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投稿日: 2018年11月23日 13時07分
更新日: 2021年9月17日 19時10分

This game is the most horrid piece of hot garbage I have ever played. This is literally the most disgusting first person shooter to ever exist. I don't understand why I decided to buy this trash game. When I bought this game, my parents disowned me and won't let me back inside the house. Now that I have played this piece of actual garbage, I understand how much of a monstrosity this terrible game really is. No wonder my parents wont let me back in the house. I wish I could just get a refund on this eyesore of a game. But all in all, it's a pretty good game. 👍
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4 件のコメント
Duck 2020年3月25日 7時54分 
i creamed my pants
FederalSoup 2020年3月21日 18時24分 
nibba penis?
Finesse 2020年3月21日 15時52分 
Very good analysis
Puzzle 2020年3月13日 21時05分 
I agree with you my nigtard!