
Recensioni recenti di Femuru

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123.8 ore in totale (116.6 ore al momento della recensione)
Going back on psn and im going back on my review
Pubblicata in data 3 maggio. Ultima modifica in data 7 maggio.
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37.4 ore in totale (13.0 ore al momento della recensione)
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The game feel really solid and fluid plus for a new development team I say they did a fantastic job for their what I assume is first try. Its a really simple building simulator BUT I wont say there arent any false and I hope the development can take a look at. Id say the biggest issue is the gold economy where it takes waay too long to get anything done that I end up alt tabbing alot, plus maybe a move option for buildings would be nice since its painful to destroy and re build. Otherwise everything looks like its in progress with new buildings, new events, new units, or maybe cosmetics for units just like your hero.
Pubblicata in data 4 agosto 2023.
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12.1 ore in totale
Honestly great concept, great characters, initially pretty fun but as a competitive pvp dont think its going to go well as intended. Again great game but poor choices and community is what killed it for me. Nothing was wrong with trainings but they got rid of it and replaced it with awakenings, in short imagine trainings as for example league of legend items well awakening is basically if instead of choosing your items, you get random items every game. Player are always leaving or griefing when someone makes one mistake when most of them are still learning and it just honestly ruin the vibe of the whole game. Especially in a 3v3 a single leave just impacts it way too much. Ranked is a mess but honestly anyone just jumping in dont need to worry about it but anyone who already does knows the issues.
Pubblicata in data 29 aprile 2023.
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8.7 ore in totale (3.0 ore al momento della recensione)
Its simple, its fun, its a rhythm game with hentai. Not much else to say besides im hoping there is future content seeing there are somewhat empty lots in the 2nd area and my only gripe is how much yumei jump in difficulty compared to all the rest otherwise havent had any issues or bugs.
P.S more "secret" scenes please
Pubblicata in data 27 gennaio 2023.
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18.2 ore in totale
The art is alright but not even that great and besides the event there isnt any interactive art, no voices added, but the worst sin of it all is that its a GACHA. I seen more well made gacha with better drop rates than these but in all honesty I hope the genre disappear as soon as possible.
Pubblicata in data 7 gennaio 2023.
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458.7 ore in totale (48.1 ore al momento della recensione)
Updated review after getting alot more in depth and seeing near the end of endgame before next patch review and will now weight it out bit more on my thoughts.

- Good arpg with fluid and skilled based gameplay that varies from fun mob button mashing to eventually difficult bosses/raids that can give you a challenge especially if diablo threw a phone at you

-Game gives you alot at the start letting you test every class and giving you the flashy skills to try and master so you can get a feel of the game before throwing too many hours on a character

-Good dungeons with quality cinematic that hooks you whether you saw this game years ago to seeing it fresh today but voice translation will say isnt great

-PvP has a fixed balancing so it doesnt matter how much you grind or pay because at the end it is fully reliant on skill and to me its the first time enjoying pvp in a mmo

-Just like every mmo even the big ones have a forgettable story you wanna rush through half the time which is fine but repeating the story is really the only way to level your alts, even with a powerpass they want you to pay gold to skip stories you already done, which just feed gold farmers and why you see so many bots

-You can clear everything for free but its still pay to win or as some say pay for convenience that let you pay to skip some grinding, this depends on you because some people enjoy grinding and some dont but to me it depends if the grind out weigh the fun however its obviously made to be a painful grind at times

-Honing system is basically what people hate in alot of mmo, rng to upgrade your gear. they are atleast slightly kinder by giving a percentage boost with each failure but when you seen good upgrade systems like in warframe for example that only ask you for just a large certain amount of resources then this will turn off alot of people

-Nerfing "hard" bosses when they arent really hard to begin with, the issue why people have trouble is because some bosses have very poor visual designs that clutter the screen during fights. Rather than fixing the actual issues with bosses they thought it was a better idea to just nerf bosses stats than to fix up their mechanical design.
Pubblicata in data 16 febbraio 2022. Ultima modifica in data 5 marzo 2022.
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123.0 ore in totale (49.5 ore al momento della recensione)
Just want to say I dont think its bad, its the closest to halo 3 they've ever gotten but they still to surpass it and i wish reviews went by stars so i could have gave it a more even ground review because i dont think its bad but i still want to bring up the faults it have. gameplay is somewhat solid but there are still issues such as phasing through enemies make melee fights feel horrible, stuff like the new carbine for example feels horrible to its predecessor as enemies can easily dodge all your bullet forcing you to use a burst rifle as a shotgun when you could just use an actual shotgun. also on respawn it might be common too have a few crashes.

Then the battle pass and customization is poorly implemented especially if you compare to most other battle passes you see in other games. half of the rewards are challenge swaps so basically they are telling you to grind more to make the grind slightly less painful when other games battle passes atleast give in store credit. Then you only get about 50exp per game with no bonus for winning or doing well in nearly 50 hours im only around 20 out of 100 which if you are on the free battle pass will at best give you a mediocre helmet and shoulder pads when you hit max rank. Then they took the destiny color route of preset color pallets rather than a color wheel, halo used to let you choose your color for free and now it cost money for colors you cant even really choose.

Lastly the event feels strong arm because they are basically forcing you to play by using up your challenge slots to play it which is the only way to decently earn exp. personally it doesnt feel fun because its just a melee fest when i already mentioned whats wrong with melee. the armor looks mediocre compared back to halo 3 hayabusa that actually still looked like a power suit. if anything it would of been better if they worked on stuff like forge or zombies rather than waste away with this event. i know 343 are working hard but there are some obvious issues that im going to be honest dont fully know if they can change these with microsoft breathing down their necks.
Pubblicata in data 25 novembre 2021. Ultima modifica in data 25 novembre 2021.
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2,518.8 ore in totale (2,441.4 ore al momento della recensione)
So I been gone about 1 and a half maybe 2 years and I'm somehow not surprised as to why there was so many negatives as of recent. First let's talk about nerfs and keep in mind I would usually be ok with nerfs because yes some things were over power creeped BUT the things they decided to nerf were a bunch of stuff that was barely even viable and stuff barely holding some builds/frames to even be useful AND YET they did not even nerf the stuff the stuff that has been broken for years of press 4 and forget it.

2nd of all if you're going to take something away from the players you have to give something in return however every new "mode" like railjack and whatever just felt like another gimmick mode made to speed run rather than making a solid effort on core gameplay. Give some good rewards, fix up the enemy design, actually balance some of the stuff so that i use most of the thing i grinded for instead of putting it on the back burner and only using 10% of the things that work. I said it years back and yet nothing has changed but things slowly getting worse, literally they just nerfed random stuff that only sounded broken on paper as if they haven't played the game themselves. Oh wait that was a meme years back and yet it still holds up gg.

I gave up years ago on the beautiful potential and I was right, it has the most solid loot system, it has some vast inventive combat systems, it had a intriguing story that could of built so much lore but again the disappointing parts are still too glaring.
Pubblicata in data 4 novembre 2016. Ultima modifica in data 15 settembre 2022.
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