Florence, Toscana, Italy
I am le dumb
Currently Online
Hello people of the internet! Read below!
Hee-ho howdy ho! Hi there!

I'm Jun! I'm just a random guy that spends most of his days in Apex or PAYDAY 2 (Or Halo... Or CSGO... Or Yakuza... Or even your unknown Minecraft Server. You get the point) I love writing stories in general. I specialize in writing action comedies for games and shows, and I love them.

I also specialize in character designing, as in attitudes, hairstyles, combat styles and voices. (Not outfits... My outfits tend to be bad or the color pallete tends to be meh)

I also do more stuff like:

- Music Composing (As a hobby, I'm not a pro at it.)
- Effect Designing
- Modding (Especially Yakuza, love me some Yakuza modding)
- Fighting Style Designing (In real life I practice martial arts in my spare time by myself, and I use moves and craft them into a fighting style. I even made a martial art lol.)

Some of my favorite games are:

- Shin Megami Tensei (More specifically Strange Journey, II, Digital Devil Saga and the Raidou Kuzonoha games)
- Metal Gear Rising
- Apex Legends
- Call of Duty: Black Ops II (Via Plutonium)

My most precious project is "Project Gold Era", a hack-n-slash game with Beat-Em-Up and RPG elements (Imagine Metal Gear Rising/Devil May Cry/Bayonetta gameplay, mixed with Yakuza/Like a Dragon elements, a skill tree, abilities and has a cartoonish aesthetic (Similar to Helluva Boss/Hazbin Hotel. And yes, it has some demonic stuff, but also explores along other themes like technology, souls, multiver- oops. No, Not that yet :·) P.D: Be prepared to meet a spikey boy soon, he'll give you more info.

I worked on this project since I was a mere teen and it's the one I've poured the most hours into. It has been evolving ever since into a gigantic thing and someday, once I finish my careers, I'll release it to the public.

Alongside Project Gold Era, there are other projects that I have on my personal registry that I've made, or yet to make, such as:

- Project Blackjack: Yet to be revealed...

- Project Polygon: Yet to be revealed...

- Project Amazon: Yet to be revealed...

I have more projects, but they are more secretive, so you might wanna stick around when I decide to update my bio or start doing stuff... :)

I'm online almost all the time, so I'll answer when I can.

If you enjoyed watching this story, don't forget to visit for more! Thanks, and have fun!
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0.7 hrs on record
last played on Jun 8
22 hrs on record
last played on Jun 8
0.7 hrs on record
last played on Jun 8
Duality Dec 18, 2023 @ 9:12pm 
Have you eaten?
Wii The Second Sep 7, 2023 @ 8:44pm 
you aren't fnaf fredy
NEMESISSoO Feb 5, 2023 @ 5:29pm 
toma awa
The Cake is a Lie Dec 3, 2022 @ 6:44am 
Patú May 29, 2022 @ 6:04pm 
MrWhite i think i ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ myself
Metal ~Invitine~ Mar 2, 2022 @ 12:17pm 
I bet theres plenty of ppl who are willing to help you in your endeavor into game design, just don't give up on it so easily and only take mental breaks when needed :3