That One Damn Motherfucker
Aeon or Driller
[Main Username: drillerman115] [Other Known Aliases: Xbox 360 Kinect Mic, That One Damn Motherf#cker]. Feel free to friend me! Do tell me where we met and why you're adding me.

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Dead By Dayligh-Excuse me What?
5 2
Random Info that I Wanna Throw Out There

Yes I am aware that I have +8,600 hours on Crush Crush and Blush Blush, you can stop asking and teasing me about it.

The only and actual answer you'll get is "I leave it running in the background," so quit asking.


Check out my hub/group! Feel free to join if you feel awkward about sending me a friend request. I might not be able to send friend requests to everyone due to maxed out friends list, so join my hub if you want to maintain contact with me. I encourage you and others to join if y'all enjoy my presence or just want to enjoy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around.


Now to the main info...

I am the best damn medic/healer that I know out there

You'll flatter me if you praise or compliment me for my skills/abilities for healing.

Do me a favor will ya? Compliment your medic/healers mains to put a smile on their face to make their pain of carrying the team a bit more easier to bear.

I'm either the most craziest or nonsensical mother-♥♥♥♥♥♥ you've encountered, or a nice or reliable person you've seen so far. Maybe both? Who knows?

I'm a nice guy (if you aren't an ass) and that I'm an amateur at Team Fortress 2! If you want someone to play with on Dead by Daylight, hit me up and I'll see if we can make it out alive or not. I am an excellent (old) heavy and medic main.


Medic and Heavy Main

Times people accused me of hacking: 9

Times people accused me of hacking while playing heavy (part of the total above): 5


Yes, I have a ♥♥♥♥ quality mic, similar to the quality of an Xbox 360 Kinect mic. Unfortunately, I tried using an actual Xbox 360 Kinect Mic. It wouldn't fit sadly.


I Dislike Selling Myself Out Here:

My Youtube Channel

My Twitch []-
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Close to 3K Thank you again Iapyx!
Recent Activity
8,775 hrs on record
Currently In-Game
9,057 hrs on record
last played on May 21
6.8 hrs on record
last played on May 21
Radical R.A.C. May 19 @ 12:54am 
+rep good commentator
Wiggles May 18 @ 11:51pm 
+rep yur they p cool ong ong :GDNormal::GDNormal::GDNormal::GDNormal:
hiro May 18 @ 9:47pm 
Awesome Medic/Heavy/Spy!!! Great skillz!!!
JackTheRipper May 16 @ 1:27am 
thx you too:steamhappy:
Mal <3 May 15 @ 1:04am 
very based heavy :DD