¯\_(ツ)_/¯dont be toxic
4000+ hrs dbd
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Useita pelikieltoja merkitty | Tietoa
176 päivä(ä) viime kiellosta
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New Chapter
Dead by Daylight
9 939 arvostelua
Tila - Odottaa, Luonut - SeeingTriangles
i'm feeling solo!
4 184
tuntia pelattu
Gastwenter 6.12.2023 klo 1.38 
let him camp more, 4k hours in dbd allows even to cheat sometime, but he decided to just camp:steammocking:
Scretz 23.6.2021 klo 16.30 
-rep Hook camp Mcgee
Chris 23.6.2021 klo 16.29 
camping equals aids on box
Qinny 23.6.2021 klo 16.20 
-rep tunneler
tamara 23.6.2021 klo 15.57 
learn to play idiot, or delete the game pls.
send dudes 23.6.2021 klo 15.55 
actual trash killer that cannot get a kill without tunneling and facecamping -rep