:butterfly:Fourth of July - Sufjan Stevens
01:20 / 04:39⠀⠀ ⠀  ◀ ❚❚ ▶⠀     ❤ 🔊 ⇆ ☰

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‣ 鹿
‣ 单机60%+联机40%
‣ 拖延症患者 偶尔喜欢在评论区日推

‣ 常年Apex 娱乐选手 戎马半生 归来仍是菜狗
‣ 不太擅长moba类和过重于策略战争向的游戏
‣ 间歇性沉迷种田 星露谷回归中
‣ 恐游喜欢但怂 不过逃生试炼我超强!
‣ 热爱各种美术音乐出众的独立游戏

‣ 会吃安利 在兴趣范围内可以尝试(不仅限于游戏,acgn都可
‣ 喜欢给好友动态点赞 ~ 欢迎扩列

On the outside always looking in

Will I ever be more than I've always been

'Cause I'm tap tap tapping on the glass

I'm waving through a window

I try to speak but nobody can hear

So I wait around for an answer to appear

While I'm watch watch watching people pass

I'm waving through a window oh

Can anybody see is anybody waving back at me

b站: https://space.bilibili.com/6593831?spm_id_from=333.1007.0.0
茶JUN Apr 19 @ 5:53am 
茶JUN Apr 18 @ 3:51am 
鹿鹿无为 Apr 15 @ 10:57pm 
超级之羊 Apr 3 @ 12:16pm 
ʚ(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )ɞ
是新朋友耶~ 又要周末了~周末愉快~:cmwx: