official hood olympics© referee

5x gold crip walking champion

the first trapper on mars

yes im natty

my age is escalating but my game is too

therealjon_gotti397 4 Haz @ 21:03 
wait... lil seeto..? is that you??:steammocking:
bANANALOLLipop 2 Haz @ 23:02 
if i mutilate your face, would that be considered a slimy maneuver? Mild 26 May @ 20:36 
Game is game. I cannot lie. you tootsied once again all over my slides. With much reluctance and many regrets, I give to you this one last request. Take my shoes, take my slides, relinquish everything but not my pride.
therealjon_gotti397 24 Mar @ 0:57 
mad cause i crip walked on ur grandpa's grave
Poseur 23 Mar @ 9:43 
Corn white boy finna get walked down, betta go home white boy!
therealjon_gotti397 11 Mar @ 21:10 
i've been training with the highest class of crip walkers over the past year in a remote sanctuary in compton, california. my steps are as fluid as water, my rhythm as on beat as a dr dre song. i WILL win once again as I have for the past 2 years. this is my manifest destiny. it's god's will, not mine,