eat a Ɑ͞ ̶͞ ̶͞ ﻝﮞ
gay guy   Malaysia
Councilor ward whatever its called and about me:

I have represented the Ward in 1995-7 and again from 2006 to the present time. I find being your representative on Council to be very rewarding. Please find out more about current items that I think are of interest as well as my achievements for the Ward and plans for the future.

Why you should vote?
For me the campaign is nearly over. I have knocked on nearly every door and distributed a couple of leaflets to each home. I still have a How to Vote leaflet to distribute this weekend. Then it's over to you. The hard work was not done in the last few weeks but over the last 4 years in this term of office. It's now up to all of you to take your turn and complete the ballot when it arrives in the mail next week. This is the best way for you to say thank you.

You should vote because:
- it reinforces to me that I have been doing the job well
- you are happy with the progress that you can see
- you like the team effort that my co-councillor and I have made to work

You appreciate the regular newsletters and our informative blogs
Now is the time to talk to family members, neighbours and friends and ask them if they have voted intend to vote and discuss the benefits of each candidate. When it comes to experience and achievement I hope I'm on the top of your list.

Also a resident has asked me to put a motion to Council early in the new year if I am re-elected. Her complaint was about the heavy use of glyphosate to kill weeds on council land. This chemical has received some bad press this week and rightly so. It is already banned for use in the USA and may European countries. My undertaking is that I will ask that Council staff investigate the use of this chemical and report back on alternative methods of killing weeds. I understand that Adelaide Hills Council is currently trialling a program that use steam.

記録時間: 521 時間
2020年2月18日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 0 時間
2019年11月30日 に最後にプレイ
記録時間: 0.4 時間
2018年9月12日 に最後にプレイ
CHAYNA NUMBA WAN 2019年11月28日 5時11分 
dont adjust your hax in DM thats auto ban hahahaha
hjung916 2019年11月28日 5時06分 
IMyourFATHER 2019年11月26日 6時00分 
Daybreak 2019年11月26日 5時44分 
wall hack
MagiC 2019年11月24日 1時11分 
nice aimlock u sad ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ virgin.
hoped you die from cancer
Been Chilin 2019年11月8日 22時56分 
hacker ggg