a must-read "the Sword of Truth" by Goodkind. A seeker of truth we follow his reasoning. It goes beyond vanquishing a bad Lord. Love, sadism to overcome, duty, fight for humanity. advise: read the prequel after the 12th "the omen machine" for intense explanations of elements read in the series.:steamhappy:
a must-read DUNE novels. Read the main cycle, then from the House of Atreides, and the Machines trilogy ;)
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Un fermier qui en a marre d'être exploité se rend à la capitale, mais à la porte, on lui jette un rocher, il est gravement blessé. Marine sa fille, en colère, décide de rassembler 12 guerriers pour participer à la bataille du millénaire contre l'équipe du gouvernement.

Il y a une chaîne de montagnes, attention au vertige! Une chasse au crocodile dans les maréés OBSCURS m'a fait très peur, quand la bête se rapproche.
Des orbs vous donnent des stats en plus. Vous pouvez être guidé (les fléches indiquent le chemin direct pour la quête).
Des personnages bien dessinés, certains sérieux, d'autres drôles comme Jack et James, l'un porte une peau de loup et l'autre tente de séduire Marine. Il y a une féé qui se loge dans.. et un vieux qui m'a fait penser à Agecanonix. La musique est entraînante. Marine saute beaucoup, c'est drôle. Vous en aurez pour votre argent.

A farmer, fed up with high taxation, goes to the capital city to complain but, once at the gate, we throw a boulder at him, he’s badly injured and will rest at home. Marine his daughter will be upset and full of will and determination to recruit fighters for the government showdown to hope to win.
There’s a mountain rage you need rods against vertigo. You can choose to be guided (arrow shows the straight way). I was terrified during a crocodile hunt in dark swamps, it gave me goosebumps as the beast drew near.
There are 4 kinds of orbs to increase your stats. Good characters: tough guys like Hirado, Jack and James who are dummies with poor jokes whom one wears a wolf fur and the other tries to seduce Marine to no avail! A funny old man reminds Agecanonix and a fairy who’ll stand in your earring!
Entertaining music. There’s much of jumping. You’ll have for your money.
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well said, be good to a witch cos she does evil as she' was hurt
RPG Gamer Man Mar 10, 2021 @ 8:43pm 
oh i live the sword of truth. I used to own that book series..and to green angel tower. Some of my favorite books.
innercaster May 12, 2019 @ 3:14pm 
True it's an improved TM game. Much work in video, cutscenes. I'm more into 2D RPG and VN. An old cartoon TM I loved in Wendy's west saloon with the dog watching over the cash register.:steamhappy:
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