Bun Bun
Sanity   United States
Hellos! My name is Bun Bun and I enjoy reading a ♥♥♥♥ ton. If you can't find me then I am usually on kindle unlimited/ Either way let's just say that I am an amazing anime recommendationist. <-(Don't bother I know I butchered the word) If you wanna know more about me just ask? Not like I am gonna rip your soul out or anything..
Bun Bun Nov 21, 2022 @ 11:59pm 
Update I got a job! and I am still trying to get the hang of it but I think I'll do well and I start my classes soon! for collage obviously. I hope you guys are having a good day.
Bun Bun Sep 27, 2022 @ 4:07am 
I am feeling sleepy and somewhat tired but I'll be okay. It's just another one of those meh kind of things.. just trying to get through the days.
Bun Bun Sep 1, 2022 @ 10:02pm 
I am feeling incredibly down.. I don't know just don't really feel excited or happy about things like I usually am all the time. Work has done a heavy number on me and I feel down more and more every single day but I'll be okay.
Bun Bun Jul 26, 2022 @ 7:55pm 
Update again: I am doing alright pretty much and I have a job and everything! so it has been a little wild in terms of my life but it's going okay. Hmm... I am reading a new genera for books and I must say I am excited about reading them! I've gotten more and more into reincarnation and weak - strong type of books. I mainly read these books on MTL or Wuxiaworld. (In-case you wanna read some books there) Since they do have amazing books I can recommend.
Bun Bun Jul 6, 2022 @ 2:19pm 
Update again: I am doing a lot better now and not so sick anymore. I am glad that it went away when it did and I know this is a silly update but just wanted to put it out there that I was feeling better.
Bun Bun May 24, 2022 @ 11:22pm 
Update on myself: I am sick as hell and have been for a week+ now. Mainly just coughing, headaches, and sneezing a lot but that's okay I'll get better. P.S. Love Spy x Family