Greater London, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
Life is too short, make grilled cheese, Twitch - SraikoSchnee :steamthumbsup:

:2018bestcoffee: Member of Putang Gang :2018bestcoffee:

"Liars always say the same things. "I'll believe in you. I'll protect you. I care about you." I'll never believe that again... No one will ever protect me. I won't even think about it. I'll fight alone, live alone, and die alone. I know... I've felt it on my skin and in my body... That it's better not to believe in anyone than believe and be betrayed!"

p.s. if your account is private no way are you getting accepted :flowey:

W grze
Marvel's Midnight Suns
Ostatnia aktywność
19 godz. łącznie
W grze
16,4 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 20 maja
15,7 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 17 maja
Cumil 3 maja o 12:07 
+rep positive guy
-rep deathslinger player :p
lord_tater 30 kwietnia o 8:08 
+rep goooood unknown
UlanNogebator 30 kwietnia o 8:07 
+rep great unknown
dovey 14 kwietnia o 18:00 
+rep good survivor :thehook:
Malinka 3 maja 2023 o 17:01 
+rep best killer EUNE
rat 30 kwietnia 2023 o 13:39 
+rep worst player on dbd can't even crawl right