skill issue   United States
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Gymson ápr. 10., 16:22 
Nemesis like 100% counters blinding at a pallet, especially with enduring, I know you wanted your challenge, but there isnt really a reason to let myself get hindered at every pallet you pre drop
௵Tequila Sunset ✔ ápr. 7., 13:17 
NO, MY WIG ápr. 6., 12:55 
You terrify me
immy 2017. júl. 27., 21:34 
___███████▀◢▆▅▃              ▀▀████
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_▐ ██████▊  ℳ         ▀◥◤▀    ▲████▉ OR U'LL NEVER BE
_▊ ███████◣         ′   ℳ  ▃◢██████▐ AN ANIME PRINCESS
_ ▉ ████████◣      ▃、     ◢███▊███ 
_▉  █████████▆▃        ◢████▌ ███ 
_ ▉  ████▋████▉▀◥▅▃▃▅▇███▐██▋ ▐██ 2016. szept. 26., 18:15 
-3 i learned from ice_poseidon
IM JOO SING 2016. szept. 26., 16:23 
Whats you combat level?