I hope you find tranquility in the company of your favorite books or enjoying a peaceful walk in nature. Have an amazing time!
Andúnië⁸⁷ Apr 20 @ 8:26am 
Whether you choose to go on an adventure or simply relax at home, may your weekend be exactly what your heart desires. Enjoy every minute! Have a Happy Weekend!